Author Topic: Points and descriptors UPDATED a way to scale just points independant of anno tx  (Read 4462 times)

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Hi all
   Inside land desktop we were able to control the size of point/descriptors independantly of the scale of text.
Now, with C3D I am annoyed with the fact that all my points are linked to the annotative scale. I put alot
of topos together and just wanting to know if there are any controls other than in the Point style settings
that can be invoked to scale the points without bothering the annoscale. Just curious. Thanks in advance.

Mike P

I realize that the point style is probably if not ever going to be friendly to the surveyors that us C3D.
Here is the simple way to view points in modelspace without messing up the rest of your dwg quickly.
If you have annotative text it won't change the size of existing annotative text, but your style text will
change to any change in a styled text. Since the points are in styled text this is a easy way to flip back
and forth. I had to update this as I was wrong about the style text changes. This is faster though
than screwing around with the style, but allows to flip back and forth using a stored view at the scale desired.

1. First, set a dimscale and annoscale the same say 100.0
2. In modelspace use the 'view' command go to the model on the left side of the dialog box and then make a new view to say 100.0 and apply and exit.
3. Then, in modelspace change your annoscale to say maybe 5 scale with your points on that you want and the points will scale down without the rest so you can connect the dots as you need easily. When done just go to view and recall the view saved. No messing with point styles.

This is simple and something I hope helps others who want to view points smaller at will.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2009, 01:40:13 PM by Mark Thomas »


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You can scale points with Desc Keys, but that's usually used to do things like scale a TREE symbol based on the diameter of the tree, etc.

Other than that, you're pretty much stuck with the Styles.  However, C3D labels and points actually scale with the Drawing Scale or VP Scale, and not with the Annotation Scale, so sometimes you can tweak that by modifying the Drawing Scale or VP ZOOM factor and CANNOSCALE directly.  Usually not in any particularly useful way, though...

Around here, we have a couple of different "standard" sizes for point labels, and depending on the situation and current needs, we use either the bigger ones or the smaller ones.  Then, I will also use the "Annotation scale" selector in the status bar to change the scale as needed.  (Note that the "Annotation Scale" selector at the bottom of the screen actually changes BOTH the Annotation Scale and the Drawing/Viewport Scale, which is why C3D elements change with it.  C3D elements are controlled by the Drawing or Viewport Scale, depending on whether you are in modelspace or paperspace.)  So while working on a topo, I might flip that temporarily down to 1" = 10', or even 1" = 1' on occasion.  Then I can read all the labels without dinking around.

Not the answer you are looking for, I'm sure...   :-P


  • Guest
You can scale points with Desc Keys, but that's usually used to do things like scale a TREE symbol based on the diameter of the tree, etc.

Other than that, you're pretty much stuck with the Styles.  However, C3D labels and points actually scale with the Drawing Scale or VP Scale, and not with the Annotation Scale, so sometimes you can tweak that by modifying the Drawing Scale or VP ZOOM factor and CANNOSCALE directly.  Usually not in any particularly useful way, though...

Around here, we have a couple of different "standard" sizes for point labels, and depending on the situation and current needs, we use either the bigger ones or the smaller ones.  Then, I will also use the "Annotation scale" selector in the status bar to change the scale as needed.  (Note that the "Annotation Scale" selector at the bottom of the screen actually changes BOTH the Annotation Scale and the Drawing/Viewport Scale, which is why C3D elements change with it.  C3D elements are controlled by the Drawing or Viewport Scale, depending on whether you are in modelspace or paperspace.)  So while working on a topo, I might flip that temporarily down to 1" = 10', or even 1" = 1' on occasion.  Then I can read all the labels without dinking around.

Not the answer you are looking for, I'm sure...   :-P

I thought that was the case and will try the large / small thing in styles and it should help. I miss the LDD way thought much more handy for the topo cad guys like me when I wear that hat. Thanks for the perspective. Maybe in C3D 2010... LOL.



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This is part of the reason why all of our Point Label Styles are defined with everything on Layer 0.  This lets us use either the Point Style or the Point Layer, depending on the type of point, to control the "apparent" layer of the Point Label.

I cover some of this stuff here:


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
  • Every Student their own Lesson
Hi all
   Inside land desktop we were able to control the size of point/descriptors independantly of the scale of text.
Now, with C3D I am annoyed with the fact that all my points are linked to the annotative scale. I put alot
of topos together and just wanting to know if there are any controls other than in the Point style settings
that can be invoked to scale the points without bothering the annoscale. Just curious. Thanks in advance.

Mike P

Sure your styles could be set such that the text they use is NOT defined as an annotative text style.
Then you will be setting the text size manualy for those styles that you do not want to be annotative.
It's a STYLE thing in C3D, and one must stop trying to use Land Desktop methodes, because in most cases there is no anologous funtion in C3D to the way 'we used to do it' in Land Desktop.
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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Sure your styles could be set such that the text they use is NOT defined as an annotative text style.
Then you will be setting the text size manualy for those styles that you do not want to be annotative.

Michael, I can't follow what you're saying here, so I suspect it may be even more confusing to others....  What exactly are you saying?

Your statement confuses me because Civil 3D labels do their own text scaling, and do not use Annotative Text Styles.  Autodesk probably needs to reconcile C3D Labels and the Annotation Scale, but since C3D labels predate the Annotation Scale in the core product, they are independent of the Annotative Scale.  I setup all my C3D styles so that they do not use Annotative Text Scales, but in the little testing I did, if you use an Annotative Text Scale in a C3D Label, it seemed to be treated exactly like a normal Text Style with height=0.  C3D Labels seem to completely ignore the Annotative part.

The problem with Point Label Styles is that these styles do not seem to include an option to use a fixed scale, and no matter what, they will ALWAYS scale with the Drawing Scale or Viewport Scale.  Or if there's a way to get them to display at a fixed scale, I have been unable to find it.


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
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The poster is asking about both points, and decriptions.

The points  marker(symbols) are easily disconnected from the annotation scale. Either in their definition at a fixed scale or in the description Key set.

The point Labels however are going to require a(n) expression to scale the text to the desired size.
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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Again, Michael, I think you should be careful about terminology...  Point Markers (along with every other type of C3D label) are NEVER associated with the Annotative Scale.  They probably should be, but they aren't.  They can only be set to scale with Drawing Scale/Viewport Scale, or to use a fixed scale, or to use an absolute height.

This has been confusing an awful lot of people.  When changing the "Annotation Scale" pop-up in the Status bar, it actually changes BOTH the Annotation Scale and the Drawing or Viewport scale (depending on whether you are in modelspace or paperspace).  This gives people the impression that the Annotation Scale is changing Point Markers and Labels, but it is not.  All C3D elements are actually scaling ONLY to the Drawing Scale (in modelspace) or the Viewport scale (in paperspace).


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
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I think I am clear on what the person was asking, Point Makers, and Symbols seemed to be his request.
Not point Label Styles.
Hi all
   Inside land desktop we were able to control the size of point/descriptors independantly of the scale of text.
However note in the attached, I the two viewports are at differnt scales, and annoscales and yet the text is still the same size in each.

Or I can have them each have different sizes.

In this case we do have similar functionality as what he desires:
Different sized sysbols, and markers, than the text.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2009, 07:51:41 PM by mjfarrell »
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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I think I am clear on what the person was asking, Point Makers, and Symbols seemed to be his request.
Not point Label Styles.
In this case we do have similar functionality as what he desires:
Different sized sysbols, and markers, than the text.

Interesting.  I thought the OP was asking how to set a Point Label to a fixed text size that did not react to scale changes...  Guess we read the question differently.


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
  • Every Student their own Lesson

Interesting.  I thought the OP was asking how to set a Point Label to a fixed text size that did not react to scale changes...  Guess we read the question differently.

Either way he has an answer!
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


  • Guest
I think I am clear on what the person was asking, Point Makers, and Symbols seemed to be his request.
Not point Label Styles.
Hi all
   Inside land desktop we were able to control the size of point/descriptors independantly of the scale of text.
However note in the attached, I the two viewports are at differnt scales, and annoscales and yet the text is still the same size in each.

Or I can have them each have different sizes.

In this case we do have similar functionality as what he desires:
Different sized sysbols, and markers, than the text.

My question was how to control the point no./elev/descriptor text NOT the symbol. That ought to clear this up on what I would like to learn. I want to fix the label text. I don't care about the symbol changing size. I didn't understand the answer with Mike F with the idea about the expression. What is that expression you are referring to.

Mike P
« Last Edit: January 12, 2009, 07:59:51 AM by doggarncity »


  • Seagull
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Expressions are a unique function with C3D that allows the user to extract; or leverage information about an object, perform mathematical operations on it (expressions of the form f of X), and then format the resultant for use within label properties.  One finds them under the label settings for most all C3D objects.  In this instance the user will want to create an expression to use in place of the text size variable within the label to scale the text, although on consideration this task is best done using a text style within the label that is 'annotative' with the text size set as desired for your particular use.  Reason being this wont be the only map of this type that you plot at this scale.  So go ahead and set up the style, and start adding to your C3D template (so you can make people follow a set of standards).
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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Now you're losing me again.  Why do you keep saying to use a text style that's Annotative?  As far as I can tell, that has no effect in C3D labels.

Annotative Text Styles in C3D labels don't seem to cause any problems (I don't think), but they also do not behave in an Annotative manner.  The C3D label treats the text style as if it was a standard text style with height = 0, and labels with Annotative text styles scale the same way as C3D label with normal text styles, according to the Drawing/Viewport scale (and NOT the Annotative scale).


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
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Exactly, the label style is going to control. However the experiments I ran <and there are some issues> so that if one creates an expression for use in the text size variable of the label they can exhibit the 'non' annotative behavior I posted in that other image.

>>runs off to lab to run one more experiment<<
Be your Best

Michael Farrell