Author Topic: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?  (Read 32888 times)

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #75 on: September 05, 2008, 09:26:43 AM »
Are you storing projects,  individual files , code snippets or D?

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #76 on: September 05, 2008, 09:34:32 AM »

Projects. Basically I am planning on taking all my projects and importing them to the repos - didn't realise how many I actually had...damn...

At this point in time, I've installed tortoisesvn and created a repos to which I've added a half dozen or so projects to test and play about with. This has been working fine for the last day or 2 with the tortoise.

I now have additionally installed AnkhSVN for Visual Studio 2008 and was able to 'check out' to a working folder the projects I had imported using the tortoise.

I will keep playing...

It's Alive!

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #77 on: September 05, 2008, 11:25:42 AM »
D = all of the above   :laugh:
I’ll need to tryout this AnkhSVN

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #78 on: September 05, 2008, 11:29:59 AM »
D...should've guessed.

I'm liking it...I'm liking it a lot.


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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #79 on: September 05, 2008, 07:39:10 PM »
For reference:

and *cough*aMercurialBook*cough*

Also: HG has an add-in for visual studio 2008

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #80 on: September 06, 2008, 04:39:37 AM »
Think I will be sticking with TortoiseSVN and Ankh, especially as Microsoft is helping Ankh along a bit, to create a tighly integrated SCC for Visual Studio.

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #81 on: September 06, 2008, 07:00:19 AM »
I am reading that book link now though, for a better understanding of the 'distributed' model.

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #82 on: September 06, 2008, 07:33:36 AM »
Just hit the page in the Mercurial book where it started talking linux command line, so I've given up reading :)


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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #83 on: September 06, 2008, 02:13:22 PM »
I have yet to understand why so many people are turned off by the command line. GUI tools are nice sometimes but the command line is so much more powerful. I like knowing I can commit to my source control software without my hands leaving the keyboard. It's even easier when I use vim :!hg commit -m "whatever"

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #84 on: September 06, 2008, 02:26:03 PM »
I'm a big fan of the command line and can mix it up with the best on the OS shell. However, having said that, I've never understood why so many people, on Windows, would even choose to use the command line.

If you're into linux and whatever, good for you. I however, am not. I prefer the GUI interface hands down as do most.

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #85 on: September 06, 2008, 02:35:50 PM »
Seriously, I, like most, have enough to keep up with and learn, without having to learn another arcane command line syntax. If I can right-click in a GUI and have that done for me, all the better in my opinion.


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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #86 on: September 06, 2008, 02:51:57 PM »
I'm most productive when I have both hands on the keyboard, regardless of operating system. I know exactly what I want to do and where I want to be so why hunt around through menus with a mouse when I can type it a heck of a lot faster, especially using tab completion. Couple that with the added ability to pipe command line tool output to files and you have a win in my book.

To each his own though. I guess it's kind of like people with AutoCAD. Some enter 95% of their commands via the command console and do everything via menus.

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #87 on: September 06, 2008, 03:08:29 PM »
For the record, I'm an AutoCAD command line junkie from way back - still the fastest way to drive it.


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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #88 on: September 06, 2008, 03:13:38 PM »
Seriously, I, like most, have enough to keep up with and learn, without having to learn another arcane command line syntax. If I can right-click in a GUI and have that done for me, all the better in my opinion.
I hope you're not taking any of this as an attempt by me to bust your balls as that isn't the case. I'm just trying to get an understanding as to why people are turned off by the command line. The reason you gave above is a good one and I can certainly accept that reasoning.

I just know, for me, that the command line is far more productive as already know what I want to do so to type it is faster then hunting around for "commit" in a menu. Like you, and most, I have a lot to keep up with and learn and to be honest with you I have a terrible memory. I always rely on the verbiage provided by entering the command with no arguments to guide me along. (See attached screenshot).

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #89 on: September 06, 2008, 03:50:46 PM »
I hope you're not taking any of this as an attempt by me to bust your balls as that isn't the case.

Relax mate - not at all...I'm Australian, so that probably helps, to some degree ;)'s all water off a black duck's back.

Seriously though, we've had our differnces in the past and will continue to do so in the future I'm sure - but that's what these forums are for at the end of day, in my opinion. BTW, I'm with you on the terrible memory bit...'know I've done that before, but where did I stuff it'...

Which, to me, is the crux of this thread. I've 'been aware' of version control systems for quite a few years, however, until recently, I haven't reached that 'critical mass', which makes you take a serious look at the systems/offerings. Having said that, I have looked at these in the past, but they seemed 'too difficult', especially for a lone developer like myself, to set up and get comfortable with.

With the passage of time though, we're now starting to see some REALLY good tools in this space and for me, this thread is very timely (I missed Mark's thread in '05).