Author Topic: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?  (Read 34209 times)

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Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #105 on: September 08, 2008, 02:47:36 AM »
One of the earlier posts from Glenn "this one's not free"

Not I...

I would only use an app like that if it were free. That one is not. (once the evaluation period has ended)


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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #106 on: September 08, 2008, 04:04:41 AM »
Sorry Glenn. :oops:

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #107 on: September 08, 2008, 09:07:02 AM »
No worries mate.

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #108 on: September 08, 2008, 09:08:21 AM »
Good article on setting up an SVN server:

Hack Attack: How to set up a personal home Subversion server

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #109 on: September 08, 2008, 09:09:43 AM »
...followed by another good article, from the same author, on using TSVN:

Hack Attack: Using Subversion with TortoiseSVN

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #110 on: September 08, 2008, 09:34:20 AM »
*thinking out loud*
o  Does the language in the different projects really matter?

I wouldn't have thought so...

o  For that matter, does the types of files (being able to diff them aside) really matter?

Again, I would think not. I have seen in my searches some Word Doc Diff scripts...

o  Can having all your chicks in one basket (so to speak) be a bad idea (corruption/loss)?

Hmmm...maybe, but with good backups, who knows...

o  Can having mulitiple versions of mulitiple repositories be a bad thing (USB version older
    then both work and home, but home is older then work version...)?

In the USB scenario, this wouldn't happen, as your only repository (or set of repositories), would be on the USB stick, with 'Working Copies' only on the work and home boxes, with these being checked into and out of the USB least this is how I would do it.

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #111 on: September 09, 2008, 06:30:31 AM »
A couple of tweaks for TortoiseSVN - the global ignore pattern is very handy so unwanted files do not make it into your repository.

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #112 on: September 11, 2008, 04:15:40 PM »
Oi! Chuck!

I would like to look over that DVB exporterator...send me a PM.

Also, in the year of use with your USB repos, any hangups/disasters? Have you branched and then merged etc? If so, how did it go blah blah...


Chuck Gabriel

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #113 on: September 11, 2008, 04:36:13 PM »
Haven't had any trouble that I can recall, but then my use has been very simplistic.  For instance, to answer your question, I have not ever branched and then merged.

I'll get that PM to you momentarily.

Hmm.  I must be a little thick.  I couldn't figure out how to add an attachment to a PM.

Anyway here is the dvb.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 04:41:21 PM by Chuck Gabriel »

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #114 on: September 11, 2008, 04:41:07 PM »
Thanks Chuck.


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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #115 on: September 11, 2008, 07:36:50 PM »
Oi! Chuck!

I would like to look over that DVB exporterator...send me a PM.

Also, in the year of use with your USB repos, any hangups/disasters? Have you branched and then merged etc? If so, how did it go blah blah...

I've never attempted it but from what I understand branching and merging in subversion is painful, well merging a branch is at least. If you have time peruse these google results.

For the record branching and merging in HG is painless since every copy is essentially a branch. Just thought I'd throw that in there. :)

Glenn R

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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #116 on: September 12, 2008, 05:16:35 PM »
<Tips the hat to Bob Wahr, as I don his used, but obviously effective fire retardant suit> ;)

I've never attempted it but from what I understand branching and merging in subversion is painful, well merging a branch is at least. If you have time peruse these google results.

Your Google search keywords show your bias there. From my searching, this was certainly the case in SVN versions prior to 1.5.X (which added merge history), but most of those articles in your Google search are either 2 or more years old, or referring to versions prior to SVN 1.5.X.

For the record branching and merging in HG is painless since every copy is essentially a branch. Just thought I'd throw that in there. :)

I did read this from the link you posted earlier to the Mercurial Docs. It mentioned that EVERYTHING in Mercurial is essentially a 'fork'. It also goes on to say, that Mercurial is VERY good at merging, so this shouldn't be a problem.

I then took a leaf out of your book and punched into Google 'Mercurial merge sucks' and hit some interesting articles. Some comments I found, were saying that as recently as early 2007, Mercurial's 'merge', which it relies upon, was 100% wrong...go figure. I will keep searching for more opinions.

There's probably a very good reason why SourceForge and a little company called Google uses SVN, but I will find that out for myself.

Bring it.  :evil:


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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #117 on: September 12, 2008, 10:39:41 PM »
Touché. I didn't know that the latest version of subversion had improved merging support in it's latest version. I submit defeat (on the condition that it's actually good (which I won't know until I actually test it)). I don't use subversion for anything anymore other than downloading code and interacting with Google code.

For the record the Google search results link I posted was a poor example, and I apologize, it was done in haste. Those links aren't were I had read that subversion merging sucks. Most likely I had read about it in my visits to reddit's programming section which is a good daily visit for those just interesting in programming. It's not language specific but it's clear there are some favorites. Either way it's a good daily read to keep up with the cool stuff people are doing. Bah, I'm getting off topic.

I think sourceforge and Google code (not Google, they use perforce) chose svn because at the time it was the most popular thing out there. It seems like a lot of open source projects I'm coming across now are either putting out mercurial or git repositories.

I stick by my guns with the choice of the distributed model and my choice of mercurial. It has all the features of subversion plus some, so it's like a better subversion.

If you're ever bored take a look at Linus Torvalds' tech talk at Google. It gives a good background of the benefits of the distributed model. Edit: Not really relevant to a single developer but it's still a good watch.


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Re: Anybody use an application to store/organise their code snippets?
« Reply #118 on: December 01, 2009, 11:06:37 AM »
I would only use an app like that if it were free. That one is not. (once the evaluation period has ended)
Having been pointed back here from this post.

Looks like they now have a free version: -

Will it help me? I'm not entirely sure.