Author Topic: I Wan't to play around with an "AutoCAD Clone". Which one should I pick?  (Read 12951 times)

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Re: I Wan't to play around with an "AutoCAD Clone". Which one should I pick?
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2024, 02:57:44 AM »
Who is CadMate? Are they intellicad or ODA?


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Re: I Wan't to play around with an "AutoCAD Clone". Which one should I pick?
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2024, 03:07:11 PM »
I'm seeing lots of evidence of guerilla marketing here. Also what would either be misinformation or outdated information. For example: DraftSight DOES have 3D capabilities (if you buy the right version but that should go without saying). FWIW here's what I tried:

The ones I've tested extensively:

One's I've used just a bit:
NanoCAD (practically a different category).

The next one I want to try is Draftsight. They seem to have the least amount of BS mixed into their marketing.

Out of the stuff I've tried extensively, GstarCAD was the best overall. I had random issues with it. They seem to have fiddled with the AutoLISP API as well last time around. They also have some BS going on with their VS Code plugin: It's the only one I couldn't get to work, appears to be piggy-backing off AutoCAD/AutoDesk's, and they decided to waste my time instead of addressing the issue; other than that it was pretty good actually! I'll mention that the latest version felt bloated. Previous versions used to load super fast.

ZWCAD was good but just seemed a little expensive. It was missing some of the features I needed. It also had annoying but non-deal-breaking bugs. I had them written down but nobody ever cares.

BricsCAD: Well... since some of the helpful people here like this program I will hold back (I've also posted about this before anyways). If it worked as well as advertised I would have been able to start my side business two years earlier than I did. I would caution those who recommend the program to think about the consequences of using something that doesn't work like it's supposed to. And for those who believe in the company, maybe you should organize and make an effort to turn things around.

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Re: I Wan't to play around with an "AutoCAD Clone". Which one should I pick?
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2024, 08:42:55 AM »
Didn’t see CadMate listed on ODA or the Intellicad’s site.  CadMate has GStar’s navecube… maybe it’s OEM