Author Topic: Is there a way to re-order custom Lookup Tables in Dynamic blocks?  (Read 9071 times)

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  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 2
I want to re-order my custom lookup tables in a block I created so they are in logical order. Re-creating the block with the tables in a different order would take too long, as I have way too many tables with lots of information in each lookup table, so redoing the block would take me forever.  And I'm not talking about the Attribute order, this I know about. These are not Attributes.

Screen shot of block menu below: After having created my block with lookup tables I decided I needed to add additional lookups (for counting/data extraction). As you can see it would flow better if the "Inside Corner Count" lookup was right below the "Inside Corner Trim" lookup, not at the bottom of the list.

Yes, I know you're going to say "Why didn't you plan better or put it there when you made the block?"... Because I didn't know I needed these add'l lookups at time of creation and I'm always adding more.

So, any way to re-order Lookup tables??  I can't find anything online.

Thank you for any help or just ideas/thoughts in general.


  • Gator
  • Posts: 3328
  • Marko Ribar, architect
Re: Is there a way to re-order custom Lookup Tables in Dynamic blocks?
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2020, 12:54:50 PM »
Difficult, but I suppose it's possible, perhaps through .NET... But in fact I won't suggest anything that you want to achieve, IMHO I think that this operation only is for cosmetic purposes and it'll take more time to write solution, then for your final goal (gathering data in correct order) - if you need to extract data, you can sort it upon finished extraction or even by setting correct order prior to extraction - this is what I think is more likely you need, but we'll see what others have to say and if there is already ready procedure for your request exactly the way you want...
Marko Ribar, d.i.a. (graduated engineer of architecture)


M.R. on Youtube


  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 2
Re: Is there a way to re-order custom Lookup Tables in Dynamic blocks?
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2020, 01:07:48 PM »
Difficult, but I suppose it's possible, perhaps through .NET... But in fact I won't suggest anything that you want to achieve, IMHO I think that this operation only is for cosmetic purposes and it'll take more time to write solution, then for your final goal (gathering data in correct order) - if you need to extract data, you can sort it upon finished extraction or even by setting correct order prior to extraction - this is what I think is more likely you need, but we'll see what others have to say and if there is already ready procedure for your request exactly the way you want...

Yes, purely cosmetic and ease/flow of data input.
As far as data extraction, yes I have already created a .dxe template with the re-arranged tables/formula columns to appear in the proper order on the back end.
I'm not very optimistic there will be a simply solution, or one at all though, hah... but one can always hope!