Author Topic: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)  (Read 35780 times)

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  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1569
  • Moscow (Russia)
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #30 on: June 20, 2012, 08:12:25 AM »
optimization for repetitive elements:

Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (defun eea-sort (l / f)
  2.   (defun f (a b c i)
  3.     (cond ((not c) (append (eea-sort a) i (eea-sort b)))
  4.           ((< (car c) (car i)) (f (cons (car c) a) b (cdr c) i))
  5.           ((= (car c) (car i)) (f a b (cdr c) (cons (car c) i)))
  6.           ((f a (cons (car c) b) (cdr c) i))
  7.     )
  8.   )
  9.   (if l (f nil nil (cdr l) (list (car l))))
  10. )
Code: [Select]
(eea-sort '(3 43 2 35 23 4 3 3 53 21 32 123 12))


  • Needs a day job
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Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #31 on: June 20, 2012, 08:30:40 AM »
optimization for repetitive elements:
Civil 3D 2019 ~ Windohz 7 64bit


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 415
  • Later equals never.
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #32 on: June 20, 2012, 08:35:33 AM »
optimization for repetitive elements:

Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (defun eea-sort (l / f)
  2.   (defun f (a b c i)
  3.     (cond ((not c) (append (eea-sort a) i (eea-sort b)))
  4.           ((< (car c) (car i)) (f (cons (car c) a) b (cdr c) i))
  5.           ((= (car c) (car i)) (f a b (cdr c) (cons (car c) i)))
  6.           ((f a (cons (car c) b) (cdr c) i))
  7.     )
  8.   )
  9.   (if l (f nil nil (cdr l) (list (car l))))
  10. )
Code: [Select]
(eea-sort '(3 43 2 35 23 4 3 3 53 21 32 123 12))

Hard error occurred ***
internal stack limit reached (simulated)

Maybe too many recursions
I am a bilingualist,Chinese and Chinglish.


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 415
  • Later equals never.
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #33 on: June 20, 2012, 08:36:36 AM »
This is for test:
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (defun c:test (/ N L)
  2.   (initget 7)
  3.   (setq N (fix (getreal "\n&#35831;&#36755;&#20837;&#25968;&#32452;&#30340;&#38271;&#24230;(Please Enter the number of list):")))
  4.   (setq L (GetRandList 0 N N))
  6.   (benchMark '(Msort L) "MyMergesort" 10)              ;--highflybird's
  7.   (benchMark '(QuickSort L) "QuickSort" 10)             ;--gile's
  8.   (benchMark '(MergeSort L) "MergeSort" 10)           ;--gile's
  9.   (benchMark '(eea-sort L) "EEA-Sort" 10)                ;-- ElpanovEvgeniy's
  10.   (benchMark '(vl-sort L '<) "vl-sort" 10)
  11. )
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. ;;;============================================================
  2. ;;;&#27979;&#35797;&#29992;&#20989;&#25968;(benchMark function)                              
  3. ;;;============================================================
  4. (defun Benchmark (func funName times / t0 t1 res)
  5.   (setq t0 (getvar "TDUSRTIMER"))
  6.   (repeat times
  7.     (setq res (eval func))
  8.   )
  9.   (setq t1 (* (- (getvar "TDUSRTIMER") t0) 86400))
  11.   (princ (strcat "\n\nIt takes: " (rtos t1 2 6) " Seconds  by  " funName))
  12.   (princ (strcat ".\nTotal times: " (itoa times)))
  13.   (princ (strcat ".\nSpeed is: " (rtos (/ t1 times) 2 6) " Seconds/times."))
  14.   ;(princ "\nThe result is: ")
  15.   ;(princ res)
  16. )
  19. ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. ;;;Definine Rand()              
  21. ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. (defun GetRandList(a b n / str scr lst)
  23.   (setq scr (vlax-create-object "ScriptControl"))                       ;Create a script
  24.   (vlax-put scr 'Language "VBS")
  25.   (setq str "Randomize\nFunction Rand(x,y)\nRand=x+Rnd*(y-x)\nEnd Function")
  26.                                                                         ;for randomize some features
  27.   (vlax-invoke Scr 'ExecuteStatement str)                               ;Execute script
  28.   (defun Rand (scr nMin nMax)                                           ;Rand function
  29.     (vlax-invoke scr 'run "Rand" nMin nMax)
  30.   )
  31.   (repeat n
  32.     (setq lst (cons (rand scr a b) lst))
  33.   )
  34.   lst
  35. )
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 08:56:20 AM by HighflyingBird »
I am a bilingualist,Chinese and Chinglish.


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1569
  • Moscow (Russia)
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #34 on: June 20, 2012, 08:41:24 AM »
optimization for repetitive elements:

Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (defun eea-sort (l / f)
  2.   (defun f (a b c i)
  3.     (cond ((not c) (append (eea-sort a) i (eea-sort b)))
  4.           ((< (car c) (car i)) (f (cons (car c) a) b (cdr c) i))
  5.           ((= (car c) (car i)) (f a b (cdr c) (cons (car c) i)))
  6.           ((f a (cons (car c) b) (cdr c) i))
  7.     )
  8.   )
  9.   (if l (f nil nil (cdr l) (list (car l))))
  10. )
Code: [Select]
(eea-sort '(3 43 2 35 23 4 3 3 53 21 32 123 12))

Hard error occurred ***
internal stack limit reached (simulated)

Maybe too many recursions

recursion is not the best approach for large lists...
maybe my computer is a little stronger  :-)


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 415
  • Later equals never.
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #35 on: June 20, 2012, 08:46:52 AM »
recursion is not the best approach for large lists...
maybe my computer is a little stronger  :-)

Yes,I am working on an old machine. :oops:
I am a bilingualist,Chinese and Chinglish.


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1569
  • Moscow (Russia)
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2012, 10:06:01 AM »
new version:
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (defun eea-sort-1 (l)
  2.   (defun m (l) (apply (function min) l))
  3.   (defun r (l i) (if (and l (/= (car l) i)) (cons (car l) (r (cdr l) i)) (cdr l)))
  4.   (defun f (l / a) (setq a (m l)) (if l  (cons a (f (r l a)))))
  5.   (f l)
  6. )
« Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 10:11:17 AM by ElpanovEvgeniy »


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1569
  • Moscow (Russia)
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #37 on: June 22, 2012, 10:41:38 AM »
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (defun eea-sort-2 (l)
  2.   (defun r (l i) (if (and l (/= (car l) i)) (cons (car l) (r (cdr l) i)) (cdr l)))
  3.   (defun f (l / a) (if l (cons (setq a (apply (function min) l)) (f (r l a)))))
  4.   (f l)
  5. )


  • Newt
  • Posts: 90
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-ssk ort not allowed)
« Reply #38 on: June 22, 2012, 09:46:17 PM »
This one is from Vladimir Nesterovsky, an old contributor to the Autodesk Group:
Code: [Select]
;;;         Mergesort.lsp
;;;  free for non-commercial use only
;;;   1999 (C.) Vladimir Nesterovsky

;;; sort a list by standard mergesort method
;;; using a user-specified comparison function
;;; which should return true if and only if its
;;; first argument is strictly less than the
;;; second (in some appropriate sense).

;;; also, define a wrapper function that'll allow
;;; for sorting by user-supplied "value function",
;;; which is a function of one argument returning
;;; some "value" recognizable by the built-in '<
;;; operator. Sorting in this way can be much much
;;; faster then the usual way of calling the
;;; comparison function for each compare, because
;;; this potentially slow and heavy value-function
;;; gets called only ONCE for each element, and later
;;; all the compares are done with very fast and
;;; efficient built-in '< calls

;;; keeping original order of equal elements
;;; in the list (what's called "stable sort")

;;; uses recursion, so potentially unsafe

;;; more code is inlined to speed up the end cases
;;; handling, like 2-, 3- or 4-elements lists,
;;; also reducing the amount of recursion,
;;; which amounts to some 45% speed gain

(defun mergesort (lst less-then?)
 ;; is it the fastest autolisp version?
 (setq less-then? (make-usubr less-then?))
 (_mrgsrt lst))

(defun make-usubr (f)
  ((and (not (atom f))
        (not (equal 'LAMBDA (car f))))
     (eval (cons 'LAMBDA f)))
  ((eval f))))

(defun _mrgsrt (ls / len a b c d l1)
  ((< (setq len (length ls)) 2)
    ;; one-element or empty list
  ((= len 2)
    ;; 26% speed gain for 10-elems list, 18% for 250
    ;; when this special case inlined
    (if (less-then? (cadr ls) (car ls))
      (reverse ls)
  ((= len 3)
    ;; more 10% speed gain
    (if (less-then? (cadr ls) (car ls))
        ((less-then? (caddr ls) (cadr ls))
          (reverse ls))
        ((less-then? (caddr ls) (car ls))
          (list (cadr ls) (caddr ls) (car ls)))
        ((list (cadr ls) (car ls) (caddr ls))))
        ((less-then? (caddr ls) (car ls))
          (list (caddr ls) (car ls) (cadr ls)))
        ((less-then? (caddr ls) (cadr ls))
          (list (car ls) (caddr ls) (cadr ls)))
        ( ls ))))
  ((= len 4)
    ;; another 15% speed gain for 4*2^n initial lengths
    ;; (no impact on 3*2^n cases)
    (if (less-then? (cadr ls) (car ls))
      (setq a (cadr ls) b (car ls))
      (setq b (cadr ls) a (car ls)))
    (if (less-then? (last ls) (caddr ls))
      (setq c (last ls) d (caddr ls))
      (setq d (last ls) c (caddr ls)))
      ((less-then? d a)
        (list c d a b))
      ((less-then? d b)
        (if (less-then? c a)
          (list c a d b)
          (list a c d b)))
          ((less-then? c a)
            (list c a b d))
          ((less-then? c b)
            (list a c b d))
          ((list a b c d))))))
  ( t
    ;; general case
    (repeat (/ len 2)
      (setq l1 (cons (car ls) l1)
            ls (cdr ls)))
      (_mrgsrt (reverse l1))
      (_mrgsrt ls)))))

;;; merge two sorted lists in a stable manner
;;; less-then? usubr assumed to be defined globally
;;; may be used independently when needed
(defun _mrgsrt-merge (l1 l2 / rslt)
    (while (and l1 l2)     ;merge the sorted halves back
      (while (and l1 l2
               (not (less-then? (car l2) (car l1))))
        (setq rslt (cons (car l1) rslt)
               l1  (cdr l1)))
      (while (and l1 l2
               (less-then? (car l2) (car l1)))
        (setq rslt (cons (car l2) rslt)
               l2  (cdr l2))) )
    (foreach e l1 (Setq rslt (cons e rslt)))
    (foreach e l2 (Setq rslt (cons e rslt)))
    (reverse rslt))

;;; sort by Value function
;;;  (it's generally much faster then sorting
;;;   by compare-function because potentially
;;;   slow value-function will be called only
;;;   once for each element here)
;;; Value function is such that excepts one
;;;  argument and returns an atomic value
;;;  for which calling '< is meaningful
;;;  (numbers usually, but may be strings too).
(defun Vmergesort (lst valfun)
 (setq valfun (make-usubr valfun))
 (mapcar 'cdr
   (mapcar '(lambda (e)      ;calculate results
              (cons (valfun e) e)) ; in advance
            lst)             ;store them and
   car-less?)))              ;sort by comparing CARs

(defun car-less? (a b)
 (< (car a) (car b)))

;;; one possible efficiency improvement can be
;;; to implement a special version of vmergesort
;;; hand-coded to sort its argument list elements
;;; by their CARs and also automatically strip them
;;; away with CDRs while merging half-lists back

(princ "\n   Usage: (MERGESORT list compare-function) ")
(princ "\n   Or better: (VMERGESORT list value-function)")


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 320
  • The most I miss IRL is the Undo button
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2012, 01:42:07 PM »
My first release
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (defun ph:sort (l / f g s r)
  2.   (defun f (l n)
  3.     (if l
  4.       (if (<= n (caar l))
  5.         (cons (cons n (car l)) (cdr l))
  6.         (cons (car l) (f (cdr l) n))
  7.       )
  8.       (list (list n))
  9.     )
  10.   )
  11.   (defun g (l1 l2)
  12.     (if l1
  13.       (if l2
  14.         (if (< (car l1) (car l2))
  15.           (cons (car l1) (g (cdr l1) l2))
  16.           (cons (car l2) (g l1 (cdr l2)))
  17.         )
  18.         l1
  19.       )
  20.       l2
  21.     )
  22.   )
  23.   (foreach n l (setq s (f s n)))
  24.   (foreach n s (setq r (g r n)))
  25. )


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 320
  • The most I miss IRL is the Undo button
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #40 on: June 23, 2012, 02:20:58 PM »
Crap... nothing new...
It could be
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (defun ph:sort1 (l / f r)
  2.   (defun f (l n)
  3.     (if l
  4.       (if (<= n (car l))
  5.         (cons n l)
  6.         (cons (car l) (f (cdr l) n))
  7.         )
  8.       (list n)
  9.       )
  10.     )
  11.   (foreach n l (setq r (f r n)))
  12.   )
which is nothing more than a direct approach...


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 415
  • Later equals never.
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #41 on: June 24, 2012, 07:23:35 AM »
My quick sort :
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. ;;;=============================================================
  2. ;;;Highflybird's  Quick Sorting algorithm -- 1                  
  3. ;;;Considered this case: a sorted list.                        
  4. ;;;If the list is random,just a little slower than Quick Sort 2
  5. ;;;but the list is sorted,then is much faster than Quick Sort 2
  6. ;;;=============================================================
  7. (defun H:QSort1 (Lst / a k L R S)
  8.   (if (cddr lst)
  9.     (progn
  10.       (setq k (* (+ (car Lst) (last lst)) 0.5))                 ;the pivot,this is for the worst situation
  11.       (setq s lst)
  12.       (while s
  13.         (if (< (setq a (car S)) k)                              ;compare to the pivot
  14.           (setq L (cons a L))                                   ;put the less into the left list
  15.           (Setq R (cons a R))                                   ;put the greater into the right list
  16.         )
  17.         (setq S (cdr S))
  18.       )
  19.       (cond
  20.         ((null R) (H:QSort1 L))                                 ;the right is empty,the recurse the left
  21.         ((null L) (H:QSort1 R))                                 ;the Left is empty,the recurse the right
  22.         (T (append (H:QSort1 L) (H:QSort1 R)))                  ;otherwise,recurse both
  23.       )
  24.     )
  25.     (if (and (cdr lst) (> (car lst) (cadr lst)))                ;the length of list <= 2
  26.       (reverse lst)
  27.       lst
  28.     )
  29.   )
  30. )

take the first number as pivot:
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. ;;;=============================================================
  2. ;;;Highflybird's  Quick Sorting algorithm -- 2                  
  3. ;;;Based the Quick Sorting algorithm ,the worst O(N^2), the best
  4. ;;;is O(log(N)),average case performance is O(log(N))          
  5. ;;;=============================================================
  6. (defun H:QSort2 (Lst / a k L R S)
  7.   (if (cddr lst)
  8.     (progn
  9.       (setq k (car Lst))                                        ;the pivot
  10.       (setq S lst)
  11.       (while (setq S (cdr S))
  12.         (if (< (setq a (car S)) k)                              ;compare to the pivot
  13.           (setq L (cons a L))                                   ;put the less into the left list
  14.           (Setq R (cons a R))                                   ;put the greater into the right list
  15.         )
  16.       )
  17.       (cond
  18.         ((null R) (reverse (cons k (reverse (H:QSort2 L)))))    ;the right is empty,the recurse the left
  19.         ((null L) (cons k (H:QSort2 R)))                        ;the Left is empty,the recurse the right
  20.         (T (append (H:QSort2 L) (cons k (H:QSort2 R))))         ;otherwise,recurse both and add the pivot.
  21.       )
  22.     )
  23.     (if (and (cdr lst) (> (car lst) (cadr lst)))                ;the length of list <= 2
  24.       (reverse lst)
  25.       lst
  26.     )
  27.   )
  28. )
use safearray:
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. ;;;=============================================================
  2. ;;;Highflybird's  Quick Sorting algorithm -- 3                  
  3. ;;;Because "nth" function is slower,so use safeArray.          
  4. ;;;the advantage is: the space is slower ,just O(1)            
  5. ;;;=============================================================
  6. (defun QSort3 (low high / i j p c v)
  7.   (if (< low high)
  8.     (progn
  9.       (setq i low)
  10.       (setq j (1+ high))
  11.       (setq p (vlax-safearray-get-element a low))
  12.       (setq C T)
  13.       (while C
  14.         (while
  15.           (and (< (vlax-safearray-get-element a (setq i (1+ i))) p)
  16.                (< i high)
  17.           )
  18.         )
  19.         (while (> (vlax-safearray-get-element a (setq j (1- j))) p))
  20.         (if (< i j)
  21.           (progn
  22.             (setq v (vlax-safearray-get-element a i))
  23.             (vlax-safearray-put-element a i
  24.               (vlax-safearray-get-element a j)
  25.             )
  26.             (vlax-safearray-put-element a j v)
  27.           )
  28.           (setq C nil)
  29.         )
  30.       )
  31.       (vlax-safearray-put-element a low
  32.         (vlax-safearray-get-element a j)
  33.       )
  34.       (vlax-safearray-put-element a j p)
  35.       (QSort3 low (1- j))
  36.       (QSort3 (1+ j) high)
  37.     )
  38.   )
  39. )
  41. (defun MakeArr (L DataType / n a)
  42.   (setq n (length L))
  43.   (setq a (vlax-make-safearray DataType (cons 0 (1- n))))
  44. )
  46. (defun H:QSort3 (L / a k c)
  47.   (setq a (makearr L vlax-vbdouble))
  48.   (setq k (length L))
  49.   (QSort3 0 (1- k))
  50.   (vlax-safearray->list A)
  51. )
I am a bilingualist,Chinese and Chinglish.


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 415
  • Later equals never.
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #42 on: June 24, 2012, 07:26:41 AM »
Shell sort:
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. ;;;=============================================================
  2. ;;;Highflybird's Shell Sorting algorithm -- 1                  
  3. ;;;Based the Shell Sorting algorithm                            
  4. ;;;=============================================================
  5. (defun H:ShellSort (L / a gaps i j k temp gap x n)
  6.   (setq n (length L))
  7.   (setq a (makeArr L vlax-vbdouble))
  8.   ;;(setq gaps  '(1 4 10 23 57 132 301 701 1750))
  9.   (setq gaps '(1 5 13 43 113 297 815 1989 4711 11969 27901 84801 213331 543749 1355339
  10.                3501671 8810089 21521774 58548857 157840433 410151271 1131376761 2147483647))
  11.   (setq k 0)
  12.   (while (< (nth k gaps) n)
  13.     (setq k (1+ k))
  14.   )
  15.   (while (>= (setq k (1- k)) 0)
  16.     (setq gap (nth k gaps))
  17.     (setq i gap)
  18.     (while (< i n)
  19.       (setq temp (vlax-safearray-get-element a i))
  20.       (setq j i)
  21.       (while (and (>= j gap)
  22.                   (> (setq x (vlax-safearray-get-element a (- j gap))) temp)
  23.              )
  24.         (vlax-safearray-put-element a j x)
  25.         (setq j (- j gap))
  26.       )
  27.       (vlax-safearray-put-element a j temp)
  28.       (setq i (1+ i))
  29.     )
  30.   )
  31.   (vlax-safearray->list A)
  32. )
  34. ;;;=============================================================
  35. ;;;Highflybird's Shell Sorting algorithm -- 1                  
  36. ;;;Based the Shell Sorting algorithm                            
  37. ;;;=============================================================
  38. (defun shellSort-1 (v s / GAP I J K P X Y)
  39.   (setq gap (/ s 2))
  40.   (while (> gap 0)
  41.     (setq i gap)
  42.     (while (< i s)
  43.       (setq j (- i gap))
  44.       (while (>= j 0)
  45.         (setq k (+ j gap))
  46.         (setq x (vlax-safearray-get-element v k))
  47.         (setq y (vlax-safearray-get-element v j))
  48.         (if (< x y)
  49.           (progn
  50.             (setq p y)
  51.             (vlax-safearray-put-element v j x)
  52.             (vlax-safearray-put-element v k p)
  53.           )
  54.         )
  55.         (setq j (- j gap))
  56.       )
  57.       (setq i (1+ i))
  58.     )
  59.     (setq gap (/ gap 2))
  60.   )
  61.   v
  62. )
I am a bilingualist,Chinese and Chinglish.


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 415
  • Later equals never.
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #43 on: June 24, 2012, 07:29:36 AM »
This is the test result (on my old machine):

1,for a random list

Please Enter the length of list: 5000
Please enter the times of test:5

Statement                         Times    Elapse(s)    Average(s/time)
(VL-SORT L (QUOTE <))       5        0.094        0.0188
(H:MERGESORT L)                5        1.359        0.2718
(H:QSORT2 L)                      5        1.844        0.3688
(G:MERGESORT L)                5        2.141        0.4282
(H:QSORT1 L)                      5        2.422        0.4844
(H:QSORT3 L)                      5        2.765        0.553
(EEA-SORT L)                      5        3.078        0.6156
(G:QUICKSORT L)                5        3.766        0.7532
(H:SHELLSORT L)                 5        4.203        0.8406
(PH:SORT L)                        1        2.719        2.719
(PH:SORT1 L)                      1        22.953       22.953
(G:INSERTSORT L)                1        26.484       26.484
(EEA-SORT-1 L)                    1        33.672       33.672
(IREB:SORT-MERGE-R L (QUOTE <))   1        59.766       59.766
(IREB:SORT-MERGE-I L (QUOTE <))   1        59.797       59.797
(G:BUBBLESORT L)                  1        74.828       74.828

2, for a sorted list:

Please Enter the length of list: 5000
Please enter the times of test:2

Statement                         Times    Elapse(s)    Average(s/time)
(VL-SORT L (QUOTE <))        2        0.016        0.008
(H:MERGESORT L)                 2        0.375        0.1875
(G:MERGESORT L)                  2        0.407        0.2035
(H:QSORT1 L)                      2        0.562        0.281
(H:SHELLSORT L)                 2        0.719        0.3595
(H:QSORT2 L)                      2        49.547       24.7735
(H:QSORT3 L)                      2        53.125       26.5625
(G:QUICKSORT L)                   2        168.843      84.4215

3,for a large number list
Please Enter the length of list: 20000
Please enter the times of test:5

Statement                         Times    Elapse(s)    Average(s/time)
(VL-SORT L (QUOTE <))        5        0.562        0.1124
(H:MERGESORT L)                5        11.656       2.3312
(H:QSORT2 L)                      5        14.61        2.922
(G:MERGESORT L)                5        16.579       3.3158
(H:QSORT3 L)                      5        19.047       3.8094
(H:QSORT1 L)                      5        21.172       4.2344
(G:QUICKSORT L)                5        30.218       6.0436
(H:SHELLSORT L)                 5        31.453       6.2906

« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 06:28:05 AM by HighflyingBird »
I am a bilingualist,Chinese and Chinglish.


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 415
  • Later equals never.
Re: Sort list of numbers (vl-sort not allowed)
« Reply #44 on: June 24, 2012, 07:34:59 AM »
This is the lisp file. includes  my code,gile's ,Stefan's,ireb's ,ElpanovEvgeniy's code.
I compiled this file,then run the test.
I am a bilingualist,Chinese and Chinglish.