Author Topic: How to statistics the total number of parts?  (Read 20573 times)

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Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2010, 12:57:44 PM »
Here is one I just wrote.  Seemed fun, and I need to stretch the grey matter.
Code: [Select]
(defun c:ShowNesting (/ *error* ActDoc BlkCol Sel EntData BlkName NestList)
    (defun *error* ( msg )
    (defun GetBlockBlocks ( blkObj doc / BlkCol BlkCntList tempList tempName )
        (setq BlkCol (vla-get-Blocks doc))
        (vlax-for obj blkObj
            (if (= (vla-get-ObjectName obj) "AcDbBlockReference")
                (setq BlkCntList
                    (if (setq tempList (assoc (setq tempName (vla-get-Name obj)) BlkCntList))
                        (subst (list tempName (1+ (cadr tempList)) (caddr tempList)) tempList BlkCntList)
                        (cons (list tempName 1(GetBlockBlocks (vla-Item BlkCol tempName) doc)) BlkCntList)
    (defun PrintList ( lst indent )
        (prompt (strcat "\n" indent (car lst) " - " (itoa (cadr lst))))
        (foreach i (caddr lst)
            (PrintList i (strcat "    " indent))
    (setq ActDoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-Acad-Object)))
    (setq BlkCol (vla-get-Blocks ActDoc))
            (setq Sel (entsel "\n Select block to get nesting block list: "))
            (setq EntData (entget (car Sel)))
            (= (cdr (assoc 0 EntData)) "INSERT")
            (setq BlkName (cdr (assoc 2 EntData)))
            (setq NestList (GetBlockBlocks (vla-Item BlkCol BlkName) ActDoc))
            (prompt (strcat "\nReport for:" BlkName))
            (foreach lst NestList
                (PrintList lst "    ")
Returns to the command line
Report for:testing
    test - 3
        DI-NOTE - 1
        CIR-NOTE - 4

I don't want to ' end-up ', I want to ' become '. - Me

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Lee Mac

  • Seagull
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Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2010, 01:04:02 PM »
Another bit of code looking at nested blocks, not sure whether it helps?


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Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2010, 01:11:55 PM »
Looked good on my test Tim. 8-)
Code: [Select]
Select block to get nesting block list:
Report for:sub-ass2-1
    sub-ass-1 - 2
        part-1 - 1
        part-2 - 1
        part-3 - 1
    sub-ass-2 - 1
        part-3 - 1
        part-2 - 1
        part-1 - 1
    sub-ass-3 - 1
        part-3 - 1
        part-2 - 1
        part-1 - 1
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Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2010, 01:14:12 PM »
Thanks Alan.  I didn't have too many nested blocks, so I just created a simple one.

I don't want to ' end-up ', I want to ' become '. - Me

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Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2010, 07:13:18 PM »
Thanks Alan,Tim

Thank you for your reply.You spent valuable time

In mechanical design, in each assembly has a bom, the bom sets out the assembly of all the sub-assembly and parts of some information, such as: code, name, quantity, material, weight, etc., but these sub - assembly and parts in the model space is not necessarily a block reference, may be a  line, arc, pline, etc., bom data is entered manually. It is not possible with the search block refer to the number of ways of doing.

The question now is: can be a folder of all the following dwg files of these bom data extraction, and how to process these data?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 07:20:41 PM by xianaihua »


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Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2010, 07:46:31 PM »

Are you exporting each BOM to a .CSV file ??

if yes ;
is there a seperate .CSV file for each assembly ?
and ; are the CSV files the same name as the assembly ?

How are you generating the lists shown in your first post ??


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Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2010, 07:53:42 PM »
It would help if you supplied a sample DWG file.
I've reached the age where the happy hour is a nap. (°¿°)
Windows 10 core i7 4790k 4Ghz 32GB GTX 970
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Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2010, 01:44:03 AM »

Are you exporting each BOM to a .CSV file ??

if yes ;
is there a seperate .CSV file for each assembly ?
and ; are the CSV files the same name as the assembly ?

How are you generating the lists shown in your first post ??


I exporting all BOM from assembly's dwg(a folder of all the following dwg files )  to a database (.mdb) file .


  • Guest
Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2010, 01:50:17 AM »
It would help if you supplied a sample DWG file.

ok,I have supplied a sample DWG file and BOM.txt file.


  • Guest
Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #24 on: November 01, 2011, 11:37:09 PM »
I had already won the way to solve this problem, the following is my practice, everyone please review a review, or give some advice
Code: [Select]
;;                                                                               ;;
;;  AUTHOR:  lihuaili, November 2011.                                            ;;
;;;In the schedule list, statistics a part in code number
;;;Statistical method: first find out the parts in the assembly code father quantity, to find the father in the more higher level assembly father assemble number... ,
;;;And so on, until inquires the top to assembly, the number of these factors, and that of the parts of the total number.
;;;I through trial and error, finally using a recursive method solved the difficult problem.
;;;Bom_lst: bom all list; 【 list 】
;;;Assemble_No: father assembly code; 【 str 】
;;;Part_No_index: spare parts list list adept in code in the list of the index number (note: the first listed as 0) 【 INT 】
;;;Assemble_No_index: assembly code in the list belong to the list of the index number list adept 【 INT 】
;;;Num_index: in its parts assembly (father assembly) of the quantity, understood in the list of the index number list adept 【 INT 】
;;;Total number 【INT】

(defun SumPartCounts (bom_lst       assemble_No     part_No_index
      assemble_No_index       Num_index
      /       tol_num
  (or tol_num (setq tol_num 1))
  (foreach x bom_lst
    (if (= assemble_No (nth part_No_index x))
      (setq assemble_No (nth assemble_No_index x)
    tol_num (* tol_num
   (atoi (nth Num_index x))
     bom_lst        assemble_No
     part_No_index     assemble_No_index
    ) ;_ 结束SumPartCounts
 ;_ 结束SumPartCounts
) ;_ 结束*
      ) ;_ 结束setq
    ) ;_ 结束if

  ) ;_ 结束foreach
) ;_ 结束defun

;;;writie list data  to the text file
(defun WriteDataFile (file_name data_lst / _tostring file)
;by:Lee Mac
  (defun _tostring (x / dimzin)
      ((eq 'INT (type x))
       (itoa x)
      ((eq 'REAL (type x))
       (setq dimzin (getvar 'DIMZIN))
       (setvar 'DIMZIN 0)
       (setq x (rtos x 2 8))
       (setvar 'DIMZIN dimzin)
      ((vl-prin1-to-string x))
    ) ;_ 结束cond
  ) ;_ 结束defun

  (if (setq file (open file_name "w"))
      (foreach x data_lst (write-line (_tostring x) file))
      (setq file (close file))
    ) ;_ 结束progn
  ) ;_ 结束if
) ;_ 结束defun

;;;bomlst:Is the way to get through some parts list (list specific methods in this not discussed)
;;;Among them the first listed as parts of each line of code
;;;The second listed as parts assembly code belongs
;;;The third listed as in its parts assembly of quantity

(setq bomlst '(
       ("sub-assembly1-1" "assembly" "2")
       ("sub-assembly1-2" "assembly" "3")
       ("sub-assembly1-3" "assembly" "1")
       ("pat1-1" "assembly" "3")
       ("pat1-2" "assembly" "2")
       ("pat1-3" "assembly" "5")
       ("sub-assembly2-1" "sub-assembly1-1" "2")
       ("sub-assembly2-2" "sub-assembly1-1" "2")
       ("sub-assembly2-3" "sub-assembly1-1" "4")
       ("pat2-1" "sub-assembly1-1" "3")
       ("pat2-2" "sub-assembly1-1" "4")
       ("pat1-3" "sub-assembly1-1" "2")
       ("pat3-1" "sub-assembly2-1" "2")
       ("pat3-2" "sub-assembly2-1" "3")
       ("pat2-1" "sub-assembly2-1" "1")
) ;_ 结束setq
(defun c:test (/ partnumlst Ap_No p_num partnumlst fname)
  (setq partnumlst '())
  (foreach n (reverse bomlst)
    (setq Ap_No      (nth 1 n)
  p_num      (atoi (nth 2 n))
       (append n
       (list (itoa (* (SumPartCounts bomlst Ap_No 0 1 2) p_num)))
       ) ;_ 结束append
     ) ;_ 结束cons
    ) ;_ 结束setq
  ) ;_ 结束foreach

    fname (getfiled "save list data input filename";

    (getvar "dwgprefix")
  ) ;_ 结束getfiled
  ) ;_ 结束setq
  (if fname
      (WriteDataFile fname partnumlst)
      (alert "The current data has been preserved!");
    ) ;_ 结束progn
  ) ;_ 结束if
) ;_ 结束defun
« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 07:51:56 PM by xianaihua »


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1569
  • Moscow (Russia)
Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2011, 03:38:09 PM »
Good weekend!
If you have time, please optimization or simplify my program In the following posts。
Thanks agan!


I had already won the way to solve this problem, the following is my practice, everyone please review a review, or give some advice
Code: [Select]
;;                                                                               ;;
;;  AUTHOR:  lihuaili, November 2011.                                            ;;
;;;In the schedule list, statistics a part in code number
;;;Statistical method: first find out the parts in the assembly code father quantity, to find the father in the more higher level assembly father assemble number... ,
;;;And so on, until inquires the top to assembly, the number of these factors, and that of the parts of the total number.
;;;I through trial and error, finally using a recursive method solved the difficult problem.
;;;Bom_lst: bom all list; 【 list 】
;;;Assemble_No: father assembly code; 【 str 】
;;;Part_No_index: spare parts list list adept in code in the list of the index number (note: the first listed as 0) 【 INT 】
;;;Assemble_No_index: assembly code in the list belong to the list of the index number list adept 【 INT 】
;;;Num_index: in its parts assembly (father assembly) of the quantity, understood in the list of the index number list adept 【 INT 】
;;;Total number 【INT】

(defun SumPartCounts (bom_lst       assemble_No     part_No_index
      assemble_No_index       Num_index
      /       tol_num
  (or tol_num (setq tol_num 1))
  (foreach x bom_lst
    (if (= assemble_No (nth part_No_index x))
      (setq assemble_No (nth assemble_No_index x)
    tol_num (* tol_num
   (atoi (nth Num_index x))
     bom_lst        assemble_No
     part_No_index     assemble_No_index
    ) ;_ 结束SumPartCounts
 ;_ 结束SumPartCounts
) ;_ 结束*
      ) ;_ 结束setq
    ) ;_ 结束if

  ) ;_ 结束foreach
) ;_ 结束defun

;;;writie list data  to the text file
(defun WriteDataFile (file_name data_lst / _tostring file)
  (defun _tostring (x / dimzin)
      ((eq 'INT (type x))
       (itoa x)
      ((eq 'REAL (type x))
       (setq dimzin (getvar 'DIMZIN))
       (setvar 'DIMZIN 0)
       (setq x (rtos x 2 8))
       (setvar 'DIMZIN dimzin)
      ((vl-prin1-to-string x))
    ) ;_ 结束cond
  ) ;_ 结束defun

  (if (setq file (open file_name "w"))
      (foreach x data_lst (write-line (_tostring x) file))
      (setq file (close file))
    ) ;_ 结束progn
  ) ;_ 结束if
) ;_ 结束defun

;;;bomlst:Is the way to get through some parts list (list specific methods in this not discussed)
;;;Among them the first listed as parts of each line of code
;;;The second listed as parts assembly code belongs
;;;The third listed as in its parts assembly of quantity

(setq bomlst '(
       ("sub-assembly1-1" "assembly" "2")
       ("sub-assembly1-2" "assembly" "3")
       ("sub-assembly1-3" "assembly" "1")
       ("pat1-1" "assembly" "3")
       ("pat1-2" "assembly" "2")
       ("pat1-3" "assembly" "5")
       ("sub-assembly2-1" "sub-assembly1-1" "2")
       ("sub-assembly2-2" "sub-assembly1-1" "2")
       ("sub-assembly2-3" "sub-assembly1-1" "4")
       ("pat2-1" "sub-assembly1-1" "3")
       ("pat2-2" "sub-assembly1-1" "4")
       ("pat1-3" "sub-assembly1-1" "2")
       ("pat3-1" "sub-assembly2-1" "2")
       ("pat3-2" "sub-assembly2-1" "3")
       ("pat2-1" "sub-assembly2-1" "1")
) ;_ 结束setq
(defun c:test (/ partnumlst Ap_No p_num partnumlst fname)
  (setq partnumlst '())
  (foreach n (reverse bomlst)
    (setq Ap_No      (nth 1 n)
  p_num      (atoi (nth 2 n))
       (append n
       (list (itoa (* (SumPartCounts bomlst Ap_No 0 1 2) p_num)))
       ) ;_ 结束append
     ) ;_ 结束cons
    ) ;_ 结束setq
  ) ;_ 结束foreach

    fname (getfiled "save list data input filename";

    (getvar "dwgprefix")
  ) ;_ 结束getfiled
  ) ;_ 结束setq
  (if fname
      (WriteDataFile fname partnumlst)
      (alert "The current data has been preserved!");
    ) ;_ 结束progn
  ) ;_ 结束if
) ;_ 结束defun

my variant:
Code: [Select]
(defun test (l / f)
  (defun f (a l) (if a (* (atoi (caddr a)) (f (assoc (cadr a) l) l)) 1))
  (mapcar (function (lambda (a) (append a (list (itoa (f a l)))))) l)

Code: [Select]
(setq l '(("sub-assembly1-1" "assembly" "2")
               ("sub-assembly1-2" "assembly" "3")
               ("sub-assembly1-3" "assembly" "1")
               ("pat1-1" "assembly" "3")
               ("pat1-2" "assembly" "2")
               ("pat1-3" "assembly" "5")
               ("sub-assembly2-1" "sub-assembly1-1" "2")
               ("sub-assembly2-2" "sub-assembly1-1" "2")
               ("sub-assembly2-3" "sub-assembly1-1" "4")
               ("pat2-1" "sub-assembly1-1" "3")
               ("pat2-2" "sub-assembly1-1" "4")
               ("pat1-3" "sub-assembly1-1" "2")
               ("pat3-1" "sub-assembly2-1" "2")
               ("pat3-2" "sub-assembly2-1" "3")
               ("pat2-1" "sub-assembly2-1" "1")
Code: [Select]
(test l)
(("sub-assembly1-1" "assembly" "2" "2")
  ("sub-assembly1-2" "assembly" "3" "3")
  ("sub-assembly1-3" "assembly" "1" "1")
  ("pat1-1" "assembly" "3" "3")
  ("pat1-2" "assembly" "2" "2")
  ("pat1-3" "assembly" "5" "5")
  ("sub-assembly2-1" "sub-assembly1-1" "2" "4")
  ("sub-assembly2-2" "sub-assembly1-1" "2" "4")
  ("sub-assembly2-3" "sub-assembly1-1" "4" "8")
  ("pat2-1" "sub-assembly1-1" "3" "6")
  ("pat2-2" "sub-assembly1-1" "4" "8")
  ("pat1-3" "sub-assembly1-1" "2" "4")
  ("pat3-1" "sub-assembly2-1" "2" "8")
  ("pat3-2" "sub-assembly2-1" "3" "12")
  ("pat2-1" "sub-assembly2-1" "1" "4")


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1569
  • Moscow (Russia)
Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #26 on: November 21, 2011, 03:53:38 PM »
Hi,  xianaihua! :)

I'm not sure that is true to understand the purpose of the program.
I have done the same result with your code...


  • Guest
Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2011, 07:04:17 PM »
Hi,  xianaihua! :)

I'm not sure that is true to understand the purpose of the program.
I have done the same result with your code...

Thanks you help me!
This is what I wanted the results.You is a true recursion experts, you of the recursive use of magic.


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1569
  • Moscow (Russia)
Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #28 on: November 22, 2011, 02:35:22 AM »
Thanks you help me!
This is what I wanted the results.You is a true recursion experts, you of the recursive use of magic.

In 2006, I published an article "Lessons from the creation of recursive functions."
You may be interested in reading this series of lessons...
Recursion in AutoLISP Lesson 1
Recursion in AutoLISP Lesson 2
Recursion in AutoLISP Lesson 3
Recursion in AutoLISP Lesson 4
Recursion in AutoLISP Lesson 5
Recursion in AutoLISP Lesson 6
Recursion in AutoLISP Lesson 7
Recursion in AutoLISP Lesson 8
Recursion in AutoLISP Lesson 9
Recursion in AutoLISP Lesson 10


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Re: How to statistics the total number of parts?
« Reply #29 on: November 22, 2011, 09:16:13 AM »

What are the chances that you'd be willing to put that together in a single PDF, available for download?