Author Topic: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007  (Read 3574 times)

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Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« on: April 25, 2006, 07:56:46 AM »
Right Im trying to get the hang of 2007.Was wondering where the paper space had gone to for a bit. :-)Can anyone tell me how to migrate my profile and menus from 2004 ADT to 2007ADT?Im unable to find the migrate software that shouldve been installed in the AutoCAD directory.Where is it located on the installation CD?


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2006, 08:15:04 AM »
Hi Hyposmurf,

During installation, you are asked whether or not to migrate profiles and customization.  Since you have already done the install, I wonder if you pop the CD in and let it autoplay, it may present a link to the migrating executable.  If it doesn't show on the menu, then maybe you could reinstall and follow the prompts to migrate from there.


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2006, 03:38:17 PM »
I had to re -install it, came up with an option to migrate but then asked for something like a access file!Well I think rather than try to bring all my buttons back in I might have to go the long route of making them all again.Slightly frustrated but not alot I can asI dont have admin rights usually.It might be best that I get used to the new CUI format.I'd was happy with the mnu format :cry:.


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2006, 07:05:23 AM »

I don't remember being asked for an "access file" when I installed, so I have no idea what that's all about. I have to do more installations on co-worker PC's, so I'll look for that message.  I have admin privileges on my local PC, maybe that has something to do with it.

When I open the CUI, my eyes gloss over and I mumble to my self about not having time to learn this intimidating piece of bloatware.  But I managed to make a partial menu with it adding a custom mouse popup menu and customize some toolbars.  Afterwards, I was able to exported this partial menu to a file and take it to another computer and loaded it there.

If you haven't already done the re-install, then perhaps you can salvage you toolbar customization by exporting it to a file.    But!, be carefull and make backups of everything.  There have been many reports on the Adesk NG's of users hosing there menu system.


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2006, 08:02:31 AM »

When I open the CUI, my eyes gloss over and I mumble to my self about not having time to learn this intimidating piece of bloatware. 

So its not just me. :-)Weve just got ridiculous amounts of work and were not allowed any time to sit there setting up our new software,just get on with it and get the work done. :-(The work has to be done I guess but its quite frustrating not having time to set anything up.

One thing I did this morning and Im pretty sure Ive nuked a few commands now :cry:.Well in the CUI editor I created my own toolbar,then dragged some commands onto the new toolbar.From their I modified these commands to suit my custom menu buttons.Its only when I looked down for the NEW FEATURES WORKSHOP buttong that I realised the original no longer exists,its renamed and has a new command.This reminds me of the old menu files createba copy of the original mns file and use that.
Have I nuked them or will I find these command buttons elsewhere?Should I have added them to a custom section or is it called workspace? :?

Another weird thing is that if I drag a button that I have created into the toolbar again and rename it/add different command & bitmap it still shows the bitmap/command for the previous button,just wont change.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2006, 08:14:19 AM by hyposmurf »


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2006, 08:27:14 AM »
I am no expert at the CUI, in fact I am a totally newbie at it, but i think you add your personalized toolbars to the Custom menu.  Adesk's philosophy is that the Custom menu is for user specific customization.  I don't no what happened with the renamed items.  Maybe someone else can chime in on that issue.

The "Workspace" remembers what toolbars on being displayed.  So you can have Workspaces which have toolbars for specific CAD operations like 2d drawing vs. 3d drawing.  Personally I don't use toolbars that much, and don't need or want to use different workspaces.

I think what you do is setup your Custom menu, then exit the CUI.  Then foreach workspace you use, you may need to turn on the toolbars you just made.  Since I only use one Workspace, I may be wrong about that...


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2006, 05:34:34 PM »
Thanks for that Steve its becoming a bit clearer, I do feel though that I'll need at least a day to sit down and try to set up everything,but that aint going to happen. :roll:
Im running into further problems now the software although has some nice modifications is beginning to really piss me off.To open the plot dialogue box or options it takes me at least 10 seconds each time.This isnt happening on other PC's.I think it maybe be a pc3 file regarding the plot slow down,but why the slow option?SAnother annoying problem is that we dont need or use ADT,but some clever clogs oruinally purchased us ADT seats.Theyve now included a special shortcut to start the program as plain AutoCAD,but if I use this and then open some DWG files the old ADT fires up! :realmad:All the crap I dont need and my drawings ave as 2007,when need them as 2000.If these problems cant be rectified in the working hours I might have to bring a sleeping bag I cant keep going on working like this its driving me nuts. :-(


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2006, 08:19:27 AM »

During the one install of 2007 I  have done, i choose to migrate from my previous settings.  When the install was done, I found (among other things) that the migration had copied all my PC3's from 2006 and set them up for 2007.

In your case, if the install didn't migrate the PC3's, then I suggest creating new ones.  I also suggest keeping those new PC3's in a separate folder from your previous version of AutoCAD (we keep ours on the server).  That way, you can use the same name for the new PC3's and therefore not break any Pagesetups you might be using.

It is frustrating to try and learn new software when pressed for production.  Sometimes it's best to hold off doing the upgrade until things slow down.  Or perhaps use both versions concurrently:  The prior version for real drawings, and explore the new version when and if you have a few minutes.   


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2006, 03:11:16 PM »
Thanks on looking further into it when I reinstalled it asked me forxml files.These are actually trhe new format so that doenst make alot of sense.Ive since worked out how to migrate my old mns into cui files.Got to the cui editor,go to the second tab,think its something like transfer.Then you can choose your menu file and then drag and drop to the other one.Tou can do the same for the toolbars.Other than that I dont mind so much that it is new software, but it is slower and more cumbersome to use than 2004.Heres a list of things that bug me about it so far:

should it open mutliple instances of CAD for each drawing?Mine does,closed without saving once as I had so many instances open.By having numerous instances open it makes tiling vertically your drawings a PITB.

autodesk comm centre has encountered a problem and needs to close.Happened numerous times to me

options dialogue box takes ages to open.Wait about 12-15 seconds

plot dialogue box takes ages to open.Wait about 12-15 seconds

customised settings migrator has encountered a problem and needs to close
designjet 1050c.pc3 this plotter configuration cannot be used for one
if these reasons:the driver cannot be found ,the device driver cannot
be found , or the driver has a problem.the none plot device has been

purge/delete page set ups macro I used to run was fast in 2004 now alot slower in 2007

_BEDIT this command is really cumbersome and slow to start and work with.

Im not happy with my installtion at all.Others users have 2007 installed and dont encounter any of these problems(even the multiple AutoCAD doenst happen,which makes me look like a right idiot.Just wnat to have a system that works so I can get on with my work without pulling my hair out :realmad:


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2006, 08:39:35 AM »
Sorry to read that you are having so much trouble.  I not sure this will help, but here's all I could come up with:

RE: Multiple instances of AutoCAD
Are you opening drawings via the Windoz file manager?  If so, here's a link to Autodesk NG about that:

RE: Bedit
Although you can use this command to edit or create any block, its main purpose is for creating and editing dynamic blocks where its cumbersome qualities can be more appreciated. :)  You can still use the Refedit command for regular blocks and Xrefs.

RE: Plotting issues
Obviously the printing/plotting config is not setup right.  I would check that the printer/plotter drivers are up to date.  And check that the printer/plotter are installed as a Windows Printer (Control panel, Add a printer).  Try creating new temporary PC3's and test them.  Or copy PC3's from your coworkers that have the same OS and same AutoCAD version and use the same Printer/Plotter.

RE: Communication Center
Could be a fire wall issue.  Try right clicking on the Comm Center icon and see if any options there can help.  Also try shutting down AutoCAD and deleting temporary files from Internet Explorer cache.

Side note:
AutoCAD 2007 requires more computing power then 2004 and even 2006 versions.  If your PC is more then say 2 or 3 years old, you may be experiences problems due to pushing it to the limit.  Perhaps a hardware upgrade is due.


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2006, 09:39:12 AM »
Has anybody heard of any issues running 07 along side 06 or an earlier versions?


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2006, 05:06:47 PM »
Sorry to read that you are having so much trouble.  I not sure this will help, but here's all I could come up with:

RE: Multiple instances of AutoCAD
Are you opening drawings via the Windoz file manager?  If so, here's a link to Autodesk NG about that:

RE: Bedit
Although you can use this command to edit or create any block, its main purpose is for creating and editing dynamic blocks where its cumbersome qualities can be more appreciated. :)  You can still use the Refedit command for regular blocks and Xrefs.

RE: Plotting issues
Obviously the printing/plotting config is not setup right.  I would check that the printer/plotter drivers are up to date.  And check that the printer/plotter are installed as a Windows Printer (Control panel, Add a printer).  Try creating new temporary PC3's and test them.  Or copy PC3's from your coworkers that have the same OS and same AutoCAD version and use the same Printer/Plotter.

RE: Communication Center
Could be a fire wall issue.  Try right clicking on the Comm Center icon and see if any options there can help.  Also try shutting down AutoCAD and deleting temporary files from Internet Explorer cache.

Side note:
AutoCAD 2007 requires more computing power then 2004 and even 2006 versions.  If your PC is more then say 2 or 3 years old, you may be experiences problems due to pushing it to the limit.  Perhaps a hardware upgrade is due.

Thanks for all that Steve :-).I'm pretty sure its a plotting configuration problem.Options needs to find the plotter files as well.Im going to have a fiddle with the plotter files when I get a chance,were so busy at the moment every time I try to attempt, someone is nagging me for their drawing.

I have 1Gb of RAM installed the 2D drawings have alot of xrefs in and are about 4-8mb.I think the recommended is 2GB of RAM though :-o.Hopefully theyll bring a service pack out that will solve all my problems. :-)As if!


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2006, 05:53:49 PM »
 :-)Im still holding my fingers that the plot and option dialogue problem is now cleared up!It turned out that my set up had the default plotter set to  one which that was defective and it also had a PC3 that could not be found,maybe someone had renamed the plotter? :?But deleting al;l plotters out and resetting them all up its all back to normal. :-)
I have though noticed that every few hours Ill get a message saying that the drawing was saved correctly and a recover is needed.Ill also find its giving me white screens as if its running out memory on simple tasks,I have 1GB and Im not doing complex 3D drawings.  :?


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2006, 08:31:10 AM »

I'm using 2GB of Ram and haven't seen white screens, but that doesn't prove that using more Ram will fix your problem.  Seeing that Ram is so inexpensive these days, it might be a good idea to go ahead and install more ram before calling in an IT professional to debug.     

Having to repeatedly recover drawings indicates that something is corrupting these drawings.  Are these drawings in-house drawings or from another firm?  When you open these drawings, does the command line report that the drawing is a "Trusted drawing"?  Isn't the new "Recovery Manager" cool? 


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Re: Migrating settings from 2004 to 2007
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2006, 02:53:18 PM »
I am running same ram and the same plotter.  I ran into the warning about drivers but I had just went ahead of creating the PC3 file anyway.  After spending for almost 2 hours on the HP site (IMHO it sucks) I had to register and all that. It took forever.  We migrated from 2005.  I just now run in the white squares during regens and when zoom all way out.  It could be our Video card.  Our <cough> IT manager (in reality a Hardware nut) says that my video card is actually old.  If you look at your preformace tuner log (options>system>performance settings>view tune log), it might state that your card is not certified by Autodesk. 

I have a question.  How the hell do I shut off the Highlighting (lack of a better term) when I roll my cursor over objects?  See image.

This is very annoying.  Something is in the back of my head that Lynn Allen mention something of it.  I search her blog and her Ca daylist articles to no avail.
I + XI = X is true ...  ... if you change your perspective.

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