Author Topic: Using UpperCase for all letters in text for CAD Drawings.  (Read 21643 times)

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Re: Using UpperCase for all letters in text for CAD Drawings.
« Reply #45 on: July 16, 2015, 02:27:20 PM »
Here's what I use so I don't get caught yelling in an email or on-line (might be similar to Keith's, but the link to his code isn't working anymore):

Code: [Select]
Option Explicit
Private Const VK_CAPITAL = &H14

Private Type KeyboardBytes
    kbByte(0 To 255) As Byte
End Type

Private kbArray As KeyboardBytes

Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" _
  (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetKeyboardState Lib "user32" _
  (kbArray As KeyboardBytes) As Long

Private Declare Function SetKeyboardState Lib "user32" _
  (kbArray As KeyboardBytes) As Long
Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" () As Long

Sub ACADStartup()
    Call AcadApplication.RunMacro(".\Sample\VBA\VBAIDEmenu\Custom_menu.dvb!CreateVBAToolBar")
    Call AcadApplication.RunMacro(".\Sample\VBA\VBAIDEmenu\Custom_menu.dvb!VBAIDE_Customization")
End Sub

Private Sub AcadDocument_BeginCommand(ByVal CommandName As String)
 If CommandName = "TEXT" Or CommandName = "DTEXT" Or _
 CommandName = "DDEDIT" Or CommandName = "MTEDIT" Or _
 CommandName = "ATTEDIT" Or CommandName = "EATTEDIT" Or _
 CommandName = "DIMLINEAR" Or CommandName = "QLEADER" Or _
 CommandName = "MTEXT" Then
 'add any other command names you want caps on for
 'be sure to add them to the endcommand section below as well
   GetKeyboardState kbArray
   kbArray.kbByte(VK_CAPITAL) = 1
   SetKeyboardState kbArray
 End If
End Sub

Private Sub AcadDocument_EndCommand(ByVal CommandName As String)
 If CommandName = "TEXT" Or CommandName = "DTEXT" Or _
 CommandName = "DDEDIT" Or CommandName = "MTEDIT" Or _
 CommandName = "ATTEDIT" Or CommandName = "EATTEDIT" Or _
 CommandName = "DIMLINEAR" Or CommandName = "QLEADER" Or _
 CommandName = "MTEXT" Then
   GetKeyboardState kbArray
   kbArray.kbByte(VK_CAPITAL) = 0
   SetKeyboardState kbArray
 End If
End Sub

As for the use of Case vs. Caps... well that depends on the end product. YMMV.


  • Villiage Idiot
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Re: Using UpperCase for all letters in text for CAD Drawings.
« Reply #46 on: July 17, 2015, 03:16:09 AM »
While there is considerable data that suggests sentence case is easier to read, the conclusion of many researchers is that it is only easier to read because people read in sentence case more often, thus because they are more comfortable seeing it in that context, they are more readily able to read it.

Interestingly, there is another conclusion that supports the concept that sentence case is easier to read and therefore, when printing important documents, it is more appropriate to use all capital letters. This isn't because it is harder to read, but rather because most people take more time to read it and consequently tend to comprehend it better.

There are lots of examples floating around that seem to bolster the idea that when we see something that is familiar, we "fill in the blanks" when something is missing or obviously spelled incorrectly .. such as the one seen regularly on Facebook ... "Can you see what is wrong with this picture?, Share it as soon as you spot the mitsake"

The irony is that this example illustrates one of the main reasons why I use all caps on drawings.

Proud provider of opinion and arrogance since November 22, 2003 at 09:35:31 am
CadJockey Militia Field Marshal

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Re: Using UpperCase for all letters in text for CAD Drawings.
« Reply #47 on: July 17, 2015, 05:10:07 AM »
The main motivation for all caps is for printing half size or if larger then 22x34 will still want 11x17 so a bit smaller than half for review, etc....

If that is a factor that needs to be considered how is that handled with sentenced case?

Again, sentence case improves legibility and readability at reduced scale.

It's obvious that LP did not come here to contribute anything positive. He is stuck in his ways. Is blind to the benefits of any other methods and shortcomings of his. It's another case of someone that is so wrapped up in their world, that they can't fathom others where his methods just plain don't work.

You haven't provided any benefits. You've stated opinion, which I've countered with the findings of studies by professional researchers that have specifically looked into these questions.
Opinion is not equivalent to fact.
Just because you dislike a fact doesn't mean that it doesn't count.
I'm sorry that you are so upset by someone disagreeing with you and supporting their own argument.

It's amazing to me how rookies are so adamant about how things should be done. Ignoring the fact that what they state is simply their opinion and everyone has one of those.
As long as you are "starting a new job" then your sole duty is to draw it the way that the guy that signs your paycheck wants it done. Your opinion is irrelevant.
When you grow up and have your own companty, then you can set the standards. Until then, trying to do so and complaining about people wanting to continue to do things the way that THEY like will only lead to one conclusion. Another post that starts off, "I'm starting a new job......"  :evil:

SIX companies in 21 years?? That's a little over 3 years per company. I realize that you are boasting about that, BUT that is NOT a good track record. Not counting the military or working for my dad back in the stone ages, i have wiorked for2 (TWO) companies in the last 44 years, and I have been at the latest one for only 6 months. That is a track record.

Yeah, sure. Make personal attacks if you can't make a case.

So your argument is that with you having not been in many different companies and industries, having not experienced a variety of different approaches, systems and procedures, having essentially done things the same way for 43 and a half years, puts you in a far better position. Is that correct?
To disabuse you of possible misconception, and to defend myself from what I presume is an incorrect assumption on your part; Every job I have left of my own volition, and excluding the last, I left every job to move on to something better, more interesting, promotion, etc.
And I have re-written the CAD standards at 5 companies, either singly or as part of a group, with the end users of the documentation commenting on the marked improvement that the modernised set makes.
As for opinion, see above, but the personal attacks from you and rob shows that you would obviously prefer to shut me up than accept any contribution that disagrees with your opinion.

While there is considerable data that suggests sentence case is easier to read, the conclusion of many researchers is that it is only easier to read because people read in sentence case more often, thus because they are more comfortable seeing it in that context, they are more readily able to read it.

Interestingly, there is another conclusion that supports the concept that sentence case is easier to read and therefore, when printing important documents, it is more appropriate to use all capital letters. This isn't because it is harder to read, but rather because most people take more time to read it and consequently tend to comprehend it better.

There are lots of examples floating around that seem to bolster the idea that when we see something that is familiar, we "fill in the blanks" when something is missing or obviously spelled incorrectly .. such as the one seen regularly on Facebook ... "Can you see what is wrong with this picture?, Share it as soon as you spot the mitsake"

The irony is that this example illustrates one of the main reasons why I use all caps on drawings.

You cannot downgrade the findings of studies because they disagree with your opinion.
So your argument is that block caps is worse, therefore it's better?
Because it is more awkward, people have to read it more carefully.
Well, again, that was the initial presumption of one study that actually found the opposite to be true. Sentence case improved understanding. The content is conveyed more clearly, and I suppose they had more time to consider that content rather than read an amorphous blob of block caps.
If what you claim was correct then the entire project document set would be in block caps.
The familiarity argument was made in one study, other more recent studies have found that the shapes of the letters and words has much more of an effect.

So sentence case improves legibility, readability and understanding. It preserves word shapes, making it better for reductions, more resilient to smudging (or other abuse), is easier to read in low light conditions and easier for people with visual impairments or dyslexia to read.

The above has been found to be true by numerous studies, it is consensus, not just opinion.

In addition to that, sentence case is more consistent with the rest of the documentation (specifications, standards, reports, et al) and other disciplines work (architects, geotech, etc).

For these reasons sentence case is superior to block caps.  <- that is my opinion, supported by ^ evidence.

but I am obviously unwelcome. I have caused ripples within the echo-chamber, and I will happily leave you to it.


  • Mesozoic relic
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Re: Using UpperCase for all letters in text for CAD Drawings.
« Reply #48 on: July 17, 2015, 05:23:42 AM »

dead horse

I don't think you are unwelcome.
I do think this has not been a discussion.
Most of us here are used to opinionated people ( because most of us are opinionated, thankfully)
With the previous in mind, sometimes it's just easier to walk away from a thread ( and a lot of people do) rather that to 'add' to the discussion.

stick around.
perhaps start a discussion about something important like the representation of dates and time ....
food for thought
Lorraines birthday was 7/4/15 .. was it in April or July ?
How about if it was 2015/04/07 ??
Unfortunately, opinions differ on that topic as well. :)

kdub, kdub_nz in other timelines.
Perfection is not optional.
Everything will work just as you expect it to, unless your expectations are incorrect.
Discipline: None at all.


  • King Gator
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Re: Using UpperCase for all letters in text for CAD Drawings.
« Reply #49 on: July 17, 2015, 07:34:06 AM »
LP, did you really expect to change the world of drafting by insulting drafters?

How did you expect people to respond to you insulting their practices?

Did you think you had some new revelation to add?

Many people, probably much smarter than you, have researched this and the vast majority are still using all caps. You might have been able to sway a couple companies that exist in a microcosm where standards do not affect the bottom line. That does not mean, by any stretch of the imagination, that your methods are better for everyone.

If you had worded your post in a positive way, you would have had a better chance of having people actually consider what you were saying, but instead you came in here guns blazing and got upset when you got opposition. Maybe something like, "Hey guys, if this is what research is saying, why is all caps still being used?" would have gotten some of us to take a second (or third, or fourth, ...) look at our methods.

Would you listen to the new guy that came into your office and said, "Hey, that is the stupidest thing I've seen. My way is better. You are a jerk for doing it that way."? I bet you would throw him out in a heartbeat.
CAD Tech


  • Seagull
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Re: Using UpperCase for all letters in text for CAD Drawings.
« Reply #50 on: July 17, 2015, 08:40:07 AM »
Liftpod....welcome to the club!

You will find that the easiest way to discover the 'right' way of doing anything; is to post something on the internet!

And then you will be told or shown a half dozen 'better' methods as well as all your personal shortcomings as well.

I like sentence case; the engineer I do most work with preferes ALL CAPS, I comply.
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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Re: Using UpperCase for all letters in text for CAD Drawings.
« Reply #51 on: July 17, 2015, 09:29:21 AM »
You cannot downgrade the findings of studies because they disagree with your opinion.

I do not downgrade the results of studies ... I assert that the findings of said studies are myopic. Furthermore, not every study makes the same conclusion. Obviously negating studies are downgraded because of your opinion. See how that works?

So your argument is that block caps is worse, therefore it's better?
Because it is more awkward, people have to read it more carefully.

No, perhaps if I had written it in ALL CAPS it would have been more readily understood.
What I said was, sentence case "IS EASIER TO READ" ...

You should understand that being easier to read does not necessarily mean it is more readily understood.

Well, again, that was the initial presumption of one study that actually found the opposite to be true. Sentence case improved understanding. The content is conveyed more clearly, and I suppose they had more time to consider that content rather than read an amorphous blob of block caps.

If what you claim was correct then the entire project document set would be in block caps.

Every set of plans I have done in the last 30 years has been in all caps. I tried using sentence case many years ago .. it was worse than ugly.

But more to your point .. just because something is good for one thing, doesn't mean it is good for all things.

The familiarity argument was made in one study, other more recent studies have found that the shapes of the letters and words has much more of an effect.

So you get to choose which study is correct and which one is incorrect. How convenient.

So sentence case improves legibility, readability and understanding. It preserves word shapes, making it better for reductions, more resilient to smudging (or other abuse), is easier to read in low light conditions and easier for people with visual impairments or dyslexia to read.

The above has been found to be true by numerous studies, it is consensus, not just opinion.

There are some interesting things about "concensus" ... aside from it being merely a widespread agreement on a certain opinion, the human condition encourages it .. most people would rather follow someone elses lead than think for themselves, despite objecting to the notion.
Once upon a time consensus gave us the following:
The earth is flat;
It is impossible to exceed the speed of sound;
Tomatoes are poisonous;
Venus is a rainy planet;
The primary purpose of breathing is to regulate body temperature;
Glass is a solid;
A woman can't get pregnant if she didn't orgasm;
The heart cannot be operated on;
Smoking is good for the lungs;
Margarine is better for you than butter;
Spontaneous generation;

The list goes on and on .. so you will need to forgive me for not being among the "concensus" when it comes to things that more subjective than fire is hot.

In addition to that, sentence case is more consistent with the rest of the documentation (specifications, standards, reports, et al) and other disciplines work (architects, geotech, etc).

For these reasons sentence case is superior to block caps.  <- that is my opinion, supported by ^ evidence.
Thank you .. yes, that is your opinion, based on which evidence you choose to accept and ignore.

but I am obviously unwelcome. I have caused ripples within the echo-chamber, and I will happily leave you to it.
I'd never suggest you leave, but I would suggest that you not let something as trivial as this influence your decision.
Proud provider of opinion and arrogance since November 22, 2003 at 09:35:31 am
CadJockey Militia Field Marshal

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Re: Using UpperCase for all letters in text for CAD Drawings.
« Reply #52 on: July 17, 2015, 09:45:49 AM »
Interesting. I think it would be a big switch (read: odd looking set of plans for a while) but I'd still give it a shot if I were in charge. (serving the CAD community since 2003)
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