Author Topic: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing  (Read 4583 times)

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Craig Davis

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Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« on: August 01, 2007, 11:23:07 PM »
Well I'm pretty pi$$ed off with the continual crashing of the program when trying to do some site grading.

It's 2 steps forward and 1 step backwards. It will be going along nicely and then all of a sudden it just freezes or crashes out with an unrecoverable drawing.

I've finally learnt a lot of the tools and really like them but you never know if you're going to get the project finished. It could all be a waste of time.

Is anyone else having these problems?

I've installed the latest Service Pack 1 with no improvement that I can see.


A frustrated Craig


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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2007, 11:43:01 PM »
Overall, grading is supossedly much more stable than in the '05 and '06 flavors and improved some over 2007.  There are also still certain grading functions that are the faste ticket to a power exit known to man.  It would seem you are attempting some of those renegade functions.  I do not have much occasion to use grading, but I understand things like sloping to grade where there is a "hole" in the surface data forcing a dive to "zero" is one suc situation.  Also "hinging" one grading object off another one will take you to desktop at warp speed.  There are plenty of other functions to avoid as well.  If you find one thing in particular fries your session try a different approach or at least save first.  In fact save every time you think the program is not quite responding like it was a command or two back and especially those times you feel the hair on the back of your neck start bristling - somethings up and likely your drawing is getting ready to go down.  Forget autosave - turn it off and get in the habit of saving on a regular basis . . . VERY regular basis.


  • King Gator
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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2007, 11:54:25 PM »
In addition to Dino's fine suggestions, can you post a drawing with the exact steps you take that bring you to crashland? I don't use the Grading that often either, but when I do it works pretty much how I want it to. I've even tried to reproduce other's paths to FE's but either they don't give detailed instructions, or I subconcously adjust what they say to what I know works.

Anyway, I'd like to help find a solution to the crashes so if you can get me pointed in the direction you take, I might be able to.


  • Seagull
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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2007, 09:27:19 AM »
Sometimes C3D is crashing because it can't say "what are you thinking, you can't do that" so it crashes you into the wall. Hoping that you might just change your thinking.  You may have dated someone in the past that worked just this way....

In all seriousness post a small portion of your surface, and what you are attempting and I'm sure that I can get you through it.  Even if you need to send the data to me directly I'm only happy to have a look at it.
Extending (hinging) one grading object off anther isn't always a probelm, it's what you are asking it to do that becomes the challenge.
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Michael Farrell

Craig Davis

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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2007, 11:07:46 PM »
Thanks for all the replies. Sorry I haven't posted anything as yet. I've tried to take a break from this one for a few days.\

I would appreciate if someone could take a quick look at it to see if it crashes with them also and whether I need to work in a different way to minimise the possible crashes.

The most common area it was crashing in (was freezing actually) was Grading Volume Tools. When I was trying to adjust the Group up by 0.25m it would freeze on about 19% of "grading right side". It crashed everytime and of course when doing it now to see what the error message was it worked!!!!

Another area it was crashing in was Quick Elevation Edit which I really liked to be able to use reference to set levels.

It even crashed when doing a save-as. It would also crash when trying to Export as a 2004 drawing. It crashed a lot!

The drawing is 1.5Mb in size so is there a way to upload that to the site some how?

I really like the grading part but I wont be using it again if it keeps crashing so much.




  • King Gator
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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2007, 11:31:02 PM »
Feel free to email the drawing to me, Craig. miff AT sonic DOT net

Craig Davis

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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2007, 11:36:42 PM »
Feel free to email the drawing to me, Craig. miff AT sonic DOT net


Thanks for that.


  • Seagull
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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2007, 10:25:53 AM »
break me off a piece of that bad cad pie.....

send me the file as well ...
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


  • King Gator
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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2007, 10:40:14 AM »
what the ????
I had composed a nice little reply last night before heading for bed. Evidently I forgot to Post it before shutting down.
The quick version:
I first ran Audit which found and corrected 16 errors. Then I went through the list of what Craig said was causing him problems, in many different ways, and the only FE I get is when Exporting. Everything else worked as expected.

I did see the Panorama show many errors/warnings about duplicate points and I wanted to investigate that further, but that would have to be later today.

Craig Davis

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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2007, 07:21:02 PM »
what the ????
I had composed a nice little reply last night before heading for bed. Evidently I forgot to Post it before shutting down.
The quick version:
I first ran Audit which found and corrected 16 errors. Then I went through the list of what Craig said was causing him problems, in many different ways, and the only FE I get is when Exporting. Everything else worked as expected.

I did see the Panorama show many errors/warnings about duplicate points and I wanted to investigate that further, but that would have to be later today.

It's even more frustrating to be having all the errors when you don't want them but when you want them they disappear!!!

I was getting some warnings about duplicate points. I haven't used grading before and didn't realise how it all works together. At first I was creating a grading and filling in the middle of the grading site by drawing some break lines across the site using the feature line levels and then adding them to the grading group. I think this was when they started appearing. I've since learnt about the infill command in Grading.

This is my first major foray into grading in Civil3D. I mainly use the basic Civil3D commands and CADApps ARD to do road design.

I just tried adjusting the height up and down a few times on another drawing and it froze again at "Grading right side 22%". As one last try I could send that to both of you if you would like.

Thanks for taking the time guys.


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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2007, 01:06:17 AM »
I don't use C3D, but in reading your problem I think in relation to the turning off of Autosave, you should also try and get rid of any exe's that try to report to the mother ship (i.e. communication center). I was having sooooo many crashes with ADT, that it seemed like a crash would happen any time it felt like it. I noticed that I could detect when a crash was going to happen because my hard drive would gurgle and spurt as if something were running in the background. I disabled the comm center stuff and haven't had a problem since.

Craig Davis

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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2007, 01:45:23 AM »
Actually there doesn't seem to be any Communications Centre in Civil3D 2008. I can't seem to find it.

Is it hidden away some where?


  • Seagull
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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2007, 09:52:21 AM »

Look in the upper right of the menu, and look for the little satelite dish....
Be your Best

Michael Farrell

Craig Davis

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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2007, 07:43:10 PM »

Look in the upper right of the menu, and look for the little satelite dish....

Thanks for that.

I hadn't noticed it up there.

Should I disable it some how?


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
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Re: Civil3D 2008 Grading continually freezing
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2007, 10:11:58 PM »
sure you do, first address the satelite dish...then click on it
select Settings, input your country, and how frequently if ever you want to know about updates,
and other balloon notices and how long they will display
Be your Best

Michael Farrell