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  • Mosquito
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How to check the field of an attribute
« on: August 23, 2021, 10:20:23 PM »
Things That You Should and Shouldn't Pick Up Using Vacuum Cleaners


While having a vacuum in your home can be quite convenient as it would pick up almost every kind of dirt and debris on your floor, not all users know how to use their vacuum cleaner properly. Knowing what you should and shouldn’t pick up while using your vacuum cleaner is important.

What you should pick up


This is probably the main reason why people are so desperate to own the Best Rated Vacuum Cleaners. Pet hair, human hair–they all drive you crazy. That being said, using a vacuum cleaner, you can easily pick up loose hairs scattered around the house without any problems. However, make sure you clean your vacuum head and hose afterwards to prevent clogging.


You can find dust on every surface around your home; on your carpet, sofa, hardwood floor, even on your bed mattress. You’re going to need to pick up all that dust by using a vacuum cleaner as soon as possible. With an enclosed design and a HEPA filter your dust will be trapped inside the vacuum cleaner.

Dry debris

For most dry debris, using the vacuum cleaner is definitely the most effective cleaning method. With just a few passes, you can get rid of snacks, cereals, or biscuit crumbs from any surface with ease.

What you shouldn’t pick up

Wet foods

The first thing on your “stay away” list is definitely wet food, which can easily be spilled while you’re cooking or eating in the kitchen. Remember, you should never pick up any wet or moist food or debris using the vacuum cleaner, for a number of reasons. First, your vacuum cleaner won’t be able to collect the wet food stain on the floor and it’ll stay like that if you don’t clean it with a damp towel or mop. Second, a large chunk of food can get stuck in your vacuum hose. And third, if you forget to dump the debris bag or canister, you’ll come back a few weeks later to a smelly best vacuum cleaner reviews.

Shredded paper

Due to its size and texture, shredded papers can easily get clogged up on your hose or floor brush, making it almost impossible to clean them from your floor. That being said, it’s better to use your hands or a broom to pick up large shredded papers and let the vacuum cleaner finish the job.

Shattered glass

Another thing that you should never suck up into your vacuum cleaner is shattered glass, no matter how small the pieces are. What you might not know, when the glass pieces are inside your vacuum cleaner, they can easily cut through the dust bag and send dirt all over the place. Plus, your hoses will also be damaged and potentially leak. In this case, the best thing to do is to carefully use a broom and dustpan to pick up the pieces.


Now, this one is easy. The reason you shouldn’t suck up liquid with a vacuum cleaner? You can be electrocuted. It’s as simple as that. Generally speaking, you wouldn’t want any kind of liquid inside your electrical equipment. For vacuum cleaners, the dust bag can easily leak and damage electrical components.

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Fine dust

Using your vacuum cleaner to clean fine dust particles is like the opposite of cleaning. The reason is because the fine dust consists of extremely small particles that might leak out of your dust bag or collect inside the motor. Hence, you should stay away from vacuuming fireplace ashes, powders, and the likes. It’s best to use a wet mop, or a rag if the cleaning area is small, to get rid of fine dust and powders.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2024, 03:08:57 AM by tommyroland »


  • Swamp Rat
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Re: How to check the field of an attribute
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2021, 12:20:55 AM »
If you use VL you can get the true textstring so look for something that is always there in a field string use wcmatch.
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Lee Mac

  • Seagull
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Re: How to check the field of an attribute
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2021, 05:39:32 PM »
A similar question was asked very recently -