Author Topic: Can you use ADT for just 2D plans?  (Read 20254 times)

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  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 1128
Can you use ADT for just 2D plans?
« on: February 17, 2004, 03:08:44 PM »
We do all of our plans in 2D, no need for 3D.  Is there a way to make it so it's all in just 2D?  I've tried ADT3.3 and really like what can be done with it.  I know it's a lot of setup, but the benefits of the long setup time so far seem to outweigh the time.  What is everyone else's take on this?


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Can you use ADT for just 2D plans?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2004, 03:20:06 PM »
To answer your first question; yes. To answer the other one; I think the program is far better than vanilla. In fact, back to the first question, if you use the walls, windows and doors, you can generate schedule tables from them and as long as you stay in plan view, the plan will never actually show the 3d representation. It exists, but it's as if it's suppressed. To see what I mean, create something using walls etc. and 3dorbit it. Notice how it's all 2d until you exit 3dorbit? So, in plan it is 2d.


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 1128
Can you use ADT for just 2D plans?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2004, 03:25:38 PM »
Yeah, I knew all of that.  I just didn't know if anybody used it for strictly 2D Construction plans.  I would really like to move to it, but my boss has been using AutoCAD for like 10 years and don't think he'd be ready for a change.  He likes what ADT can do, but it's the thing about switching over... :twisted:


  • Villiage Idiot
  • Seagull
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Can you use ADT for just 2D plans?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2004, 04:23:08 PM »
On my last job we used ADT3.3 for 2d drawings without a hitch. The 3d stuff is there if you ever need it.
Proud provider of opinion and arrogance since November 22, 2003 at 09:35:31 am
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Can you use ADT for just 2D plans?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2004, 04:39:09 PM »
We are in the process of switching from plain jane cad to ADT 3.3. The long term benefits far far out weigh the learning curve. I would echo everything that Daron has said. Schedules of doors windows fixtures and fittings can all be generated from the plans. If you add a door for instance the schedule will be updated with the door information. It will cut drawing time down and keep schedules as accurate as the drawings. Once a door or window has been defined once all that has to be done is to insert it and the walls are trimmed. Draw ‘a line’ and a wall is drawn and trimmed when it meets another wall. Brilliant programme and I’m only scratching the surface.


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Can you use ADT for just 2D plans?
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2004, 10:53:59 AM »
Yes , you can I have done 2D drawings on ADT3.3 -NO PROBLEMO !!!  :D


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Lemme tell'ya ...
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2004, 01:27:25 PM »
the office I am currently in, as much as these guys brag about their schools and churches they do, how 'fantastic' they are and how 'great' it was using current tools (2k4 ADT), these guys are really using ACAD14 and doing board drafting.

I work in 2D plans ALL day.   I like the ability to create the 2D plans but have the accessibility of 3D when needed, Presentations, portfolios, etc.

We recently did a large elementary school and, unfortunately, these boneheads I'm working with have integrated their acad14 utilities into 2k4 ADT so they can work.   (We've had 2k4 since December and still do not have the tool palettes setup)    The project turned out great but they took a lot longer on it because they are still doing lines, arcs and cirlces instead of objects, ...  walls, doors, windows, schedules and the like.   Not to mention that having to go back and edit something on the drawings is a nightmare.

I could have created a presentation for the owners if the office here would have been up on change and willing to accept it.   As it is, they sent the dwgs out and had someone make a rendering of the school which cost twice as much and took the same amount of time as it would have if we'd a been accepting change and embraced the tools we have available.

I would highly recommend the upgrade to ADT.   But be sure, if the boss does not want to learn it, that he/she allows the drafters to learn it.   And all I can say is GO WITH CHANGE !!!   Learn it.   Get out of the board drafting habits of the 60's and get into the computer age.

As you can tell, it's become a pet peeve.  I've had to degrade myself and get back to board drafting to work with these guys.   And worse, majority vote says we do things their way.   So not only can I not practice what I've learned and continue to learn, ...  I'm screwgied until I leave here.   :cry:

Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a rant.


  • Guest
Can you use ADT for just 2D plans?
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2004, 02:43:59 PM »
You sound like your company is set in a time warp.Do they still think you cant beat the accuracy and finished quality that a draughtsman on a drawing boards can produce :) .Kate mustve have one of your former employees at her work,he believes he can hand draw quicker than a draughtsman can use CAD!Have you tried sitting down with the boss and explaining your problems and suggested alternative ways that save time and more importantly £££££ that should grab his attention?