Author Topic: eattext and vba  (Read 7262 times)

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eattext and vba
« on: January 21, 2004, 06:29:25 AM »
I use eattext a lot. I have the regular things to set like: current drawing and user template etc. These settings are always the same.
Is it possible to let a vb program set this automaticly? So I dont have to run through al those settings. Just run a vba and presto!

If not can this be done by a lisp program? (Or both vba and lisp?)

I'm new to vba so maybe it's a stupid question.



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eattext and vba
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2004, 10:03:49 AM »
Anything is possible given you throw enough money, effort and time at it.

But seriously, there is a VBA program example that extracts attributes to excel that could be modified to do what you need, or you can create a custom routine, (lisp or VBA) to look at the drawing objects and filter what you want then extract only the information you want.

It won't be done in a few minutes, and it may take a few hours depending upon the complexity of what you want, but it can be done.
Proud provider of opinion and arrogance since November 22, 2003 at 09:35:31 am
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« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2004, 01:47:16 PM »
I tried a few lisp files who do this thing. For me, the eattext function in acad works the best. Maybe i tried the wrong ones....

The goal is this:

I have a drawing with a few custom symbols.
Those symbols have some atrributes. A few invisible with preset data, and a few with channelnumbers wich I have to set when placing a block in the drawing.

At the end I want a list in Excel with a list of the blocks, the number of them, the weight (=preset), the height, order code(=preset) etc.

So far the eattext works great. Except I have to go through the same questions again and again with the same answers.
So that's why I want to skip the questions.

Hope you have a clue what I mean.


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eattext and vba
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2004, 11:27:05 AM »
Hi There

I use eattxt occasionally as well and I agree with Keith
I think i know the exact example Keith is reffering too.
As my knowledge of VBA is still just above beginner, I had no luck modifying that example to make it mine. No doubt Keith could do it time permitting.

Anyhow, I do believe that The Extract Attributes (eattxt) not only has too many steps but you also have to bring the comma delimited text into Excel.

I did automate The Excel process with a macro but it is no where  near the custom spread sheet that I want.  I don't think that it would be that hard to create a macro in AutoCAD that would automate your process if you want to use The Eattxt Method

I intend to keep plugging until I can create my own spread sheet and with one click have the attributes extract and arranged in Excel EXACTLY how I want. I

Let's keep this topic alive until one of us figures it all out. It will benefit everyone I believe.



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« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2004, 11:28:11 AM »
Hey Keith

I really hope you do not look like that in real life?   :lol:


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Re: PS
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2004, 11:32:27 AM »
Quote from: ML
I really hope you do not look like that in real life?

His last avatar was a very good likeness.

(As is mine to me).
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  • Villiage Idiot
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eattext and vba
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2004, 01:07:12 AM »
Proud provider of opinion and arrogance since November 22, 2003 at 09:35:31 am
CadJockey Militia Field Marshal

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eattext and vba
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2004, 08:14:07 AM »
Boy ML, where've you been? Haven't seen you in a long time.


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eattext and vba
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2004, 05:18:06 PM »
Yeah it has been almost a year. I was busy trying to absorb every thing I've learned in the previous year :)
Actually I just annoyed the hell out of Keith  LOL

Actually I moved across country for 6 months and was very busy.

I need to re connect for some forum friends, especially in The VBA area

Talk to you soon