Author Topic: [XDrX-PlugIn(119)] BLOCK Settlement  (Read 367 times)

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  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 527
[XDrX-PlugIn(119)] BLOCK Settlement
« on: April 03, 2024, 06:10:49 AM »
Align and scale the selected tiles and place them into the rectangular frame.

Code: [Select]
       (/ box box1 dst1 dst2 e e1 i num pts1 src1 src2 ss x)
  (defun _getdir (box)
    (setq pts1 (xd::geom:box->9pt box)
  src1 (nth 4 pts1)
    (if (< (distance (car box) (last box))
   (distance (car box)
     (cadr box)
      (setq src2 (nth 7 pts1))
      (setq src2 (nth 5 pts1)
    (list src1 src2)
  (if (and
(setq e (car (xdrx_entsel
"\nSelect sample rectangle<Exit>:"
       '((0 . "lwpolyline") (-4 . "&=") (70 . 1))
(setq num (getint (xdrx-string-multilanguage
    "\nHow many in a row? <Exit>:"
(xdrx_prompt "\n选取要安置的图块")
(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "insert"))))
      (setq i 0)
      (setq e1 e)
'(lambda (x)
   (setq box (xdrx_entity_box e))
   (mapcar 'set '(dst1 dst2) (_getdir box))
   (setq box1 (xdrx_entity_box x))
   (mapcar 'set '(src1 src2) (_getdir box1))
   (xdrx_entity_align x src1 src2 dst1 dst2 t)
   (xdrx_entity_scale x 0.9 dst1)
   (if (/= 0 (rem (setq i (1+ i)) num))
     (xdrx_entity_copy e (car box) (cadr box))
       (xdrx_entity_copy e1 (last box) (car box))
       (setq e1 (entlast))
   (setq e (entlast))
(xdrx_pickset->ents ss)
The code I wrote uses XDRX-API,which can be downloaded from and is updated at any time.