Author Topic: [XDrX-PlugIn(8)] Modify HATCH Line spacing and batch modify HATCH entities  (Read 1052 times)

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  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 527
The code written in the forum is mainly to demonstrate the usage of the main functions to be introduced. There may be a better or direct way to implement it.

The following code mainly introduces Let SSGET support keywords.....

1. Let SSGET support keywords, callback functions, and modify prompt strings.
1.ssget Supports CallBack Function Usages,
2.Supports one-click carriage return. For example, if you enter B, you can enter directly.|;
  (xdrx-initssget "\nPlease select the padding to be modified [Scale(B)/Spacing(V)]<Exit>:"
    "B V"

Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  2. (xdrx-initssget
  3.     "\nPlease select the padding to be modified [Scale(B)/Spacing(V)]<Exit>:"
  4. ;;Replace "Select Objects:" with the prompt string
  5.     "B V"  
  6. ;;Keyword, supports one-click carriage return. After entering the keyword, enter the callback function processing, and then continue the SSGET process.
  7.     ""
  8.     "-KEYWORD"
  9. ;;CallBack Function
  10.   )
  11. (xdrx-ssget '((0 . "hatch") (2 . "~solid")))

Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (defun c:xdtb-hatchmodscl (/ gap scl ss i x)
  2.   (defun -prompt ()
  3.     (xdrx-prompt
  4.       "\nCurrent settings: "
  5.       (cond ((= #xd-var-global-mode-hatch-mode 0) "Scale(")
  6.             ((= #xd-var-global-mode-hatch-mode 1) "Spacing(")
  7.       )
  8.       #xd-var-global-gap
  9.       ")"
  10.     )
  11.   )
  12.   (defun -keyword (key)
  13.     (cond ((= key "B")
  14.            (if (setq val (getreal
  15.                            (xdrx-prompt
  16.                              "\nInput Scale<"
  17.                              #xd-var-global-gap
  18.                              ">:"
  19.                              t
  20.                            )
  21.                          )
  22.                )
  23.              (setq #xd-var-global-gap val)
  24.            )
  25.            (setq #xd-var-global-mode-hatch-mode 0)
  26.           )
  27.           ((= key "V")
  28.            (if (setq val
  29.                       (getreal
  30.                         (xdrx-prompt "\nInput Spacing<" #xd-var-global-gap ">:" t)
  31.                       )
  32.                )
  33.              (setq #xd-var-global-gap val)
  34.            )
  35.            (setq #xd-var-global-mode-hatch-mode 1)
  36.           )
  37.     )
  38.     (-prompt)
  39.   )
  40.   (xdrx-begin)
  41.   (xdrx-initget "B V")
  42.   (if (not #xd-var-global-gap)
  43.     (setq #xd-var-global-gap 1.0)
  44.   )
  45.   (if (not #xd-var-global-mode-hatch-mode)
  46.     (setq #xd-var-global-mode-hatch-mode 0)
  47.   )
  48.   (-prompt)
  49. ;|
  50. xdrx-initssget
  51. 1.ssget Supports CallBack Function Usages,
  52.   Let SSGET support keywords, callback functions, and modify prompt strings.
  53. 2.Supports one-click carriage return. For example, if you enter B, you can enter directly.|;
  54.   (xdrx-initssget
  55.     "\nPlease select the padding to be modified [Scale(B)/Spacing(V)]<Exit>:"
  56.     "B V"
  57.     ""
  58.     "-KEYWORD"
  59.   )
  60.   (if (setq ss (xdrx-ssget '((0 . "hatch") (2 . "~solid"))))
  61.     (progn
  62.       (if (= #xd-var-global-mode-hatch-mode 0)
  63.         (xdrx-entity-setproperty
  64.           ss
  65.           "patternscale"
  66.           #xd-var-global-gap
  67.         )
  68.         (progn
  69.           (setq i 0)
  70.           (mapcar
  71.             '(lambda (x)
  72.                (if
  73.                  (setq gap (xdrx-getpropertyvalue x "ParallelSpacing"))
  74.                   (progn (setq gap (car gap)
  75.                                scl (xdrx-getpropertyvalue x "PatternScale")
  76.                                scl (* scl (/ #xd-var-global-gap gap))
  77.                          )
  78.                          (xdrx-setpropertyvalue x "patternscale" scl)
  79.                          (setq i (1+ i))
  80.                   )
  81.                )
  82.              )
  83.             (xdrx-pickset->ents ss)
  84.           )
  85.           (xdrx-prompt
  86.             "\nSelected"
  87.             (sslength ss)
  88.             "Hatch, modified successfully"
  89.             i
  90.           )
  91.         )
  92.       )
  93.     )
  94.   )
  95.   (xdrx-end)
  96.   (princ)
  97. )
« Last Edit: November 26, 2023, 05:27:28 PM by xdcad »
The code I wrote uses XDRX-API,which can be downloaded from and is updated at any time.