Author Topic: BricsCAD Block Creation Unit Type & Precision BUG  (Read 7359 times)

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Matthew H

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BricsCAD Block Creation Unit Type & Precision BUG
« on: November 10, 2022, 08:34:15 AM »
I am posting this here, as it seems that Bricsys's Support Request is down currently.

Operating System: Windows 11 Pro, 10.0.22000 Build 22000
Software: BricsCAD V23.1.05 (x64)

When creating a block via the command "BLOCK" there is no option to specify a "Block Unit" of "Unitless/No Units".
Though alternatively, you can modify a block via "BEDIT" and under its properties you can specify a "Block Unit" of "Unitless/No Units".

When creating a block via the command "BLOCK" and you use the "Pick Point" button for its "Base Point", the specified point's coordinates do not have enough precision.
For example, draw a line randomly in modelspace and use the "Pick Point" button to get one of the lines endpoint. Then create the block.
If you measure the blocks insertion point compared to the actual endpoint, the difference will be about Ten-Millionths(0.000000XX) of a unit off.
This happens regardless of if your "LUPREC" is set to 8. The block creations "Pick Point" button only gets the coordinates to the Millionths place (0.00000X)
BricsCAD is supposed to handle a precision of Hundred-Millions of a unit. At least according to the "LUPREC"(0.0000000X) variable.
This is a MAJOR issue when creating blocks and placing them using their insertion point.

The current work around to this, is to manually get the wanted blocks coordinate point before entering the block creation dialog box.
Alternatively, you can ensure all your block are created at the origin of the "World Coordinate System", that way you know the point will be correct.
Though both are a major hassle and impact productivity/efficiency.

If anyone can do any testing on their end and let me know their findings, I would appreciate it.

Matthew H.

Matthew H

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Re: BricsCAD Block Creation Unit Type & Precision BUG
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2022, 08:48:44 AM »
Bricsys Support Request is back up. I have sent them the previous post.

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Re: BricsCAD Block Creation Unit Type & Precision BUG
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2022, 05:55:40 PM »
maybe i'm not following correctly.
I drew a line and moved the Yx from 0 to 0.00000005
I drew another line to be used as a block, launched the block dialog, when asked to specify a base point, I snapped to the first line
insert the new block at 0,0, the diff is  0.00000005

Matthew H

  • Newt
  • Posts: 70
Re: BricsCAD Block Creation Unit Type & Precision BUG
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2022, 08:03:11 AM »
maybe i'm not following correctly.
I drew a line and moved the Yx from 0 to 0.00000005
I drew another line to be used as a block, launched the block dialog, when asked to specify a base point, I snapped to the first line
insert the new block at 0,0, the diff is  0.00000005

This is what currently happens on my machine.
I have a line whose starting point coordinates are listed on the leader.
When I create a block of the line and use the "Pick Point" for its base point, the precision of the coordinates it inputs into the lower boxes is not of equal precision.
See my reference image below.

Thank you,
Matthew H.