Author Topic: Startup Options  (Read 4862 times)

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  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 11
Startup Options
« on: August 04, 2022, 08:04:44 AM »
I don't know about yall, but I hate when I get a new machine and I gotta get AutoCAD setup exactly like it was before. Exporting settings doesn't always catch all the little things.

On my last machine I had Startup = 1 and Startmode = 3 and I was able to disable drawing1, and the ribbon would load. For the life of me I cannot recreate this on my new machine.
I've looked at the settings of another coworker who has theirs setup the same way I did and theirs's isn't creating drawing1.

Everything I lookup says to set startmode to 2, but that's not I had set.

I know it's something small that I'm overlooking.

Please help!


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1883
Re: Startup Options
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2022, 03:10:04 PM »
acad 2022  startmode  only has  0 & 1


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 289
  • ByLayer=>Not0
Re: Startup Options
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2022, 04:19:59 PM »
STARTMODE (System Variable)
Controls the display of the Start tab.

Type:   Integer
Saved in:   Registry
Initial value:   1
Value Description

0       Closes the Start tab and it will be disabled the next time you launch the application.

1       Start tab is enabled and displayed.

Note: When changing the value of STARTMODE from 0 to 1, you must restart AutoCAD for the Start tab to be displayed. If you are running AutoCAD in a single document mode (SDI =1), the Start tab will be displayed after you change the value of SDI to 0 and restart AutoCAD.

STARTUP (System Variable)
Controls what is displayed when the application is started, or when a new drawing is opened.

Type:   Integer
Saved in:   Registry
Initial value:   3
Controls whether the Create New Drawing dialog box is displayed when a new drawing is started with NEW or QNEW. Also controls whether the Startup dialog box or Start tab is displayed when the application is started.

If the FILEDIA system variable is set to 0, file dialog boxes are not displayed.

Value Description

0       Starts a drawing without defined settings.

1       Displays the Startup or the Create New Drawing dialog box.

2       The Start tab is displayed. If available in the application, a custom dialog box is displayed.

3       The Start tab is displayed and the ribbon is pre-loaded when you open or create a new drawing.

Of course anytime you want the Start Tab Ctrl+Home takes you right to it.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2022, 04:36:33 PM by tombu »
Tom Beauford P.S.M.
Leon County FL Public Works - Windows 7 64 bit AutoCAD Civil 3D


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 978
Re: Startup Options
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2022, 09:54:15 AM »
I don't know about yall, but I hate when I get a new machine and I gotta get AutoCAD setup exactly like it was before. Exporting settings doesn't always catch all the little things.

Make all your settings in ACAD.LSP (for those system settings) and/or ACADDOC.LSP (for drawing based settings) - and you'll never have to "Set up a new machine" again :-)

Keep your startup files in a folder like C:\CADSTUFF and then add this path to the top of the support file search path, and restart ACAD, and voila .... done.


  • Newt
  • Posts: 200
Re: Startup Options
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2022, 02:47:47 PM »
This may be a bit much or even off topic.
I did this for acad2013. My company wanted an easy way to upgrade to different versions of autocad so I threw it together.
There may be a better way but this works for me so why change it.

I pretty much do it like rkmcswain

At the bottom on my cui2021doc.lsp I have a line to load my profile info
(load ".\\Enterprise 2021\\load file.lsp" "")

Loadfile simply looks for a env var I create.

(setq var1 (getenv "DCEload21"))
(if (/= var1 "loaded")
   (load ".\\Enterprise 2021\\2021 DCE Profile.lsp")
      (princ var1)

If it's not been set in the registry then it runs "2021 DCE Profile.lsp" to all the variables changes we make to autocad for company standards. This way the user can do make the changes he wants to the way he works. If I have to I can reset the registry entry and get someone back to company standards. As a bonus it also lets me change an individual users profile and lets me make changes or a company wide change without effecting any of the users personal settings.

All my standard lsp calls are in a lsp routine that is run when a person chooses his enterprise workspace. We have one for civil mech electric and hvac.