Author Topic: Who was inventor of AutoLISP ?  (Read 5955 times)

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  • Newt
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Re: Who was inventor of AutoLISP ?
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2015, 07:53:12 AM »
Translated part of article on
AutoCAD was not hopeless, it had a built-in interpreter LISP. Well, yes, among us only turned on the problems of artificial intelligence were familiar with LISP, but the language is extremely simple syntax and it can be learned in a couple of days. As they say, is a language for the true followers of AI, because "artificial intelligence engaged in those who do not have enough of his." In the initial implementation of Autodesk LISP was terribly slow, epileptic fit. It was clear that nothing serious it is impossible to write. But later he became just the weapons that allowed AutoCAD trample the competition in the niche of CAD for the PC. And this weapon forged victory for Autodesk two Russian scientific officer by the name of ... Petrov and Petrov.

Petrov squared and Richard Handyside
In the autumn of '89 on the territory of the Conference Center AZLK, then still quite a living plant, a landing Autodesk accompanied circus trained partners. Commanded this operation one of the founders of Autodesk Richard Handyside. Of all of the engineers, and students of technical colleges on this show was longer than the mausoleum of Lenin. For those who have been there, it was the first acquaintance with interactive CAD, let the poor, but really existing. Displays 20 ", plotters and digitizers and it works not with cupboards CM4 or UCS, and gray box with IBM PC, standing on a standard Soviet table-desk made of particleboard. It turns out for AutoCAD already have companies that write programs to LISP, expanding its functionality to the level of parametric design (Cyco Software), LISP do something good? On most inexperienced Soviet engineers is impressed no less than shine beads on Papuan. But some have realized that there is a great opportunity that you can start to write programs that will use AutoCAD as interactive editing and design programs used to require a complex array of input raw data will get them directly from the drawing and the result will be in the drawing. Here are just a LISP ...
One such development was Peter Petrov, who worked in a slightly closed on the creation of SRI through CAD for specific branches of engineering. He was a friend, too, by the name of Petrov, by name - Yuri. And it so happened that they previously had experience in developing compilers. In general, they have looked at this in AutoCAD LISP and realized that in order to use it for more or less serious applications it should have the ability to convert the source code unreadable for all form (to close it), and it is better to compile a directly executable team. That is to make a special compiler LISP for AutoCAD. The idea is not better or worse than most others, produced over a glass of tea gatherings programmers and researchers. And it may be that she remained in the form of a prototype that would exist in the interior of the closed slightly SRI, but has changed in the USSR. There was a JV (joint venture) Parallel, which was the first partner of Autodesk. Employees parallels translated into Russian AutoCAD and began to implement it.

It is possible that such an extension of AutoCAD software in Russia would not have received if it were not for the talent of Richard Handyside gather around him interesting people. He believed that in order to be well enough to sell it to demonstrate how to use it to learn. And since most Autodesk was then very little resources, it is necessary to look for partners, the more the better, it is necessary to increase the number of people who will adapt to local conditions AutoCAD. And he began to help local developers to show their programs at exhibitions. To do this, Autodesk provides a place on their stands small firms that offer what help AutoCAD. These were the manufacturers of graphic peripherals and software, complementary AutoCAD. In the Soviet Union it was programs iron "Made in USSR" was not advanced. In one of his visits to Richard he was introduced to a couple of Petrov. They at that time was not a complete solution to compile and run LISP-program for AutoCAD, but they are guaranteed to having access to the internal functions of AutoCAD, you can do it in a very limited time frame. Even if they do not have access, it also can, but it will be a little longer.

And then it was this. Richard discussed this idea with other founding fathers and two Petrov went to Sausalito, California to bring its decision to release. I must say that they have at this time cracked the code AutoCAD and were able to connect the modules compiled LISP directly, but this is not Richard said. All that was required, it was actually rather debugging than refinement. In general, they did record time and mainly dedicated their long trip the study of Aboriginal life in Silicon Valley.

Perhaps it was the first time that Russian developers Autodesk paid for the use of their software components in AutoCAD. But most interesting is that it was not the last contract for the sale of Autodesk Petrovykh components for working with AutoLISP. What has been done, to ensure the protection of the source code of third-party developers. They are now able to sell their programs written in LISP without fear that the results of their work can be easily copied. The number of enthusiasts AutoCAD beginning to grow rapidly, it has become an emerging international development community AutoCAD. Due to the compiler LISP-program performs much faster and with their help, it became possible to make quite serious computing. And two Russian guy by the name of Petrov, each in its own overcame beginning of an era of change. Backwater, which was the Soviet Union, has become a seething maelstrom of the 90's, when teachers of chairs, Ph.D. CAD traded in markets free from visiting days, cooperatives opened for the sale of personal computers, corned beef, cigarettes, and until recently, trying to get at least some -That finance their projects from their native state or foreign companies, but in the end just left the country, adding to the Russian diaspora in Parametric Technologies, Microsoft, Apple ...

Autodesk Petrov did not forget the support for technical contract with them at first was not signed, so they have several times received orders to adapt their code under each next version of AutoCAD. Do not be surprised if it turns out that such a lucrative contract for Petrov and slightly unfavorable - for Autodesk was made by Richard Handyside deliberately, because at that time no one in the Soviet Union did not have any idea how much it actually costs their qualifications. And to those penny earned on the original contract did not beads for Papuans, in return for which was obtained by gold bullion, Handyside planted a small bomb under the financial department Autodesk, resulting in a temporary creative team Petrov + Petrov got more serious contracts for revision once sold code.

It is my speculation, but Richard Handyside - is one of the few businessmen with whom I was pushing fate, and that caused a feeling of unconditional respect as a person, so it is possible that it was so.

VisualLISP, or Petrov returns
Surprising in this story with Petrov and Autodesk is the fact that it did not end with the advent of software interface to AutoCAD on the C language, AutoLISP survived. Even the transition from AutoCAD DOS to Windows and the use of a large number of tools available on Windows, not turned in LISP relic of the past. Too many developers and advanced users AutoCAD «hooked" on LISP. They learned to circumvent the limitations of the implementation of AutoLISP, understand the benefits of the interpreted language, appreciated his flexibility with an absolute minimum of syntax.
Forced separation from a key founding father, architect exotic APIs AutoCAD: AutoLISP, Diesel and DCL, John Walker did not help relieve AutoCAD from all countries, the development, moreover they are able to poluletargicheskom survived to the present day. By the way, well that Walker did not have time to implement an object-oriented environment for the development of applications based on the language on the reverse Polish notation Forth, instead of C ++, as he was going. It would be a nightmare for developers.

And then, in the second half of the 90s among the main wishes of the users was the requirement of modern development environment for AutoLISP. Autodesk vain to persuade the developer community to move to Visual Studio, the sins of the past in the form of thousands of lines written in AutoLISP pulled back. And Microsoft in no hurry to add LISP in the number of supported Visual Studio languages. As sung in a popular song at the time: «I need a hero!». Needed a epic hero who will save all - Autodesk uncharacteristic of them to create a modern development environment for programming and debugging of language, are the legacy of eccentric Walker and users, developers are forced to use the tools of the past century computer for writing and debugging programs in LISP . Truly «I need a hero!». And Russia has responded to this call.

Maelstrom 90s ripped creative team Petrovykh into components. Peter Petrov decided to try to realize the great American dream and went to the US to be another one of those Russian who create American superiority CAD. This time it was an adult. Opened the company Basis Software Inc., which is mainly engaged in what you're thinking? That's right, she developed a modern visual programming environment for LISP - Vital-LISP! By the way, it was not the only project, moreover, it was actually a side effect, but ... They wanted to do the very fulcrum that Archimedes was needed in order to turn the Earth. Unfortunately, the bar was set too high, so we will never know what would have happened with CAD if Basis Software was able to realize his plan.

However, the first component was created - a visual programming environment for LISP, but money has become an end, funding for the continuation of the project was nowhere to take. And the old one was better than two new ones - Autodesk saw in the development of Basis Software solution to all their problems. They bought Vital-LISP, renamed it VisualLISP and included in AutoCAD. A huge number of users around the world once again feel comfortable, not only AutoCAD keeps pace with the times, but the old man AutoLISP dressed in the latest fashions from Microsoft.

Yes, Peter Petrov did it again, he again sold his LISP Autodesk. And you say that the shells do not fall twice in a funnel, or that the same river can not enter twice. Everything is possible if it will take for Peter Petrov!

Jeff H

  • Needs a day job
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Re: Who was inventor of AutoLISP ?
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2015, 10:22:03 AM »
Here is interview with one of Autodesk founders who talks about it.


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 1447
Re: Who was inventor of AutoLISP ?
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2015, 02:52:37 PM »
For those of us who were developers before working with AutoCAD, LISP is a nightmare. Even after working with it the last three years I still have trouble following code written by my predecessor.  Just wanted it to be known not everyone thinks LISP was a good thing.

LISP = Lost In Stupid Parenthesis
Hippoedit will be your best friend, it can fix formatting, has automatic parenthesis, autocomplete, etc.