Author Topic: AutoLisp interaction with an ERP software, specifically Syteline  (Read 1572 times)

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AutoLisp interaction with an ERP software, specifically Syteline
« on: December 31, 2014, 12:37:59 PM »
Hi All,
Reposting here in hopes of more eyes taking a look.
Sorry if you've seen this over at cadtutor but here goes..

Has anyone seen any .lsp files that interact with an ERP software such as Syteline?
 I know autolisp can interface with third party softwares but a quick google search of "autolisp syteline" provides no lisp files for my interrogation.

 Apparently there is a rather large mess that I was hoping to be of some assistance in dealing with. There are 5 sites each containing a database of 80,000+ items. Pulling these into autocad and running a sorting function on them would certainly be more efficient than a human attempting to decipher through the large number of items.

 Syteline is an ERP software that we use to track our part numbers. What is in stock, projected completion dates for projects already opened, it also is the main home for our BoM descriptions. It'd be what program we would open if given "Vanepack" by an engineer- we'd then find the part number and give it a more descriptive well, description that we could clipboard copy straight out of syteline and into our BoM. This is the main drafting/design usage of syteline but Project Management as well as the Schedulers also use this software so it needs some cleaning up.

 Each manufacturing plant and headquarters has their own syteline database, accessed by anyone from any plant. This has created some problems- mainly overlapping/redundancy issues. Without a part number all that we'd have to go on is the given description. So, a human without explicit knowledge of how the item is called in syteline may search for 2" SEAMLESS (pipe) when the item is actually in the database as 2" SMLS. So they don't find it, and go and create a new part number in the database for the redundant pipe. That's why I am sure some sort of comparing and sorting is going to be required in this project.

 Microsoft Access is the most logical software to use, for the boss here has an excel spreadsheet with all of the items from one site..and it's very slow to open or modify. Definitely access would be the way to go. I was hoping autoCAD could contain the data, use lisp to do all of the sorting, then push it all into access. I've a working acad->excel software and knowledge to modify it for most needs but I don't know how handy that would be for this particular task.

 Good thing is, there's no rush. The lead engineer here wants to take some steps in 2015 to rectify the databases of their I'll be getting with him after the new year just hoping to have something tangible or at least a concrete idea that is in works by then.

 I can delve into this a bit further but I wanted to get this up here in the hopes that someone already has a working lisp file for me to take a look at.

Thanks a bunch Swampers and happppppy new years!


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Re: AutoLisp interaction with an ERP software, specifically Syteline
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2015, 10:26:45 AM »
Okay. so, good news.
Excel is quite capable of handling the data dumps from syteline that we have.
I should be able to modify my acad->excel routine to:
1) become excel->autocad, so as to dump all the info from excel into autocad.
2) create (please help with some tips or if anyone is awesome enough (pbejse/leemac/other gurus *swoon*) to help with the algorithm to sort and compare all of the data once it's dumped into acad.

What will need to happen is that we will need to compare all of the part numbers and descriptions from the master excel list (and master site) to each of the shop lists/sites (once they're in acad), to find any duplicates in both the part numbers and descriptions.

Same of the OEM and OEM numbers.
 I'm a bit reluctant to upload the excel files because they contain massive amounts of company data but if anyone wants to be of assistance I could not express my gratitude enough, so post here and I'll likely PM them.

New years resolution: get this done!


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Re: AutoLisp interaction with an ERP software, specifically Syteline
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2015, 12:17:11 PM »
Bump because I've got one guru interested and hoping more care to take a stab.
Here's looking at you Lee Mac.
I figure you're too busy but if you wanna help me with this'n...I couldn't express my gratitude enough.
Trying to make a great impression at my new company.
 :evil: :-D