Author Topic: Does Log4Net work when you NETLOAD?  (Read 1432 times)

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Does Log4Net work when you NETLOAD?
« on: December 05, 2011, 01:55:56 AM »

I've been trying to get Log4Net to work with my AutoCAD native app (NETLOAD). Log4Net looks at the app configuration file for particular settings it needs to run.

I cannot get it to read the app.exe.config file for my dll so I have given up and rolled my own logger.

Can anyone confirm that with a NETLOAD app you can't read your own app.exe.config file? It makes sense AutoCAD won't read my .config file as the program is being loaded in the AutoCAD process space and AutoCAD has its own config file.

I suppose that's what's happening... Is there a way around this behavior?