Author Topic: Assign xref linetype to xref layer  (Read 1254 times)

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  • Newt
  • Posts: 97
Assign xref linetype to xref layer
« on: September 11, 2011, 05:56:07 AM »

i'm trying to write a routine that reloads / resets an xref layer to its source values (on/off, frozen/thaw, colour, linetype, etc) i.e. similar to setting visretain to 0 and reloading the appropriate xref, except not reloading the entire xref, just the layer selected by picking a nested entity.
I've been able to get everything to work except setting the linetype. The routine gets the layer name from the nested entity selected, then retrieves the filename of the xref through the xrefgraph, then gets the current values of the layer from opening the xref database... then it matches the appropriate properties.
I've been able to assign a linetype that exists in the current drawing eg. CENTER, but unable to assign a linetype that comes from an xref eg. XrefName|CENTER.

Is it possible to assign an xref linetype to an xref layer in the current drawing without setting visretain to 0 and reloading the whole xref? Or suggestions on a different approach?

any help would be great

Cheers, Mark