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layer reactor help
« on: April 24, 2008, 02:09:03 PM »
i found this routine on here that alan (cab) had modified. can't remember where.
anyway, i was trying to set it up, just running some tests and i noticed that when i do anything (dimension, text, etc) it will put it on the desired layer perfectly, the only problem is then it screw something up with setting layers as current. i can (command line) create and/or set a layer and it will create it, but not set it as my current. the only way i could find to set a different layer was to pick it form the layer control pulldown.

any thoughts on how to correct this issue would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

here's the routine:

<old code removed, see code fix posted below.>
« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 04:42:38 PM by CAB »
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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2008, 03:46:37 PM »
I've found that the reactor never been removed..
maybe this can be added ?

This code will remove the reactor at the start...but maybe wil be better to put it at the END !?
Code: [Select]
(defun c:vlrc_command ()
(if *vlr-CWS (vlr-remove *vlr-CWS))
(if *vlr-CE (vlr-remove *vlr-CE))
(if *vlr-CC (vlr-remove *vlr-CC))

(defun C:VLR_COMMAND ()
;|-> addition to prevent multi-rector session   |;
;| |;

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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2008, 04:23:25 PM »
The routine was intended to apply the designated layer based on the command and then return the current layer to the one found before the command.
Did you want it to leave the layer used by the command current?
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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2008, 04:30:49 PM »
Actually there was a newer version by 2 days.
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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2008, 09:31:21 PM »
The routine was intended to apply the designated layer based on the command and then return the current layer to the one found before the command.
Did you want it to leave the layer used by the command current?

oh no, it does exactly what i wanted, but it won't let you -layer set (or any other way except the layer control pulldown) after you have used it.
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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2008, 09:34:52 PM »

OK, I'll ask the question ..

Why are the Dims on a hidden2 layer ??
.. piqued my curiosity.
kdub, kdub_nz in other timelines.
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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2008, 09:51:00 PM »

OK, I'll ask the question ..

Why are the Dims on a hidden2 layer ??
.. piqued my curiosity.

i was just playing around with it, i don't actually make my dim layer have a linetype.
Civil 3D 2019 ~ Windohz 7 64bit


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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2008, 09:54:57 PM »

OK, I'll ask the question ..

Why are the Dims on a hidden2 layer ??
.. piqued my curiosity.

i was just playing around with it, i don't actually make my dim layer have a linetype.

OK, I'll be quiet then ...  :-)
kdub, kdub_nz in other timelines.
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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2008, 11:29:48 PM »
Works fine for me. I can use Layer or -layer at the command line. Should have no affect with the LAYER command.
What version of ACAD are you using?
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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2008, 11:35:52 PM »
i've tried it in 6, 7 and 8
if i VLR_COMMAND_OFF then it will allow me to -layer set or however just fine, but then the reactor won't work again until i VLR_COMMAND.
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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2008, 12:02:32 AM »
I just tried it in 06 (as high as I can go) and -layer worked fine. :?

I'll be out until Friday afternoon.
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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2008, 09:52:19 AM »
I just tried it in 06 (as high as I can go) and -layer worked fine. :?

I'll be out until Friday afternoon.

i don't get it. i even added in a line that would turn off the reactor after the first time it successfully fired (that worked) but i couldn't then get it to turn back on w/o typing "vlr_command".

it's something that is preventing me from setting layers with anything but the layer control pull down. it won't even set a newly created layer as current with -layer m.
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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2008, 04:00:02 PM »
If you turn off the layer reactor then you would need to use vlr_command at the command line to turn it back on.
What happens when you enter -layer at the command line? Do you get the prompt?
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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2008, 04:05:52 PM »
If you turn off the layer reactor then you would need to use vlr_command at the command line to turn it back on.
What happens when you enter -layer at the command line? Do you get the prompt?

regardless of it being on or off, if i -layer it goes through all the motions and even says that whatever i set to is my current layer, but it is not.
if i turn the routine off vlr_command_off then everything works fine but then i have to vlr_command to get things working again, that' not really much of an advantage.
do you think it's some setvar that i have screwed up?
the thing about that is, i have the same issue on both my work & home computer and my home computer doesn't have near the settings (company standard settings) that my work computer?
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Re: layer reactor help
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2008, 04:40:52 PM »
Well I finally figured out the problem. And a solution.
Try this:
Code: [Select]
;  Modified by CAB 01.25.2008
;  Modified by CAB 04.25.2008 ; bug fix
; Sets the correct layer for certain commands.
; VLR_COMMAND.lsp courtesy Peter Jamtgaard 2003

; Vlr Command is a function that will switch the active layer in a drawing.
; The reactor checks the command that is starting and if it recognizes it
; it will switch to a specified layer. If the layer doesn't exist it will
; create it with the color, linetype, and plottable setting provided.
; To load and run this program add the lines (load "vlr_command")(c:vlr_command)
; to your acaddoc.lsp or another autoloading lisp routine.

; CAB added error trap for layer creator
;     added layer restore at command exit
;;    added code to test loaded status
;;    added code to turn reactors Off & back On again
;;    added code for different layers per user or task
;;    NOTE: set var *user* to use different layers per user
;;    Fixed bug in end & cancel command layer reset

(defun C:VLR_COMMAND ()
  ;; Load only once, if already loaded reactivate it if inactive
  (and *vlr-CWS (not (vlr-added-p *vlr-CWS)) (vlr-add *vlr-CWS))
  (and *vlr-CE (not (vlr-added-p *vlr-CE)) (vlr-add *vlr-CE))
  (and *vlr-CC (not (vlr-added-p *vlr-CC)) (vlr-add *vlr-CC))
  (or *vlr-CWS
     (setq *vlr-CWS (vlr-command-reactor nil '((:vlr-commandwillstart . StartCommand)))))
  (or *vlr-CE
     (setq *vlr-CE (vlr-command-reactor nil '((:vlr-commandEnded . endCommand)))))
  (or *vlr-CC
     (setq *vlr-CC (vlr-command-reactor nil '((:vlr-commandCancelled . cancelCommand)))))
  (princ "\nLayer Reactor ON")

;;  Turn the reactors off
  (and *vlr-CWS (vlr-added-p *vlr-CWS) (vlr-remove *vlr-CWS))
  (and *vlr-CE (vlr-added-p *vlr-CE) (vlr-remove *vlr-CE))
  (and *vlr-CC (vlr-added-p *vlr-CC) (vlr-remove *vlr-CC))
  (princ "\nLayer Reactor OFF")

(defun StartCommand (CALL CALLBACK / COMLAYLST)

  ;; Examples of Command vs Layer
  ;; List of corresponding      command layerName color linetype plottable
  ;; NOTE command names must be in Upper Case
  ;; NOTE: set var *user* to use different layers per user
    ((and *user*(= (type *user*) 'STR)(= (strcase *user*) "DAN"))
     (setq *LayUpdt* t
      LtFname nil)
     (setq COMLAYLST
              (list "DIMANGULAR" "I_ANNO-DIMS" 14 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMBASELINE" "I_ANNO-DIMS" 14 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMCENTER" "I_ANNO-DIMS" 14 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMCONTINUE" "I_ANNO-DIMS" 14 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMDIAMETER" "I_ANNO-DIMS" 14 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMLINEAR" "I_ANNO-DIMS" 14 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMRADIUS" "I_ANNO-DIMS" 14 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "QDIM" "I_ANNO-DIMS" 14 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "LEADER" "I_ANNO-NOTE" 11 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "QLEADER" "I_ANNO-NOTE" 11 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DTEXT" "I_ANNO-NOTE" 11 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "MTEXT" "I_ANNO-NOTE" 11 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "TEXT" "I_ANNO-NOTE" 11 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "BHATCH" "I-FIXT-7" 8 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "HATCH" "I-FIXT-7" 8 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "MVIEW" "Z-VIEWPORT" 7 "continuous" :vlax-false)
                    ; Add your own command layer lists here....
    ((and *user*(= (type *user*) 'STR)(= (strcase *user*) "Future Use"))
     (setq COMLAYLST '())
    ((and *usermode*(= (type *usermode*) 'STR)(= (strcase *usermode*) "CAB"))
     (setq *LayUpdt* nil
      LtFname "CAB2.lin")
     (setq COMLAYLST
              (list "DIMANGULAR"  "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMBASELINE" "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMCENTER"   "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMCONTINUE" "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMDIAMETER" "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMLINEAR"   "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMRADIUS"   "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "QDIM"        "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "LEADER"      "A-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "QLEADER"     "A-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DTEXT"       "A-TEXT" 2 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "MTEXT"       "A-TEXT" 2 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "TEXT"        "A-TEXT" 2 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "BHATCH"      "A-HATCH" 8 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "HATCH"       "A-HATCH" 8 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "POINT"       "A-POINTS" 7 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "XLINE"       "A-CONST-LINES" 9 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "MVIEW"       "A-VIEWPORT" 7 "continuous" :vlax-false)
              (list "TABLE"       "A-TABLE" 2 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "REVCLOUD"    "A-REVCLOUD" 7 "continuous" :vlax-true)
                    ; Add your own command layer lists here....
    (t  ; default Layer Group
     (setq *LayUpdt* nil
      LtFname "CAB2.lin")
     (setq COMLAYLST
              (list "DIMANGULAR" "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMBASELINE" "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMCENTER" "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMCONTINUE" "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMDIAMETER" "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMLINEAR" "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DIMRADIUS" "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "QDIM" "S-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "LEADER" "A-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "QLEADER" "A-DIM" 5 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "DTEXT" "A-TEXT" 2 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "MTEXT" "A-TEXT" 2 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "TEXT" "A-TEXT" 2 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "BHATCH" "A-HATCH" 8 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "HATCH" "A-HATCH" 8 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "POINT" "A-POINTS" 7 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "XLINE" "A-CONST-LINES" 9 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "MVIEW" "A-VIEWPORT" 7 "continuous" :vlax-false)
              (list "TABLE" "A-TABLE" 2 "continuous" :vlax-true)
              (list "REVCLOUD" "A-REVCLOUD" 7 "continuous" :vlax-true)
                    ; Add your own command layer lists here....

  ;; Find the Command
  (if (setq N (assoc (strcase (car CALLBACK)) COMLAYLST))
        ;;  save current layer, restore on exit of command
        (setq *Currentlayers* (cons (getvar "CLAYER") *Currentlayers*))
    ;;  make or update layer, then make current
    (if (make_layers (cadr N) (caddr N) (cadddr N) (car (cddddr N)))
        (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
        (vlax-ename->vla-object (tblobjname "LAYER" (cadr N)))
    ;;  flag current layer so it is NOT restored on exit of command
    (setq *Currentlayers* (cons nil *Currentlayers*))

;; Make layers using activeX
;; return t if sucessful else nil
  (or *DOC* (setq *DOC* (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
  (setq LAYSOBJ (vla-get-layers *DOC*))
  (if (tblobjname "layer" LAY_NAM) ; layer exist
    (setq LAYOBJ (vla-item LAYSOBJ LAY_NAM))
    (setq LAYOBJ (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-add (list LAYSOBJ LAY_NAM))
    NewLay t)
  ;;(setq LAYOBJ (vla-item LAYSOBJ LAY_NAM))
  (if (vl-catch-all-error-p LAYOBJ)
    (not (print (vl-catch-all-error-message LAYOBJ)))
      (if (= (strcase (vla-get-name LAYOBJ)) (strcase (getvar "clayer")))
        (progn ; can not change current layer so make something else current
        ;;  what if "0" is frozen?
          ;;  need to thaw it then restore old layer, and freeze if thawed.
          (setvar "clayer" "0")
      (vla-put-lock LAYOBJ :vlax-false)
      (vla-put-layeron LAYOBJ :vlax-true)
      (vla-put-freeze LAYOBJ :vlax-false)
      (if (or NewLay *LayUpdt*)  ; ok to update layer color, plot, LineType
          ;; ****************************************************************
          (if (tblobjname "ltype" LTYPE)
            (vla-put-linetype LAYOBJ LTYPE)
              (setq LTYPESOBJ (vla-get-linetypes *DOC*))
              (if (and LtFname (/= LtFname "")
                     (setq fn (findfile LtFname)))
                 (vl-catch-all-apply '(lambda ( ) (vla-load LTYPESOBJ LTYPE fn)
                                              (setq result t)  ; true only if load susceded
              (if (and (not result)
                    (setq fn (findfile (if (zerop (getvar "measurement")) "acad.lin" "acadiso.lin"))))
                (vl-catch-all-apply '(lambda ( ) (vla-load LTYPESOBJ LTYPE fn)
                                             (setq result t)  ; true only if load susceded
              (vlax-release-object LTYPESOBJ)
              (and result (vla-put-linetype LAYOBJ LTYPE))
          ;; ****************************************************************
          (vla-put-color LAYOBJ COLOR)
          (vla-put-plottable LAYOBJ PLOTL)
      ) ; end if (or NewLay *LayUpdt*)

;;  Restore curent layer
(defun endCommand (CALL CALLBACK)
  (if *Currentlayers*
    (if (car *Currentlayers*)
              (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
            (car *Currentlayers*)
        (setvar "CLAYER" (car *Currentlayers*))
  (setq *Currentlayers* (cdr *Currentlayers*))

;;  Restore curent layer
(defun cancelCommand (CALL CALLBACK)
  (if *Currentlayers*
    (if (car *Currentlayers*)
              (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
            (car *Currentlayers*)
        (setvar "CLAYER" (car *Currentlayers*))
  (setq *Currentlayers* (cdr *Currentlayers*))

;------------------<The End>--------------------------
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