Author Topic: Swap two blocks and blockreplace  (Read 7015 times)

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Swap two blocks and blockreplace
« on: August 28, 2004, 06:07:31 AM »
How would I go about the following?
I often find that I need to do a straight swap for two blocks.A bit like the BLOCKREPLACE command, but I dont want to it to affect all my blocks globally just the ones Im working on.The way I currently acheive this is to draw a line to each blocks insertion points(centre) and then move them about,using the endpoint point of the line for my insertion point and delete the lines once Im done.Am I the only one who draws these guidance lines? :) I dont think that BLOCKREPLACE command was very developed by Autodesk,it has numerous bugs,it doesnt handle attributes to well,theyre either misplaced or at a different scale ratio with their associated block.I was previously thinking that BLOCKREPLACE command will be a really helpful feature well done Autodesk,I think not!


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1503
Swap two blocks and blockreplace
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2004, 07:18:45 AM »
Just replace the blockname in the database:
Code: [Select]

;   BLOCKREP.lsp by J.J.Damstra
;   Copyright (c) 2004
(defun c:BLOCKREP (/ blockname loop vervang)
(setq blockname (entsel "\nSelecteer new block: "))
(if blockname
(setq blockname (cdr (assoc 2 (entget (car blockname)))))

(Princ "\nSelect blocks to replace.")
(setq loop (entsel))
(if loop
(while loop
(setq vervang (entget (car loop)))
(setq vervang (subst (cons 2 blockname)(assoc 2 vervang) vervang))
(entmod vervang)
(setq loop (entsel))
(princ "\nmsg: CANCELED")
(princ "\nmsg: CANCELED")
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Swap two blocks and blockreplace
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2004, 08:23:39 AM »
Cheers thats kind of half way there!It will copy a block to anothers insertion point,but how would I manage to actually do a straight swap.Say I have a block called Hendie and another called Dent.I want to reposition Hendie in Dent's position and Dent in Hendie's position.


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Swap two blocks and blockreplace
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2004, 08:27:20 AM »
Hypo...Not sure what you are trying to achieve here...

Are you simply trying to change the reference of a block "A" with block "B" but only in certain areas?

If so I have a program I developed a while back that allows you to manipulate a selected entity based on the DXF code group. In this way, you could simply replace DXF 2 with the block reference you want to display.
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Swap two blocks and blockreplace
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2004, 10:55:19 AM »
Perhaps this is what you are looking for.

Code: [Select]
;;   BlockSwap.lsp   -  CAB 08/28/04
;;   Swap locations of two blocks based on there insertion points
(defun c:bswap (/ blk1 blk2 pt1 pt2)
  (prompt "\n*-*  Select the two blocks to swap locations.  *-*")
  (if (and (setq blk1 (car (entsel "\nSelect first block: ")))
           (= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq blk1 (entget blk1)))) "INSERT")
    (if (and (setq blk2 (car (entsel "\nSelect second block: ")))
             (= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq blk2 (entget blk2)))) "INSERT")
        (setq pt1  (assoc 10 blk1)
              pt2  (assoc 10 blk2)
              blk1 (subst pt2 (assoc 10 blk1) blk1)
              blk2 (subst pt1 (assoc 10 blk2) blk2)
        (entmod blk1)
        (entmod blk2)
        (prompt "\n*--->     Block locations were swapped.")
      ) ; progn
    ) ; endif
  ) ; endif
  (if (null pt1)
    (prompt "\n*-*  ERROR - One object was not a block.  *-*")
) ;defun
(prompt "\n*-*  Block Swap Loaded:  Enter BSwap to run.  *-*")
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Swap two blocks and blockreplace
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2004, 01:41:56 PM »
Sure is :D !!! Thank you CAB 8)