Author Topic: StartPoint and endpoint of a AcadDimRotated  (Read 3377 times)

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StartPoint and endpoint of a AcadDimRotated
« on: May 29, 2007, 09:24:31 AM »
How to get the StartPoint and endpoint of a  AcadDimRotated
and how to explode a AcadDimension


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1883
Re: StartPoint and endpoint of a AcadDimRotated
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2007, 10:47:32 AM »
Basically by using lisp dxf codes 13,14
put this in your sub
        varTest = vbAssoc(objDim, 13)
        StartPt = ParseDxfPoint(varTest)
        varTest = vbAssoc(objDim, 14)
        EndPt = ParseDxfPoint(varTest)

Code: [Select]
Function ParseDxfPoint(DxfPoint)

    Dim Pt(2) As Double
    Dim Gap1, Gap2
    Gap1 = InStr(2, DxfPoint, " ", vbTextCompare)
    Pt(0) = Mid(DxfPoint, 2, Gap1 - 1)
    Gap2 = InStr(Gap1 + 1, DxfPoint, " ", vbTextCompare)
    Pt(1) = Mid(DxfPoint, Gap1 + 1, Gap2 - (Gap1 + 1))
    Pt(2) = Mid(DxfPoint, Gap2 + 1, Len(DxfPoint) - (Gap2 + 1))
    ParseDxfPoint = Pt
End Function

'Changed pAcadObj As AcadObject to pAcadObj As Object to access imagedef as well
'Modified by Jeff Mishler, March 2006, to get the Block table object, not Block_Record table object
Public Function vbAssoc2(pAcadObj, pDXFCode As Integer) As Variant

Dim VLisp As Object
Dim VLispFunc As Object
Dim varRetVal As Variant

Dim obj1 As Object
Dim obj2 As Object

Dim strHnd As String
Dim strVer As String

Dim lngCount As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim J As Long

On Error GoTo vbAssocError
If Left(ThisDrawing.Application.Version, 2) = "16" Then
  Set VLisp = ThisDrawing.Application.GetInterfaceObject("VL.Application.16")
  Set VLisp = ThisDrawing.Application.GetInterfaceObject("VL.Application.1")
End If

Set VLispFunc = VLisp.ActiveDocument.Functions

strHnd = pAcadObj.Handle

If TypeOf pAcadObj Is AcadBlock Then
    strHnd = Hex(1 + Val("&H" & strHnd))
End If

Set obj1 = VLispFunc.Item("read").Funcall("pDXF")
  varRetVal = VLispFunc.Item("set").Funcall(obj1, pDXFCode)
Set obj1 = VLispFunc.Item("read").Funcall("pHandle")
  varRetVal = VLispFunc.Item("set").Funcall(obj1, strHnd)
Set obj1 = VLispFunc.Item("read").Funcall("(vl-princ-to-string (cdr (assoc pDXF (entget (handent pHandle)))))")
  varRetVal = VLispFunc.Item("eval").Funcall(obj1)

vbAssoc2 = varRetVal

'clean up the newly created LISP symbols
Set obj1 = VLispFunc.Item("read").Funcall("(setq pDXF nil)")
  varRetVal = VLispFunc.Item("eval").Funcall(obj1)
Set obj1 = VLispFunc.Item("read").Funcall("(setq pHandle nil)")
  varRetVal = VLispFunc.Item("eval").Funcall(obj1)

'release the objects or Autocad gets squirrely (no offense RR)
Set obj2 = Nothing
Set obj1 = Nothing
Set VLispFunc = Nothing
Set VLisp = Nothing

Exit Function


  • Guest
Re: StartPoint and endpoint of a AcadDimRotated
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2007, 10:50:34 AM »