Author Topic: 3dSolid lengths.  (Read 16666 times)

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  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1883
3dSolid lengths.
« on: May 26, 2007, 06:49:28 PM »
Here is a way to draw a line through the centers of a cylinder.
It uses a rather simple sub DrawCylinderCenterlineLine and a couple of functions that do a bit of math.
PrincipalDirections is the key, it comprises the x,y,z vectors for the solid. The z vector is the normal and gives the extrusion direction. (The help for this item is a bit how's your father.) As you probably already know, 3dsolids don't have much info availible in cad vba, the PrincipalDirections combined with the BoundingBox gives us a little more. The boundingbox is not that useful until you transform the object, then you know the z difference will be the objects height.

Code: [Select]
Option Explicit

 'Bryco Swamp code 5-26-07

Sub DrawCylinderCenterlineLine(oCylinder As Acad3DSolid)

    Dim Xaxis(2) As Double, Yaxis(2) As Double, Zaxis(2) As Double
    Dim Pd As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim min As Variant, max As Variant
    Dim oUcs As AcadUCS
    Dim m As Variant
    Dim oLine As AcadLine
    Dim StartPt As Variant, EndPt As Variant
    Dim Ht As Double
    Dim Zero(2) As Double
    'Debug.Print vbAssoc(oCylinder, 1)
    Pd = oCylinder.PrincipalDirections
    For i = 0 To 2
        Xaxis(i) = Pd(i)
        Yaxis(i) = Pd(i + 3)
        Zaxis(i) = Pd(i + 6)
    Next i
    Set oUcs = ThisDrawing.UserCoordinateSystems.Add(Zero, Xaxis, Yaxis, "3d")
    oUcs.Origin = oCylinder.Centroid
    m = oUcs.GetUCSMatrix
    oCylinder.TransformBy (InverseMatrix(m))
    oCylinder.GetBoundingBox min, max
    Ht = (max(2) - min(2)) / 2
    StartPt = Zero
    StartPt(2) = StartPt(2) - Ht
    EndPt = Zero
    EndPt(2) = EndPt(2) + Ht

    Set oLine = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(StartPt, EndPt)
    oLine.TransformBy m
    oCylinder.TransformBy m

End Sub

Sub Test()
    Dim Ent As AcadEntity, V, C As Acad3DSolid
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity Ent, V, "Pick"
    If TypeOf Ent Is Acad3DSolid Then
        Set C = Ent
        DrawCylinderCenterlineLine C
    End If
End Sub

Function Rd(num1 As Variant, num2 As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim dRet As Double
    dRet = num1 - num2
    If Abs(dRet) < 0.00000001 Then Rd = True
End Function

Function InverseMatrix(m As Variant) As Variant

    Dim Matrix() As Double
    Dim RowCt As Integer, ColCt As Integer
    Dim NewColCt As Integer
    Dim NoInverse As Boolean
    Dim i As Integer, J As Integer
    RowCt = UBound(m, 1)
    ColCt = UBound(m, 2)
    NewColCt = ColCt + RowCt + 1
    ReDim Matrix(RowCt, NewColCt)
    For i = 0 To RowCt
        'add the given matrix
        For J = 0 To ColCt
            If Rd(m(i, J), 0) Then
                Matrix(J, i) = 0
                Matrix(J, i) = m(i, J)
            End If
        Next J
        'add an identity crisis
        For J = ColCt + 1 To NewColCt
            If J - (ColCt + 1) = i Then
                Matrix(i, J) = 1
                Matrix(i, J) = 0
            End If
    Next i

    Matrix = MPivot(Matrix)
    'now see if it worked
    For i = 0 To RowCt
        For J = 0 To ColCt
            If J = i Then
                If Not Rd(Matrix(i, J), 1) Then
                    NoInverse = True
                End If
                If Not Rd(Matrix(i, J), 0) Then
                    NoInverse = True
                    'Exit Function
                End If
            End If
     Next i
    If NoInverse Then
        Matrix = OrderMatrix(Matrix)
    End If
    'If Not NoInverse Then
        ReDim InVMatrix(RowCt, ColCt)
        For i = 0 To RowCt
            For J = ColCt + 1 To NewColCt
                InVMatrix(i, J - (ColCt + 1)) = Matrix(i, J)
            Next J
        Next i
    'End If
    InverseMatrix = Transpose(InVMatrix)
End Function

Function MPivot(Matrix) As Variant

    Dim J As Integer, i As Integer, k As Integer
    Dim iP As Integer
    Dim pivot As Double
    Dim ColCt As Integer
    Dim RowCt As Integer
    Dim PC As Double
    Dim Sign As Integer
    Dim Den As Integer
    Dim dTemp As Double
    RowCt = UBound(Matrix, 1)
    ColCt = UBound(Matrix, 2)
    'ij is row,column
    'Pivot is first non zero item in row
    For i = 0 To RowCt
        For J = 0 To ColCt
            If Matrix(i, J) <> 0 Then
                pivot = Matrix(i, J)
                iP = J
                Exit For
            End If
        Next J
        For k = 0 To RowCt
            If Not k = i Then
                PC = Matrix(k, iP)
                If PC = 0 Then GoTo skip
                Sign = 1
                If pivot < 0 Then
                    If PC < 0 Then
                        Sign = -1
                    End If
                    If PC > 0 Then
                        Sign = -1
                    End If
                End If
                Dim n1 As Double, n2 As Double
                n1 = Abs(pivot): n2 = Abs(PC)
                Den = LCD(n1, n2)
                For J = 0 To ColCt
                    dTemp = Matrix(k, J) * n1 / Den + (Matrix(i, J) * n2 / Den * Sign)
                    If Rd(dTemp, 0) Then
                        Matrix(k, J) = 0
                        Matrix(k, J) = dTemp
                    End If
                Next J
            End If
        Next k
    Next i

    For i = 0 To RowCt
        For J = 0 To ColCt
            If Matrix(i, J) <> 0 Then
                pivot = 1 / Matrix(i, J)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next J
        For J = 0 To ColCt
            Matrix(i, J) = Matrix(i, J) * pivot
        Next J
    Next i
    MPivot = Matrix
End Function

Function OrderMatrix(Matrix As Variant) As Variant

    Dim i As Integer, J As Integer
    Dim k As Integer, l As Integer
    Dim RowCt As Integer, ColCt As Integer

    RowCt = UBound(Matrix, 1)
    ColCt = UBound(Matrix, 2)
    ReDim tempRow(ColCt) As Double
    'ij is row,column
    For i = 0 To RowCt
        For J = 0 To ColCt
            If J = i Then
                If Not Rd(Matrix(i, J), 1) Then
                    For k = 0 To RowCt
                        If Not k = i Then
                            If Rd(Matrix(k, J), 1) Then
                                For l = 0 To ColCt
                                    tempRow(l) = Matrix(k, l)
                                    Matrix(k, l) = Matrix(i, l)
                                    Matrix(i, l) = tempRow(l)
                                Next l
                            End If
                        End If
                    Next k
                End If
            End If
        Next J
    Next i

    OrderMatrix = Matrix

End Function

Function Transpose(Matrix As Variant) As Variant

    Dim iCnt As Integer, jCnt As Integer
    Dim transMat(0 To 3, 0 To 3) As Double
    Dim i As Integer, J As Integer
    iCnt = UBound(Matrix, 1)
    jCnt = UBound(Matrix, 2)
    For i = 0 To iCnt
        For J = 0 To jCnt
            transMat(i, J) = Matrix(J, i)
        Next J
    Next i
    Transpose = transMat
End Function

Function LCD(n1, n2) As Integer
    Dim iCt As Integer, i As Integer
    Dim Ans As Integer
    Ans = 1
    If n1 < n2 Then
        iCt = n1
        iCt = n2
    End If
    If iCt > 1 Then
        For i = 1 To iCt
            If (n1 Mod i = 0 And n2 Mod i = 0) Then Ans = i
        Next i
    End If
    LCD = Ans
End Function

For further examination is the dxf code info
mogoo mi m o
is a print out SomeCallMeDave's function vbassoc (It's on this site). The mi seems to imply an oval (ie an ellipse,circle or polycircle), whereas
mogoo gi m o seems to imply a box. It may be possible to make a class of primitive solids using a combo of this info and the relationship of the length of the line to the volume property.


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 345
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2007, 09:04:07 PM »
I had investigated the use of principal direction but experienced inconsistant results.  I have to say your routine is considerably better behaved than my attempts, but it does experience problems with cylinders created in "odd" UCS's (at least on my setup).  With the attached file, how is the line drawn for you?

The cylinder was created with the "UCSDuringCyl" ucs active.
Sean Tessier
AutoCAD 2016 Mechanical


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 345
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2007, 04:06:07 AM »
After looking at the issue more closly, it shouldn't be to troublesome to confirm which of the vectors is the longest - and proceed accordingly. 

Thanks for this key.  It will allow the completion of some BOM coding that has been languishing. :-)
Sean Tessier
AutoCAD 2016 Mechanical


  • Guest
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2007, 02:52:22 PM »
Very nice approach from VB. Thank you for sharing that code. It is very impressive. I sure am going to study it to learn more about working with the matrix.

I am currently using an ARX to return the boundingbox, regardless of orientation and symmetry. Once i have that I am about done. All of these idea that you, Mick, and a few others have are quite interesting. They certainly have values in different ways. I find it difficult to see anything clearly enough, my lacking understanding of your code and Mick's, to see something I really need or want and how to deploy that in my original code. I am actually past this issue for the most part. Sure, there are ways to improve what I have done, but what I have now works pretty damn well. I am reluctant to butcher existing code, with all the consequences of existing users, without seeing a clear benefit and the area to make the changes. Your post certainly will teach me more about the matrix issue and I am hopeful that I will be able to deploy a faster routine, free of assumptions, in the near future. Thanks.

My problems are ramping up a business with typical business issues being the problem. We can build it cheaper because the technology we have deployed works. But do we expand on that to realize more profit or do we go in a direction to sell the technology to someone else? None of this has to do with VB. My brain is just too full.


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1883
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2007, 05:46:48 PM »
Dave it's difficult to know where or how often software is useful.
The same software may not work in another similar situation just because the company is structured a different way.
As far as using this code, Seant brought up a good point that I'm still looking at, it needs a bit of work.
Matricies- I learn't about them on line, they take a while to get the hang of but they are worth it. It took me a while to convert bits and pieces of C code etc to vba, but now it's just as easy to use a matrix as the translation formulae.


  • Guest
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2007, 06:52:57 PM »
I do not work with 3D objects, but remember that it was available an ACIS decoder, that can be easy to use, for example to extract the length of the drawing sample in one of the post, with the decoder, you get:

    "point $-1 -1 $-1 -0.12339188410543844 13.483662729987277 -2.1108923494255785 #")
    "point $-1 -1 $-1 7.1497064366704759 -5.9112661254151755 10.010938185200944 #")

Then, just by making a reader you extract the right values for the two points:

(setq p1 '(-0.12339188410543844 13.483662729987277 -2.1108923494255785))
(setq p2 '(7.1497064366704759 -5.9112661254151755 10.010938185200944))

(distance p1 p2) = 24.0


  • King Gator
  • Posts: 3685
  • (x-in)->[process]->(y-out) ... simples!
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2007, 07:54:13 PM »
I remember playing with principal directions some time ago when Rob Kish and I were working on this problem. We couldn't get consistent results and I think if you make some modifications, such as a slice on an angle to one end it didn't quite work as expected.
There are other properties of a solid too that can be used but again, any modifications affect the results so it just wasn't working. The problem is that acis solids need to be general enough to handle any type of modeling and this extra information may be a hindrance to other types of applications.

My take back then was not the best solution but was the easiest in the end, I had to store the data on the solid. For that I just store 'world' points as my axis vectors (as a vector and a point are basically the same thing) in xdata that are updated and copied etc. An 'entity' has an update xdata method used whenever an object is moved, rotated and such so it was the best solution for what we were doing and it was reliable.

The points can be added at creation time or later by picking 3 points on a face or setting the ucs and taking those values, I'd store the  points as x = (1.0,0.0,0.0) and so on.

To use it I would extract the points, build a matrix using them and transform the solid to wcs, get the bbox values and rotate it back all behind the scenes so the user doesn't see a thing. As I was only interested in the length (z axis in this case) I'd just use the max-min bbox z value as I already new the width and height from my catalog.

Dave has some interesting ways to do this without picking points but somewhere the end user 'may' need to assign or choose which axis is which. The method above is a set and forget version that may be a bit more elegant with a catalog type system (steel sections for instance) whereas Dave's is a bit more complicated but has a bit more freedom in that he can pick any type of solid and extract the data and it is more suited to the type of work his users are doing.
A great bonus with Dave's is he can also use legacy solids whereas I have to add the data to each solid if I wanted to use the above approach, while not that hard to do really it could be tedious on a model with lots of solids in lots of directions.

Both methods though benefit greatly from using vectors and matrices to get the solid to wcs to get the correct bbox. I'm not sure what's available in vba but the arx (therefore now also .net) geometry library is very good and has more than you would ever need for this kind of stuff, here's a listing in this thread by Kerry Brown ->
"Programming is really just the mundane aspect of expressing a solution to a problem."
- John Carmack

"Everything that is possible demands to exist"
- Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1883
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2007, 12:04:57 PM »
Mick it does seem like a losing battle, sure is interesting though. I was on a role until I found that the gi in moogoo doesn't mean a box but does mean any 4 sided object extruded.It seems that the PrincipalDirections start at the centroid  and slice the object in half from that point. This makes sense of the dopey angles you sometimes get.
Luis, thanks but I don't think I'll take it that far.
I use solids,but not that often.
Here is an update for anyone interested.

Code: [Select]
'Bryco Swamp code 5-28-07
 Const pi As Double = 3.14159265358979

Sub DrawCylinderCenterlineLine(oCylinder As Acad3DSolid)

    Dim Xaxis(2) As Double, Yaxis(2) As Double, Zaxis(2) As Double
    Dim Zero(2) As Double
    Dim Pd As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim min As Variant, max As Variant
    Dim oUcs As AcadUCS
    Dim m As Variant
    Dim oLine As AcadLine
    Dim StartPt As Variant, EndPt As Variant
    Dim Width As Double, Depth As Double, Height As Double
    Dim dp As Double, Rad As Double, Vol As Double
    Dim sType As String
    Dim sMessage As String
    Dim sName As String

    sName = vbAssoc(oCylinder, 1)
    Debug.Print sName
    sName = Mid(sName, 7, 2)
    Debug.Print sName

    Pd = oCylinder.PrincipalDirections
    For i = 0 To 2
        Xaxis(i) = Pd(i)
        Yaxis(i) = Pd(i + 3)
        Zaxis(i) = Pd(i + 6)
    Next i
    Set oUcs = ThisDrawing.UserCoordinateSystems.Add(Zero, Xaxis, Yaxis, "3d")
    oUcs.Origin = oCylinder.Centroid
    m = oUcs.GetUCSMatrix
    oCylinder.TransformBy (InverseMatrix(m))
    oCylinder.GetBoundingBox min, max
    StartPt = Zero
    EndPt = Zero
    Depth = (max(2) - min(2))
    dp = Depth / 2
    StartPt(2) = StartPt(2) - dp
    EndPt(2) = EndPt(2) + dp
    Select Case sName
    Case "gi"
        sType = "Box"
        Width = max(0) - min(0)
        Height = max(1) - min(1)
        'Vol = Width * Height * Depth
        Vol = oCylinder.Volume
        sMessage = "Type: box." & vbCrLf & "Width=" & Width _
           & vbCrLf & "Height=" & Height & vbCrLf & "Depth=" & Depth _
           & vbCrLf & "Volume=" & Vol
    Case "kg"
        sType = "extruded pline"
        MsgBox "Type: extruded pline"
    Case "kg"
        sType = "non primitive"
        sMessage = "This is not a primitive solid"
        GoTo NonPrimitive
    Case "i "
        sType = "Sphere"
        Rad = (max(0) - min(0)) / 2
        Vol = pi * Rad * Rad * Rad * 4 / 3
        sMessage = "Type: Sphere " & vbCrLf & "Rad=" & Rad & vbCrLf & "Volume=" & Vol
    Case "mi"   'Ovaloids
        Width = (max(0) - min(0)) / 2
        Height = (max(1) - min(1)) / 2
        If Abs(Width - Height) > 0.00000001 Then
            'Here we are asking if height=width then it is a cylinder
            'else it is an ellipse, with the extra check for
            'messed up PrincipalDirections, if the height=depth.
            If Abs(Width - dp) < 0.00000001 Or Abs(Height - dp) < 0.00000001 Then
                Yaxis(0) = Zaxis(0): Yaxis(1) = Zaxis(1): Yaxis(2) = Zaxis(2)
                oCylinder.TransformBy m
                GoTo retry
            End If
            sType = "Ellipsoid"
            Vol = pi * Width * Height * Depth
            If Width < Height Then
                Width = Height
                Height = (max(0) - min(0)) / 2
            End If
            sMessage = "Type Ellipsoid " & vbCrLf & "Major radius=" & Width _
                & vbCrLf & "Minor radius=" & Height _
                & vbCrLf & "Depth=" & Depth & vbCrLf & "Volume=" & Vol
            sMessage = "Type Cylinder/ ovaloid"
            Rad = Width
            Vol = pi * (Rad * Rad) * dp * 2
            sMessage = "Type Cylinder " & vbCrLf & "Radius=" & Width _
                & vbCrLf & "Depth=" & Depth & vbCrLf & "Volume=" & Vol
        End If
    Case "mn"
        sType = "Cone"
        MsgBox "Type Cone"
        dp = (max(2) - min(2)) / 4
        StartPt(2) = StartPt(2) - dp
        EndPt(2) = EndPt(2) + 3 * dp
        sMessage = "Type Cone " & vbCrLf & "Radius=" & Width _
                & vbCrLf & "Depth=" & Depth & vbCrLf & "Volume=" & Vol
    Case "ln" 'Spherical segment
'       sMessage = "Spherical Cap w/ non radial slice"
'       GoTo NonPrimitiveCase "ni", "nf", "ln"
Vol = oCylinder.Volume

    Case "ni", "nf"  'Partial sphere
        'See Mathworld
        sType = "Spherical Cap"
        Width = (max(0) - min(0)) / 2
        Height = (max(1) - min(1)) / 2
        If Abs(Width - Height) > 0.00000001 Then
            If Abs(Width - dp) < 0.00000001 Then
                Yaxis(0) = Zaxis(0): Yaxis(1) = Zaxis(1): Yaxis(2) = Zaxis(2)
                oCylinder.TransformBy m
                GoTo retry
            End If
        End If
        If Abs(Depth - Width) < 0.00000001 Then sType = "Hemisphere"
        Dim baseRad As Double
        If Depth > Width Then
            'Cap is larger than a hemisphere so the width is the sphere's radius.
            Rad = Width
            baseRad = Sqr(Depth * (2 * Rad - Depth))
            'Debug.Print "baseRad", baseRad, Depth, Rad
            baseRad = Width
            Rad = ((baseRad * baseRad) + (Depth * Depth)) / (2 * Depth)
        End If
        Vol = (pi / 6) * ((3 * baseRad * baseRad) + (Depth * Depth)) * Depth
        sMessage = "Type " & sType & vbCrLf & "Sphere's radius=" & Rad _
                & vbCrLf & "Base radius=" & baseRad _
                & vbCrLf & "Depth=" & Depth & vbCrLf & "Volume=" & Vol
        dp = 3 * (2 * Rad - Depth) * ((2 * Rad) - Depth) / (4 * ((3 * Rad) - Depth))
        StartPt(2) = (Rad - Depth) - dp
        EndPt(2) = Rad - dp
    Case Else
        GoTo NonPrimitive
    End Select
    If Abs(Vol - oCylinder.Volume) > 0.00000001 Then
        Yaxis(0) = Zaxis(0): Yaxis(1) = Zaxis(1): Yaxis(2) = Zaxis(2)
        oCylinder.TransformBy m
        GoTo retry
    End If
    MsgBox sMessage
    Set oLine = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(StartPt, EndPt)
    oLine.TransformBy m
    oCylinder.TransformBy m

End Sub

'Changed pAcadObj As AcadObject to pAcadObj As Object to access imagedef as well
'Modified by Jeff Mishler, March 2006, to get the Block table object, not Block_Record table object
Public Function vbAssoc(pAcadObj, pDXFCode As Integer) As Variant

Dim VLisp As Object
Dim VLispFunc As Object
Dim varRetVal As Variant

Dim obj1 As Object
Dim obj2 As Object

Dim strHnd As String
Dim strVer As String

Dim lngCount As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim J As Long

On Error GoTo vbAssocError
Set VLisp = ThisDrawing.Application.GetInterfaceObject("VL.Application.16")
'Check your version ("VL.Application.1")

Set VLispFunc = VLisp.ActiveDocument.Functions

If Not TypeOf pAcadObj Is AcadBlock Then
    strHnd = pAcadObj.Handle
    Dim lispStr As String
    lispStr = "(cdr (assoc 5 (entget (tblobjname " & Chr(34) & "Block" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & pAcadObj.Name & Chr(34) & "))))"
    Set obj1 = VLispFunc.Item("read").Funcall(lispStr)
    strHnd = VLispFunc.Item("eval").Funcall(obj1)
End If
Set obj1 = VLispFunc.Item("read").Funcall("pDXF")
  varRetVal = VLispFunc.Item("set").Funcall(obj1, pDXFCode)
Set obj1 = VLispFunc.Item("read").Funcall("pHandle")
  varRetVal = VLispFunc.Item("set").Funcall(obj1, strHnd)
Set obj1 = VLispFunc.Item("read").Funcall("(vl-princ-to-string (cdr (assoc pDXF (entget (handent pHandle)))))")
  varRetVal = VLispFunc.Item("eval").Funcall(obj1)

vbAssoc = varRetVal

'clean up the newly created LISP symbols
Set obj1 = VLispFunc.Item("read").Funcall("(setq pDXF nil)")
  varRetVal = VLispFunc.Item("eval").Funcall(obj1)
Set obj1 = VLispFunc.Item("read").Funcall("(setq pHandle nil)")
  varRetVal = VLispFunc.Item("eval").Funcall(obj1)

'release the objects or Autocad gets squirrely (no offense RR)
Set obj2 = Nothing
Set obj1 = Nothing
Set VLispFunc = Nothing
Set VLisp = Nothing

Exit Function

  Set obj2 = Nothing
  Set obj1 = Nothing
  Set VLispFunc = Nothing
  Set VLisp = Nothing
  MsgBox "Error occurred " & Err.Description

End Function
« Last Edit: May 28, 2007, 12:07:46 PM by Bryco »


  • Guest
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2007, 01:16:49 PM »
With the exception of Mick creating the basic equivalent of a 3D OCS with the profile, both the ACSI and parasolids modeling engines have a round off error when the object is both non-symmetrical and and not aligned to the WCS. You cannot count on anything that ACAD calculates for at that point. All the values returned for centroid and principal direction are based on the volume of the solid and this number is wrong. The bigger the object, the bigger the error. If you take a 2 x 4,  1 1/2" x 3 1/2" x 48" and cut of one end on a 45 degree angle, the 2 x 4 is still 48" long, but ACAD thinks it is 3 5/8" wide when in fact it is only 3 1/2" wide. It cost me $175,000.00 to circumvent that error! Yes, I was ripped off blind by programmers, and it should have been less than $20,000.00. It was quite a big deal. I am still paying for it until this day.

Where I am interested in your guy's code is redundancy. My solution works really well except for 2 area's. The first has to do with getting the correct 3 dims when the object is really complicated and not aligned to the WCS. My measuring routine will sometimes provide the wrong numbers. They stick out like a sore thumb. I was able to get them all the time, but between traversing every face of every 3D solid first and the length of the routine, it was not fast enough. We loosened it up for speed, but some of these objects bleed through. The other issue is that my routine compares the length's of the sides to each other in a bigger than / less than statement. When an object has equally sized sides, either 2 or 3, my endcommand event cannot update the orientation tag automatically if any of the sides that are equal to another side is changed. I do have some handling for this, as the orientation letters are removed and you are warned on export, or you can always make sure your objects sides are slightly different. Even then, I have spent so long on this that the idea of adding a redundancy check to plug my last hole is like a fine polish. Not sure how though. As it is, I only read in what is there. I only write back 3 letters as an orientation tag to parse the 3 values returned. To add a redundancy using Mick's code, I will need to create a database of profiles and a routine to write this to the objects xdata code. Doing all of this may slow things down too much. It is an expensive test to take on just to have time test.

Thanks for the updated code. I am looking forward to checking it out. It looks like you did an awesome job!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2007, 01:23:03 PM by DaveW »


  • Guest
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2007, 01:25:39 PM »
Is there a chance to upload a sample drawing with some basic (for now and if it is possible) 3D objects, I am playing with an ACIS decoder in C++/ARX.



  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1883
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2007, 02:04:06 PM »
Mess with this one Luis as it's doing all the wrong things for me, there's an interesting vector comes up in massprop that I'm going to chase down now.


  • Guest
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2007, 02:23:12 PM »
Mess with this one Luis as it's doing all the wrong things for me, there's an interesting vector comes up in massprop that I'm going to chase down now.


I am studying this:

The data was extracted from the solid that reads: 'One of the shapes moved to 0,0,0'
((-1 . <Entity name: 7efada38>)
  (0 . "3DSOLID")
  (5 . "437")
  (102 . "{ACAD_REACTORS")
  (330 . <Entity name: 7efadb18>)
  (102 . "}")
  (330 . <Entity name: 7efabd08>)
  (100 . "AcDbEntity")
  (67 . 0)
  (410 . "Model")
  (8 . "0")
  (100 . "AcDbModelerGeometry")
  (70 . 1)
  (1 . "21200 86 2 26          ")
    "16 \001utodesk \001uto\003\001\004 18 \001\023\r \016\024 0  ")
  (1 . "25.399999999999999 9.9999999999999995e-007 1e-010 ")
  (1 . "asmheader $-1 -1 12 #")
  (1 . "body $-1 -1 $-1 $2 $-1 $-1 #")
  (1 . "lump $-1 -1 $-1 $-1 $3 $1 #")
  (1 . "shell $-1 -1 $-1 $-1 $-1 $4 $-1 $2 #")
  (1 . "face $-1 -1 $-1 $5 $6 $3 $-1 $7 forward single #")
  (1 . "face $-1 -1 $-1 $8 $9 $3 $-1 $10 forward single #")
  (1 . "loop $-1 -1 $-1 $-1 $11 $4 #")
    "plane-surface $-1 -1 $-1 2.2615956455805204 2.0000000000000071 -1.4670574046023415 0.79797426736327182 -1.5700924586837914e-016 -0.60269152028716111 3.0661196849527505e-017 1 -2.1991747903263115e-016 forward\037v I I I I #")
  (1 . "face $-1 -1 $-1 $12 $13 $3 $-1 $14 forward single #")
  (1 . "loop $-1 -1 $-1 $-1 $15 $5 #")
    "plane-surface $-1 -1 $-1 -0.94194586084974929 2.0000000000000071 -5.7086032045888881 -0.99042027662361654 3.6622761598738537e-032 -0.13808575470626536 3.0661196849527505e-017 1 -2.1991747903263115e-016 forward\037v I I I I #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $16 $17 $18 $19 forward $6 $-1 #")
  (1 . "face $-1 -1 $-1 $20 $21 $3 $-1 $22 forward single #")
  (1 . "loop $-1 -1 $-1 $-1 $23 $8 #")
    "plane-surface $-1 -1 $-1 -2.229801969695103 2.0000000000000071 3.5285466106639802 -0.13808575470626536 2.2204460492503136e-016 0.99042027662361654 -3.0661196849527505e-017 -1 2.1991747903263115e-016 forward\037v I I I I #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $24 $25 $26 $27 forward $9 $-1 #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $28 $11 $25 $29 reversed $6 $-1 #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $11 $28 $30 $31 forward $6 $-1 #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $32 $26 $11 $19 reversed $33 $-1 #")
    "edge $-1 -1 $-1 $34 -5.3153917030455196 $35 0 $11 $36 forward 7 unknown #")
  (1 . "face $-1 -1 $-1 $37 $33 $3 $-1 $38 forward single #")
  (1 . "loop $-1 -1 $-1 $-1 $39 $12 #")
    "plane-surface $-1 -1 $-1 1.4927416835133442 2.0000000000000071 4.047548757442172 0.99042027662361654 -3.6622761598738537e-032 0.13808575470626536 -3.0661196849527505e-017 -1 2.1991747903263115e-016 forward\037v I I I I #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $40 $41 $42 $43 forward $13 $-1 #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $44 $15 $41 $45 reversed $9 $-1 #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $15 $44 $16 $29 forward $9 $-1 #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $18 $42 $15 $27 reversed $33 $-1 #")
    "edge $-1 -1 $-1 $35 -9.3264950579795212 $46 -0 $15 $47 forward 7 unknown #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $17 $16 $48 $49 forward $6 $-1 #")
  (1 .
     "edge $-1 -1 $-1 $50 0 $35 4 $25 $51 forward 7 unknown #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $52 $39 $17 $31 reversed $21 $-1 #")
  (1 .
     "edge $-1 -1 $-1 $53 0 $34 4 $17 $54 forward 7 unknown #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $42 $18 $39 $55 reversed $33 $-1 #")
  (1 . "loop $-1 -1 $-1 $-1 $18 $20 #")
  (1 . "vertex $-1 -1 $-1 $31 2 $56 #")
  (1 . "vertex $-1 -1 $-1 $29 2 $57 #")
    "straight-curve $-1 -1 $-1 -0.94194586084974929 -1.9999999999999929 -5.7086032045888881 -0.60269152028716155 -1.5700924586837584e-016 -0.79797426736327159 I I #")
  (1 . "face $-1 -1 $-1 $-1 $58 $3 $-1 $59 reversed single #")
    "plane-surface $-1 -1 $-1 -0.092479475236885378 -1.9999999999999929 -0.32606642202224201 -3.0661196849527505e-017 -1 2.1991747903263115e-016 0.13808575470626533 -2.2204460492503131e-016 -0.99042027662361631 forward\037v I I I I #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $30 $60 $32 $55 forward $21 $-1 #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $61 $23 $60 $62 reversed $13 $-1 #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $23 $61 $24 $45 forward $13 $-1 #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $26 $32 $23 $43 reversed $33 $-1 #")
    "edge $-1 -1 $-1 $46 -3.7585495178862374 $63 0 $23 $64 forward 7 unknown #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $25 $24 $65 $66 forward $9 $-1 #")
  (1 .
     "edge $-1 -1 $-1 $67 0 $46 4 $41 $68 forward 7 unknown #")
  (1 . "vertex $-1 -1 $-1 $45 2 $69 #")
    "straight-curve $-1 -1 $-1 -2.229801969695103 -1.9999999999999929 3.5285466106639802 -0.13808575470626533 2.2204460492503126e-016 0.99042027662361631 I I #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $65 $70 $28 $49 reversed $58 $-1 #")
    "edge $-1 -1 $-1 $50 0 $53 5.3153917030455196 $48 $71 forward 7 unknown #")
  (1 . "vertex $-1 -1 $-1 $66 2 $72 #")
    "straight-curve $-1 -1 $-1 -0.94194586084974929 2.0000000000000071 -5.7086032045888881 -3.0661196849527505e-017 -1 2.1991747903263115e-016 I I #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $60 $30 $70 $73 forward $21 $-1 #")
  (1 . "vertex $-1 -1 $-1 $73 2 $74 #")
    "straight-curve $-1 -1 $-1 2.2615956455805204 2.0000000000000071 -1.4670574046023415 -3.0661196849527505e-017 -1 2.1991747903263115e-016 I I #")
    "edge $-1 -1 $-1 $63 -5.567945540093362 $34 0 $39 $75 forward 7 unknown #")
    "point $-1 -1 $-1 2.2615956455805204 -1.9999999999999929 -1.4670574046023415 #")
    "point $-1 -1 $-1 -0.94194586084974929 -1.9999999999999929 -5.7086032045888881 #")
  (1 . "loop $-1 -1 $-1 $-1 $70 $37 #")
    "plane-surface $-1 -1 $-1 -0.092479475236885378 2.0000000000000071 -0.32606642202224201 -3.0661196849527505e-017 -1 2.1991747903263115e-016 0.13808575470626533 -2.2204460492503131e-016 -0.99042027662361631 forward\037v I I I I #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $39 $52 $40 $62 forward $21 $-1 #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $41 $40 $76 $77 forward $13 $-1 #")
  (1 .
     "edge $-1 -1 $-1 $78 0 $63 4 $60 $79 forward 7 unknown #")
  (1 . "vertex $-1 -1 $-1 $62 2 $80 #")
    "straight-curve $-1 -1 $-1 1.4927416835133442 -1.9999999999999929 4.047548757442172 0.99042027662361631 -3.6622761598738532e-032 0.13808575470626533 I I #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $76 $48 $44 $66 reversed $58 $-1 #")
    "edge $-1 -1 $-1 $67 0 $50 9.3264950579795212 $65 $81 forward 7 unknown #")
  (1 . "vertex $-1 -1 $-1 $77 2 $82 #")
    "straight-curve $-1 -1 $-1 -2.229801969695103 2.0000000000000071 3.5285466106639802 -3.0661196849527505e-017 -1 2.1991747903263115e-016 I I #")
    "point $-1 -1 $-1 -2.229801969695103 -1.9999999999999929 3.5285466106639802 #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $48 $76 $52 $73 reversed $58 $-1 #")
    "straight-curve $-1 -1 $-1 -0.94194586084974929 2.0000000000000071 -5.7086032045888881 0.60269152028716155 1.5700924586837584e-016 0.79797426736327159 I I #")
    "point $-1 -1 $-1 -0.94194586084974929 2.0000000000000071 -5.7086032045888881 #")
    "edge $-1 -1 $-1 $53 0 $78 5.567945540093362 $70 $83 forward 7 unknown #")
    "point $-1 -1 $-1 2.2615956455805204 2.0000000000000071 -1.4670574046023415 #")
    "straight-curve $-1 -1 $-1 2.2615956455805204 -1.9999999999999929 -1.4670574046023415 0.13808575470626533 -2.2204460492503126e-016 -0.99042027662361631 I I #")
  (1 . "coedge $-1 -1 $-1 $70 $65 $61 $77 reversed $58 $-1 #")
    "edge $-1 -1 $-1 $78 0 $67 3.7585495178862374 $76 $84 forward 7 unknown #")
  (1 . "vertex $-1 -1 $-1 $73 2 $85 #")
    "straight-curve $-1 -1 $-1 1.4927416835133442 2.0000000000000071 4.047548757442172 -3.0661196849527505e-017 -1 2.1991747903263115e-016 I I #")
    "point $-1 -1 $-1 1.4927416835133442 -1.9999999999999929 4.047548757442172 #")
    "straight-curve $-1 -1 $-1 -2.229801969695103 2.0000000000000071 3.5285466106639802 0.13808575470626533 -2.2204460492503126e-016 -0.99042027662361631 I I #")
    "point $-1 -1 $-1 -2.229801969695103 2.0000000000000071 3.5285466106639802 #")
    "straight-curve $-1 -1 $-1 2.2615956455805204 2.0000000000000071 -1.4670574046023415 -0.13808575470626533 2.2204460492503126e-016 0.99042027662361631 I I #")
    "straight-curve $-1 -1 $-1 1.4927416835133442 2.0000000000000071 4.047548757442172 -0.99042027662361631 3.6622761598738532e-032 -0.13808575470626533 I I #")
    "point $-1 -1 $-1 1.4927416835133442 2.0000000000000071 4.047548757442172 #")
  (100 . "AcDb3dSolid")
  (350 . <Entity name: 0>))


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1883
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2007, 02:52:59 PM »
Lot's of info in there.


  • Guest
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2007, 02:58:54 PM »
Lot's of info in there.


for example I am able to extract all the points and recreate the solid (the wire lines) and the heights are in the $78 & $63 for smaller height [5.567945540093362] and in the $67 & $35 the larger height [9.3264950579795212]

I'll keep playing...


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1883
Re: 3dSolid lengths.
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2007, 03:24:51 PM »
Looks good.

Dave, can you give me an example of the  volume being wrong, I just created a cube dimensioned below
100000        100000        100000       
and the answer 1E+15 is correct