Author Topic: upgrading  (Read 19561 times)

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« Reply #60 on: July 22, 2007, 09:52:53 AM »
The application of the tools in your own environment is the second stage of training. It's much longer and much more hands on.
Very dependent on attitude and aptitude and this phase takes some time.

That's what Michael's trying to say - WHY do you need an entire stage of training in someone else's environment?  What good does it really do?

I know the argument so far has been that it's easier to prepare the class and keep it on schedule, but Michael doesn't seem to have any problems with that.

I hate to keep harping on the Sitelines presentation, but so far it's the only time I got to see Autodesk's recommended training procedure in action over a period of months.  One week in training and six months later, their "lead" was the only one with any experience in C3D, and she was making very little progress.  In fact, that whole presentation really scared us about moving to C3D, but we had already initiated the transfer.  If that was what we had to look forward to, then we were really worried.  The transition to C3D was going to take years.

Instead, the transition to C3D happened pretty quickly.  We basically only use LDT on some of our old projects that were started before training (the compatibility issue again - way too much work to try to convert anything but the simplest LDT project to C3D).  Sure, we're still learning stuff, but we're also getting work done.  And the problems are being approached in a cohesive fashion, since everyone is aware of what's happening.  It isn't relegated to a small group of elite users, while everyone else gets baffled as to why certain things need to be done differently.  Yes, we had to shut down the office for a while because everyone was getting training, then we were slow for a while because of C3D's learning curve.  That was difficult, and initiated a bunch of posts from me railing on Autodesk and the bad UI in C3D.  But within two months, we were WAY ahead of Sitelines, and had no desire to use LDT.

We've also noticed that having a larger group of people involved speeds up the overall adoption of the technology.  We have two offices, and one of our techs is isolated in the satellite office.  Everyone at the main office has progressed significantly faster than the one guy out there by himself.  That's actually reached a point where it's causing some issues, and we're talking about what we need to do to address the problem.  Letting some people get very fluid in C3D while others are still green is a recipe for problems, as we've found out.

I seriously think that a lot of these problems, and this whole mentality, is being driven by Autodesk's desire to make money.  The stockholders hold supreme say over what happens at Autodesk, even if that means the software suffers.  If Autodesk cared more about the SOFTWARE, it would not be as difficult to use as it is.  But they make a lot of money off of training - in fact, I'd be curious about what percentage of their income comes from training people to use their esoteric software.  Why are so many things so difficult in all Autodesk products?  So many of them could be done in a nice, easy way that is intuitive to the user, but they don't.  They do some abstract involved process instead, where the abstract involved process provides no gain over other possible implementations.  It's been a big puzzle for me - the whole question of WHY is it so bad?  I know a lot of it is because Autodesk engineers don't actually use their own product, and don't understand the workflow.  That makes it difficult for them to create a program that is easy to use, but it is not a good excuse.  Then they also have been expanding their product base at an alarming rate - again in response to stock holder demands to make more money.  But that just means that fixing any one problem now has repercussions for many different products, making it harder to keep bugs out of the programs.  We now have a LOT of sh--y software, instead of some good software.  And of course, we all know about how they have to hit the release schedule driven by the subscription program.  So that degrades their QC even more, as they release product that are not ready, simply to maintain the release schedule.

Eh, I forgot the <begin rant> tag, because I didn't realize it was coming, but I think I'm done with my rant for this morning...   :-D
« Last Edit: July 22, 2007, 10:08:18 AM by sinc »


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« Reply #61 on: July 22, 2007, 12:30:10 PM »
Like a damned moth to the flame...I'll defend JP's methodology since it's my own to defend. Astericks used in place of the stupid list formatting, just don't feel like fighting it.

* You can't teach all at once. As John said, it's a matter of keeping the ship moving while others are in training. And why train someone if they won't be using the software in an active manner for weeks or even months in some cases? It's a waste of time and money to train someone when the skills won't be applied soon and often enough to retain the knowledge. I liek the idea of scheduling training out for everyone, but amny firms simply don't want to commit to that sort of timeline. They require us to be flexible, so we are.

* There is enough information about there regarding civil 3d that even the most head-in-the-sand techs know something about it. Most of it's wrong. We advocate a small measured approach because it gives the best chance to prove the naysayers wrong, build up the templates, procedures, and workflows to show off a success for the company. Using this pilot team to iron out any kinks in the process for THAT FIRM make it much more likely to get a better adoption going forward and support from management. It's one thing to have one team struggle through the process, it's another to have fiv eor 50 do it. To address Sinc's comment, yes, groups move faster than lone wolves, but small groups move faster than large. Five to eight is sleek, 50 is a committee effort, and we know how those go.

* Training under someone else's data set is easy. It lets people focus on the tool instead of trying to design. It's building a birdhouse. I honestly don't know why you guys don't see the value in starting with something simple before you take on the larger tasks. Practicing on a relatively simple alignment and corridor instead of overwhelming people with a full round-about design is simply good teaching technique.

I absolutely agree that using client's data brings the point closer to home. In every case, our approach is to use the birdhouse for Essentials, and then train against the project that a team will be doing for their first project. JP's pilot team trained using the Apartment plan, aerial data, and highway information that was part of their pilot job. But this was after they knew was a corridor was, what a surface was about, etc.

And I have to agree with you on one point that I wasn't clear on long ago. We ahve adopted to using JP's pilot job as the basis for much of the training we've done with the rest of his teams. Combining this with the GBA template so that many of the objects LOOK like GBA work does go a long way in changing attitude. People see something that looks like they would produce, and they are impressed by speed, simplicity of creation, etc. You don't use their template, and all they see is, "Wow, how long will it take me to make that look good?" I'm with you on this one Mr. Farrel.

* Transitions happen very fast in small firms. John Mayo has made the jump pretty fast, there's only five people there. Sinc, your office isn't very large either. Again, the ship analogy works here, large ships take longer to turn. Simple fact of life. JP @ GBA will be done long before our friends at Carter & Burgess are. Engineering firms are all over the place with their willingness to change; some owners bought GPS equipment the day it was out there, some still use HPs for data collectors. To claim that the number of firms represented here in the swamp is a sampling is a fair stretch, IMO. Transitions can be all over the place. Most firms that go to the expense of hiring a consultant have enough complications that they don't want to have some <know it all> walk in and rip out everything overnight. They want a methodical, measured approach with metrics and milestones. It's part of the engineering mindset, and has served them well for years. Hell, accounting changes take a long time, why would changing the major engine of your business be something you do on the fly?

* Autodesk doesn't make money on training. They sell AOTC, but that's about it. The reseller community and consultants make money on training, so yell at us if you like, but any conspiracy theory about product being crap to sell training just borders on delusional. I like ya sinc, but give me a break. The reason the product doesn't always make sense, the reason it's so convoluted, is that it's a global product, and has to be flexible beyond measure.

I don't think you guys fully appreciate what that means. C3D goes out the door in 13 languages. That means that every change to a dialog to make something simpler is 13 times the work. It means that problems that occur can't be solved, "right now," because there is a policy in place that NO changes to dialogs are allowed between versions, and that no Service Pack fix can be applied that is not applied to all languages. For example, this is why Rob Todd's Survey Extension has never been incorporated into the core product. It makes sense here, but not in many of the international markets.

I think I hit many of the things that raised my eyebrows. I think it's a decent debate though, so let's keep playing. I'll leave myself logged in for a while so Dino can track me and be amused, and so I can reply.

edit - just some minor janitorial work
« Last Edit: July 25, 2007, 03:12:07 PM by DinØsaur »


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« Reply #62 on: July 22, 2007, 05:08:51 PM »
I keep getting the feeling that sometimes we are arguing about the same conclusions.
Let's define some terms so we can at least use the same language.
First "Successful Implementation"

I'll offer the definition of when you reach the 0$ point when your cost in outside expense and lost productivity is equaled by the gained efficiency for design groups. Lots of times this isn't going to happen as it will be a subjective judgement that for the same money we can turn out a better product for the same money and the cost becomes unrecouped. But you have made the subjective improvement of a better end product.

Sometimes I'm being less than clear in separating training from learning.
The following is a classic example.

>>The application of the tools in your own environment is the second stage of training. It's much longer and much more hands on.
Very dependent on attitude and aptitude and this phase takes some time.<<

Cranial Rectal inversions happen to me occassionally and this was one of them. I should have used learning instead of teaching in the first sentance. So in the future I will try to be more consistant in diferentiating between training and learning. In house mentoring will fall into the learning catagory and training shall be confined to the use of an outside agency.

>>Letting some people get very fluid in C3D while others are still green is a recipe for problems, as we've found out.<<

I just don't see how this can be prevented. Some will just get it better and faster than others.  Also using the ship analogy everybody on an America's Cup yacht better know what everyone else is doing, not so much on the Nimitz.

>>That's what Michael's trying to say - WHY do you need an entire stage of training in someone else's environment?  What good does it really do?<<

That's like asking, "What's the difference between infantry training and your first firefight?"
Everything is different. Training is generally stress free. Working on your first for money project with your career on the line is not.
You need support in the learning process from either an outside agency or internal sources before you can become comfortable using your new tools.

I'm not pickin on you sinc, you're just more quoteable. :-D


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« Reply #63 on: July 22, 2007, 07:48:18 PM »

That's what Michael's trying to say - WHY do you need an entire stage of training in someone else's environment?  What good does it really do?

the second stage isn't so much training as embedded pilot project work billable to the client's clients. there is nothing more real, more client data focused and more "real world" than that.  I like to show clients how to use their tools, with their data and template if possible, during some intro training.  I teach them to swing the hammer in the intro training and how to build the dream house to their specifications during the pilot project. 


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« Reply #64 on: July 22, 2007, 11:27:45 PM »
See, even after workign together for a year plus, we still debate these same issues. It's always a variable thing. Flexibility is king.  8-)


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« Reply #65 on: July 22, 2007, 11:53:44 PM »
I'm not pickin on you sinc, you're just more quoteable. :-D

'S'Alright, I don't feel picked on...   :-)

I think what it goes back to for me is the belief that much of this entire discussion should have never occurred.  This goes back to my philosophy of software design, and that software like this should support existing workflows to a large extent.  In other words, it should seem intuitive to people who have a lot of experience in the industry.  If it doesn't seem intuitive to someone who understands the problem space, then it is not well-designed.  Closely coupled with this, the software should be easy to use, and it should not require convoluted manipulations to perform common tasks.

With Civil-3D, Autodesk has actually made significant progress with the first part of this.  Land Desktop was full of esoteric elements.  For example, we frequently needed to enter FG profiles from plans.  But in order to enter a FG profile, we had to create a dummy surface and sample the EG.  This task served absolutely no purpose, but we had to do it before Land Desktop would allow us to create a FG profile.  Now creating a dummy surface and sampling it is NOT something that would occur to someone who understands what they are doing and knows what they want.  It is a complete artifact added by bad design in Land Desktop.  Autodesk as learned a bit over the years, and C3D fixes many things like this from Land Desktop.  There are still areas where they really screwed up (Parcels in particular are an area that I feel was mis-designed from the ground up), and some areas are still very weak (intersection design anyone?) but they've made a lot of progress.

Where they really dropped the ball is in the second part.  It takes insane numbers of clicks to perform many common tasks.  Prospector is great, but too many tasks can only be done from Prospector, which greatly reduces usability.  Label Styles are not very well-designed, leading to the "Style Breeding Problem" as the user is forced to create countless styles with minute differences between them.  Style Management in general is extremely weak.  Old tools like quick-select, GETSEL, and selection filters are made unusable.  Handy MAP tools are incompatible with C3D objects.  Point styles are a convoluted mess.  And all the other problems that we regularly discuss ad naseum.  Even selecting a Profile at a prompt can be a pain, because in most dialogs, all Profiles that exist in the drawing are lumped together in one giant list.

The confluence of all these things is what makes C3D such a chore to learn.  Huge swaths of these things should not even exist in the product, and I'm sure many of them would not exist if the people creating C3D also needed to use it.  Unfortunately, that's not the case.  Instead, we end up with a UI that is little better than a database editor for many tasks.  Sure, we can do the tasks that we need to do, but we often have to follow clunky and unnatural procedures to get it done.  And in order to do things in clunky and unnatural ways, we need training.   :?


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« Reply #66 on: July 23, 2007, 07:43:10 AM »
To be clear Autodesk does make money off of training beyond the sale of AOTC materials.  The 'authorized' training centers pay tens of thousands of dollars to Autodesk every year to be 'authorized',  to have untested 'certified' trainers work for them. And unless the trainer is training the 'authorized' centers clients they are technically 'uncertified' the minute they walk out the door, or provide training to anyone not paying the training center a fee.  The details of this arrangement are detailed on Autodesks' website for those that care to read it.

I believe that should Autodesk, and by proxy augi, stop censoring or deleting real, valid user issues with the product posted by users that are passionate about their products it could lead to real marked improvements in the products they offer.  Instead it seams easier for them to attempt to silence these persons, until the complaints become more or less a deafening roar.

Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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« Reply #67 on: July 23, 2007, 09:13:24 AM »
Give me a break, you know what an ATC license costs? About the same as a box of software.  "Tens of thousands of dollars," to a multi-billion dollar firm. Woopee. That's like saying you make money by keeping the change from a Starbucks run.

I'm surprised by the AUGI bit, but since I don't play over there, I can't attest to it. I would say that perhaps AUGI is a bit heavier handed than the normal Adesk discussion groups simply because they want to be the nice side of the block. Go to the normal groups, and you'll see folks like Sinc, Hans Moller, Maeding, etc. screaming to high heaven about inadequacies of the software. Heck, go back a few years and you'll see me screaming about LDT. That's how I got into testing.

Making reasonable statements about the software's features that don't run off into rant land will get you attention and even some issues fixed. To claim a conspiracy between tiddly winks money and software lacking is giving them more credit than their due. The people that sit NEXT to each other don't work that closely half the time, let alone teams separated by a continent. Harp on the software if you like, but the rest of it's paranoia.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 09:19:32 AM by jwedding »


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« Reply #68 on: July 23, 2007, 09:55:57 AM »
I'll let you do the math for yourself on this one:

However as a baseline let's consider this, if the average cost is $5,000 per site, and they have 'only' 1500 sites, then the earnings is $7,500,000.  This doesn't include the cost of the AOTC materials they buy, or the software licenses.  My best guess is that they probably net in excess of 10 million dollars from the ATC program with ease.  I don't know about you but 10 million isn't small change to me.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 09:57:53 AM by mjfarrell »
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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« Reply #69 on: July 23, 2007, 10:01:05 AM »
Based on a quick visit to Yahoo's Financial page, Adesk's Market Cap is 10.43 BILLION. 10M is a lot to me an you. To them? A statistical blip.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 10:11:23 AM by jwedding »


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« Reply #70 on: July 23, 2007, 09:10:55 PM »
OK, I don't think there's a conspiracy among Autodesk engineers to make the program more-complicated so they can make more money from training.  But I DO think they tend to be sloppy and they fail to make the software easy to use.  For the most part, this is because the engineers writing the code do not understand the problem space, and do not use the software they create.  But I do see a tendency for Autodesk to downplay problems with the design of the software because users can be trained to work with what they get.  Got a serious problem in the software that would require rewriting a ton of code to really fix?  Well, just don't fix it, and tell the users to get training.  So training becomes a replacement for good software design.

By doing stuff like that, Autodesk cuts down on development hours, and they are able to hit their yearly release goals, but at the expense of the users who must suffer with poorly-designed and buggy software.  I know there are a lot of very smart people at Autodesk, and find it hard to believe that they are clueless about the problems in their software, I just keep getting the impression that they prefer to go for the knock-off easy hack fix rather than the real fix.  And of course, the real kicker is that over the long term, this policy doesn't really increase their bottom line, either.  By failing to provide solid fixes to major problems, they just increase the amount of spaghetti code that gets added to Autodesk products, which makes development much harder down the road.  And that causes a net decline in productivity in their software teams, at the same time it increases the bugs and decreases the ease-of-use of the program.  And when they finally decide they need to do the real fix, they have tons of code piled on top of the original bad design, and it takes forever to fix, if it is even possible to fix.

As an example, look at the definition of an arc.  In core Autocad, an arc is ALWAYS defined in a counter-clockwise direction.  There is no parameter in the Arc entity for reversing its direction.  This leads to problems like being unable to control the direction of custom linetypes in arcs, as well as a whole category of potential problems and issues for developers and automaters.  And since there is now so much code that is built on top of that definition, changing the definition of an arc at this point would wreak havok.  They sort-of tried to fix this problem by defining CircularArc2D with an IsClockwise attribute, but we still have problems.  Take Parcel Curve Labels as a good example - the Y-offset of those things is a royal pain because of this issue.


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« Reply #71 on: July 24, 2007, 09:00:18 AM »
Being a user, I would have no problem with Autodesk taking the next 5 years or so to clean up and refine the current existing program(s) so that all possible bugs were worked out. Then they could pick up where they left off and add new features (working out any new bugs in the process of course).

I tend to lean towards the conspiracy theories, but I think it would be ridiculous not to accept the possibility that Autodesk has focused on new features more than working out old annoying bugs because that's what a majority of the users want. Go to the AUGI forums and check out the "wishlist" categories of each product and you see everyone wanting a particular feature or function. Autodesk works to give the users what they want. That's what helps them sell more product. "Sorry folks, we haven't fixed out that 15 year old bug quite yet, but look at these new features we've added to the new release! Aren't they purty?" And the users are lured in hook line and sinker. If those wishlists had less requests for new features and an abundance of "please fix this bug once and for all" I'm sure Autodesk would take note.

Either way, there comes a time when you simply have to quit complaining and either sit quietly on the sidelines, or get more involved. Those who are seasoned and/or truly professional cad draftsmen (and women for the politically correct) and designers/engineers are usually resourceful enough to work around the bugs and sling their respective Autodesk product around like a rag doll to make it do what they want. The ones who want bugs fixed become more active with the company in one way or another and those who don't mind working around them continue working with little or no complaints being issued from their mouths.

And for the record, I don't believe there's a conspiracy among Autodesk engineers... I think it goes higher than that. The engineers likely don't have a clue. All they know is that their bosses are just rushing them too much for them to do their jobs efficiently. OK maybe not, but it's possible. :-D

Then again you have to consider the position the company is in and from a business owners perspective how difficult it could be to actually fix all the bugs and still sell the products during that "restoration" period. The bottom line is they have a company to run and that means they have to make money to stay in business whether we like it or not. That's capitalism at it's "best".


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« Reply #72 on: July 24, 2007, 09:23:44 AM »
Either way, there comes a time when you simply have to quit complaining and either sit quietly on the sidelines, or get more involved. Those who are seasoned and/or truly professional cad draftsmen (and women for the politically correct) and designers/engineers are usually resourceful enough to work around the bugs and sling their respective Autodesk product around like a rag doll to make it do what they want. The ones who want bugs fixed become more active with the company in one way or another and those who don't mind working around them continue working with little or no complaints being issued from their mouths.
It may just be about the price we have to pay for the buggy software.  (serving the CAD community since 2003)


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« Reply #73 on: July 24, 2007, 10:05:45 AM »
Good point.

John Mayo

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« Reply #74 on: July 24, 2007, 10:35:34 AM »
"Like a damned moth to the flame..." For what it's worth ($0.01), here's my 2 cents on a few things previously mentioned.

Please keep in mind I am an end-user (no chuckles or demeaning looks form the programmers please ;).

Conklin Associates is a success story for James, Dana & the good folks at EE. We were up & running spitting out stuff in C3D in a two to three months. All new projects are in C3D.

The training & style creation will go on for years unless all current employees never leave & all project requirements never change. The former is more likely than the latter in this office. Many of the posts make me believe that most of your firms were able to implement LDT years ago with one push of the EASY button. I never found that. It took us years to get LDT up & running with consistent output to company standards in similar time between users.

In training, our users were most impresses when our template was used in quick design lessons with sample data sets. Someone else's data spit out in seconds to company standards. This is what got our attention.

We would not have invested in training without working on our projects.

We are a 10 person firm. Survey crew, surveyors & engineers. A typical job in this firm is most likey tiny in magnitude compared to most other firms but it includes property & topographic survey, design, construction stakeout & as-built.

Our surveyors love C3D when compared to LDT just for the enhancements with TIN creation & not having to add pline, build, create contours & repeat & repeat & repeat... Everything else is pretty much the same for what we do on the surveying side. We still need to work out traverse closure methods in C3D.  

I have read many things about C3D in the past. I think Autodesk was in critical damage control mode for a while. The naysayers had quite a bit of control. Many professionals I had spoken to about C3D between 05& 06 would all say the same thing, "I will not pay for bugs, what we have works fine". They started to turn the corner with new features in 07 & got more reliable in 08 but the effect of the early years lingers.

They program is the best in the world, it is the worst in the world. The latter will drop when, it doesn't take 15 friggin' clicks to do what 2 should do & when the existing C3D features perform as expected. The complicated process is aggravating because your mind is 15 steps ahead of your mouse clicks & navigation.

They should forget about & drop all new features until the beast tamed.