Author Topic: change active layout in autocad R14  (Read 9894 times)

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Re: change active layout in autocad R14
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2010, 08:33:34 PM »
I'm not at my pc right now but I'm guessing that AutoCAD 14 isn't reading the "ActiveLayout" but instead just displaying the first layout in the collection. Could be/probably wrong, but it was my immediate thought.
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Re: change active layout in autocad R14
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2010, 06:24:08 AM »
Autocad R14, like higher Autocad versions, opens a file at the last view shown, either in modelspace or in the last shown layout.
If opened in modelspace, in all versions, when the "TILEMODE" variable is set to "0", Autocad switches to the last edited layout.

I have a  file with 2 layouts, one called "P" and one called "B".
As an experiment, I saved the file in R14 format from a higher version twice.
One when layout "P" was last accessed, and one with "B" last accessed.

I then opened each in Autocad R14 and then set the "TILEMODE" variable to "0"
(which is the only way for Autocad R14 to switch to paperspace from modelspace).
In each file I arrived at the appropriate layout - "P" in the first file and "B" in the second file.

(When reopened in Autocad 2000, etc. both layouts are normally accessible
Autocad R14 doesn't trash the existing dictionary structure, it just doesn't read some of it).

Layouts are stored in a dictionary structure,
and I can access and change dictionary objects in Autocad R14 without Visual Lisp.
I can get the dxf list of each layout and modify it with (entmod ...)

My problem is where is "the last accessed layout name" stored in the dwg file structure?
If it's somewhere in the dictionary structure, I can change it from inside Autocad R14 using plain autolisp.

I thank you all for your attention and patience with my obscure problem on an obsolete version.  :-)

David Bethel

  • Swamp Rat
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Re: change active layout in autocad R14
« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2010, 07:11:45 AM »

I use R14 (and r12 ) on a regular basis.  I've never been able to find what your looking for.  Hopefully it is accessible, but I doubt it.  -David
R12 Dos - A2K


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Re: change active layout in autocad R14
« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2010, 10:33:59 AM »
Look in the block table.
There is always a block called *MODEL_SPACE
In R14, there is (or can be) one block called *PAPER_SPACE
In R2000 & up, there can also be other blocks called *PAPER_SPACE nnn
When you switch "Layout" AutoCAD renames the blocks, so the current layout always corresponds to the block named *PAPER_SPACE.
This is how round trip to R14 is accomplished.
The *PAPER_SPACE nnn blocks are still there, but R14 knows nothing about them.

Can you switch layouts by renaming the blocks via LISP, in any version?
I don't know.


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Re: change active layout in autocad R14
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2010, 11:02:52 AM »
Mucho Gracias!
Boy, backwards compatibility is a PITA.

I'll mess around with renaming the *PAPERSPACE blocks and see what blows up.

If you see a mushroom cloud off to the east,
that'll be me and acad14  :-o