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AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual) / Re: Autocad 2020 - No new lisp
« Last post by ribarm on Today at 04:55:32 PM »
I've recently reviewed this topic and found that this 2 versions of "lstrcase.lsp" works well for both AutoCAD and BricsCAD... So I am attaching both *.lsp for those interested in...

.NET / Re: Gems & other stuff ...
« Last post by Zeftax on Today at 03:03:46 PM »
 It just needs to be perfect, thats all :D
AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual) / Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Last post by w64bit on Today at 10:20:41 AM »
Thank you very much.
One more thing. Help button doesn't do anything. Is there any separate file for help?
AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual) / SSGET "X" BYLAYER
« Last post by Beekee on Today at 09:09:09 AM »
Hi folks,

I'm trying to get placeholders for optional "bylayer" values for SSGET filter...

eg. (sssetfirst nil (ssget "X" '((48 . 1))))

Running out of ideas about what that could be for ename for PlotStyle? Can't find it anywhere... thx.

62 . 256
48 . 1
370 . -1

390 . ?
.NET / Re: Clipboard History
« Last post by Lee Mac on Today at 06:23:48 AM »
Personally, I've used Ditto for the same thing for years before that feature was introduced to the Windows OS - it not only allows you to save multiple clips, but also allows you to assign them custom shortcuts (either global to local to Ditto) for even quicker pasting - really useful for pasting commonly used code blocks.
I think all my projects are in eternal final beta mode.   :lmao:

Of course. The trick is to rename the project to a non-beta name.

I think all my projects are in eternal final beta mode.   :lmao:
.NET / Re: Clipboard History
« Last post by MickD on July 25, 2024, 11:11:49 PM »
I use this feature frequently when coding :)
I just had a thought about CAD and tried to copy/paste a couple of entities then check history and paste something in but only got an 'ole' frame entity, in BricsCAD at least, I can't speak for AutoCAD.
.NET / Clipboard History
« Last post by kdub_nz on July 25, 2024, 07:22:02 PM »
Was reminded about this today.

in Visual Studio, using Ctrl-L with the curser on a line of code will delete the line of Code.
If the Windows Clipboard-History is ON the line will be saved to the clipboard.

pressing Win-V will show the history

using Ctrl-Shift-L just bins the line

. . . enjoy
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