
CAD Forums => Vertically Challenged => Land Lubber / Geographically Positioned => Topic started by: dfarris75 on October 15, 2009, 09:17:27 AM

Title: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: dfarris75 on October 15, 2009, 09:17:27 AM
I am looking for flood zones that I can download and import into Civil 3d/Map 3d. I have been able to find all sorts of free data from roadways to railroads to soil maps, but flood maps are evading me. Are they available as shapefiles?
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 09:22:42 AM
have you gome looking at GEOCOMM.COM?

what specific area or site are you after, perhaps I can track some down and link it your way

Good Morning Florida!
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: dfarris75 on October 15, 2009, 09:28:05 AM
Florida in general, but Duval County mostly since a majority of our work is here.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 09:29:45 AM
are you familiar with this site: (

Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 09:34:05 AM
that's rare....

GEOCOMM has your county data, however only as a 'premium' download to get the entire county coverage is about 16$ us dollar.... (
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: dfarris75 on October 15, 2009, 09:35:00 AM
Yes of course. It's only one of the best GIS sites available. Only problem is I cannot download the flood zone data as a shape file, dlg, etc. I guess I gotta make do with what I have because everywhere I find flood zone data you have to pay for it.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 09:37:42 AM
NO however you CAN save the image file and insert it under your will need to A)rubber sheet it to fit your known site coordinatesd, or B) create a(n) geo reference file to go with the saved image.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: dfarris75 on October 15, 2009, 09:42:22 AM
Tell me how to create a georeference file o my own. That would come in pretty handy.

At present I've been creating a "firmette" via the fema map service center site and then underlaying it, but their north orientation seems off on their maps so I end up rotating it anyway so accuracy is off.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: dfarris75 on October 15, 2009, 09:46:10 AM
Not to mention their roads are sorely outdated. See attached where I have downloaded a firmette and turned transparency ON so the aerial shows through. There's a road down the middle of the development that is way off.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 09:50:38 AM
Tell me how to create a georeference file o my own. That would come in pretty handy.

At present I've been creating a "firmette" via the fema map service center site and then underlaying it, but their north orientation seems off on their maps so I end up rotating it anyway so accuracy is off.

world file (

or try these guys..they seem to have it...only their web site is about inpenatrable...
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 09:59:12 AM
very ODD, the FEMA site doesn't even show DUVAL county as an option.... :ugly: (

oh yeah that and they aren't free...
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 10:05:20 AM
OK, I did find them there...$1200770236E$1200770166E$1200770229E$1200770154E$1200770144E$1200770231E$1200770164E$1200770155E$1200770207E$1200770163E$1200770143E$1200770226E$1200770142E$1200770206E$1200770237E$1200770209E$1200770168E$1200770141E$1200770233E$1200770134E$1200770232E$1200770228E$1200770227E$1200770161E$&Type=pbp&nonprinted=&unmapped= ($1200770236E$1200770166E$1200770229E$1200770154E$1200770144E$1200770231E$1200770164E$1200770155E$1200770207E$1200770163E$1200770143E$1200770226E$1200770142E$1200770206E$1200770237E$1200770209E$1200770168E$1200770141E$1200770233E$1200770134E$1200770232E$1200770228E$1200770227E$1200770161E$&Type=pbp&nonprinted=&unmapped=)

however it wasn't the most direct....and it looks like they are $2.50/per FIRM Map...I would hope that cost is in the project budget.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: dfarris75 on October 15, 2009, 10:08:02 AM
Wouldn't it be somewhat difficult to create a world file when you are saving an image from the web at variable scales? The resolution and scale values might be hard to nail down. Coordinates too, at least on the coj system.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: dfarris75 on October 15, 2009, 10:09:06 AM
We can download about any gis data we need for free, but the FEMA maps. Why is that?
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 10:31:54 AM
Wouldn't it be somewhat difficult to create a world file when you are saving an image from the web at variable scales? The resolution and scale values might be hard to nail down. Coordinates too, at least on the coj system.

see rubber sheeting comment above
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 10:34:09 AM
We can download about any gis data we need for free, but the FEMA maps. Why is that?

uh, I dunno Tennessee

[stand by for conspiracy theory]

perhaps that is how the government pays for the gas in all those black helicopters ;-)
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: sinc on October 15, 2009, 11:37:52 AM
You should be able to make "firmettes" for free.  Not sure why they limit it to those, though.  They're kind of slow to create, and annoying if you need a bunch of them, but they're free.  (It takes maybe a half-dozen 11x17 "firmettes" to cover one full panel.)
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: SomeCallMeDave on October 15, 2009, 12:33:59 PM
FEMA has a Web Map Service

But I haven't been able to get any maps from it.  It will send me a big list of capabilities, but all the maps that I try just come back as blank.


Map Test that returns empty map,Flood_Hazard_Zones_General&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=-105.0,30.0,-80.5,60.0&WIDTH=1000&HEIGHT=1000&FORMAT=image/png

If I have any luck, I will post back.  Please let me know if you try and are successful.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: jdensmer on October 15, 2009, 12:38:58 PM
For some, Google Earth imagery with FEMA flood zones overlaid might be useful. FEMA has a .kmz file available at: (

This data source allows viewing of flood zones, BFE lines, and other published data in Google Earth. Using Civil3D to import the Google Earth image brings in the FEMA display.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 01:00:33 PM

What is the URL of the initial search page you are using?

it seems your criteria also includes com.esri.wms re you using MAP or?
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: dfarris75 on October 15, 2009, 01:01:41 PM
Yeah Sinc the firmettes is what we've been using. I am looking for shapefiles I can just import into my dwg as opposed to importing an image file and scaling/placing it where it ought to be. I think shapefiles are also available through fema or gis sites, but they charge $ for them. Jacksonville is beginning to ask for the flood zones to be shown on the plans. We can of course use the images from the gis interfaces, but when we have to scale and place them ourselves the question of accuracy comes up.

jdensmer, Didn't the Google Earth import feature get broken after version 4? Is it fixed?
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: jdensmer on October 15, 2009, 01:08:40 PM
Google Earth import works for me. I use C3D 2010 Ver 3 with Google Earth 5.0.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: SomeCallMeDave on October 15, 2009, 01:16:22 PM

What is the URL of the initial search page you are using?


I have been trying to hit the FEMA WMS server using Ruby code, so the info that I am using comes from the GetCapabilities request.  The idea was to have a file open in AutoCAD then run a list proggie that fetched the flood data for a chose location in the file and overlayed the returned image.  But it ain't working out so swell yet.

The code below shows the HTTP requests that I am using.  They can be hit with a web browser too.

Code: [Select]
require 'net/http'

#This will return a xml file will all the info about the WMS - Just hit it with a browser and save the file
#res = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(""))

#This attempts to hit a service that is listed in the data received from above XML - but I won't work for me
res = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(",Flood_Hazard_Zones_General&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=-105.0,30.0,-80.5,60.0&WIDTH=1000&HEIGHT=1000&FORMAT=image/png"))   

#This attempts to hit a service that is listed in the FEMA printed matter - but I won't work for me either
res2 = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(",Flood_Hazard_Zones_General&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=-105.0,30.0,-80.5,60.0&WIDTH=1000&HEIGHT=1000&FORMAT=image/png"))   

#This is a call to a Navy server (or Navy redirect, I'm not sure which - that works swimmingly
#res = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(",1:2&BBOX=-179,-89,179,89&WIDTH=1800&HEIGHT=1000&FORMAT=image/png"))

puts res.inspect if res.match(/exception/i)

f ="c:\\jobs\\test.png", "wb") {|f| f.write res}

Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 01:22:47 PM
in theory the process in MAP is to browse to the MAP page/image offered by the server and then Paste that address in to the FDO connect box....and then viola' the imagery is in your file...
Paste the address into the Data Connect window in AutoCAD Map 3D.
the HELP file
I found this page that lets me search the zones, however it is an FPS server and thus will NOT connect.!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLd44PMATJmMUbxBub6keiijjCBXw98nNT9YOAEpHmQAlDIz_9qJzU9MTkSv1gfW_9AP2C3NCIcm9HRwDVE8eE/delta/base64xml/L0lDU0lKTTd1aUNTWUpKQSEvb01vUUFBSVFnU0FBWXhqR01ZeFNtTU1ZLzRKRmlDbzBEckU1Uk9ncU5DNzlZUTdzSS83XzBfMTJPLzI3L3NhLmxlZ2VuZC5MZWdlbmRGb3JtQWN0aW9u#7_0_12O (!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLd44PMATJmMUbxBub6keiijjCBXw98nNT9YOAEpHmQAlDIz_9qJzU9MTkSv1gfW_9AP2C3NCIcm9HRwDVE8eE/delta/base64xml/L0lDU0lKTTd1aUNTWUpKQSEvb01vUUFBSVFnU0FBWXhqR01ZeFNtTU1ZLzRKRmlDbzBEckU1Uk9ncU5DNzlZUTdzSS83XzBfMTJPLzI3L3NhLmxlZ2VuZC5MZWdlbmRGb3JtQWN0aW9u#7_0_12O)

it looks like there isn't any search page...
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 01:33:31 PM
and not even your navy link/search criteria returns anything other than connection errors... :|
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 01:41:27 PM
Say David, can you give me a search string that is a particular FIRM map #? and NOT those Bounding Box numbers could be why yours returns no image?
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: SomeCallMeDave on October 15, 2009, 01:42:55 PM
and not even your navy link/search criteria returns anything other than connection errors... :|

I don't know how you are hitting that Navy link,  but when I hit it with a browser or use the posted Ruby code,  I get a cool world map.

Of course, I don't know anything about Map.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: SomeCallMeDave on October 15, 2009, 01:47:26 PM
Say David, can you give me a search string that is a particular FIRM map #? and NOT those Bounding Box numbers could be why yours returns no image?

No,  I can't. The WMS works with bounding box.  It is a more general spec and doesn't know from FIRM maps.

Those numbers could well be why my attempts is not returning a map,  but the coords are well within the range that is provided by the FEMA service GetCapabilities request.

So I don't know why it isn't working,  but I'm still playing with it.  :-)
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 01:59:14 PM

So I don't know why it isn't working,  but I'm still playing with it.  :-)

I think I'm getting close just by poking around with a get map request in MAP...slowly finding and then clearing error messages...decidedly NOT a very user friendly method to get data.  I'm certain that once I get the correct string in the connection box it could be a usefull tool.   (now WHY did C3D crash...and I was over here typing I swear!)
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: Mark on October 15, 2009, 02:01:52 PM
I'm kinda curious, how accurate is the flood zone data in .shp file form?
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 02:11:12 PM
I'm kinda curious, how accurate is the flood zone data in .shp file form?

only as accurate as the data that was used to create the where did the folks that gave you the shp file get their data is the REAL question....


where or what is the syntax for either the GetMap, or the GetCapabilities request(s)?  That information seems to be missing to me.
The “NFHL” service:
• Responds to GetCapabilities requests through the URL:
• Responds to GetMap requests through the URL:
/NFHL?VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&[the WMS GetMap
parameters that describe a particular map]

OK, never mind that I found this page that should prove usefull to others: (
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 02:32:00 PM
those must NOT be the correct SRS values....nothing but errors..

from MAP erro log...

Failed to connect.
Failed to open FDO connection.
InvalidSRS:  Invalid SRS value

anyone have any good SRS values?

OK, once again the help file leads one slightly astray....the URL that MAP likes is

this at least makes the WMS connection and offers data to add to the Map.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 02:55:29 PM
and then C3D crashes....nicely done autodesk two(2) service paks in and STILL 2010 is a crash test dummy! 
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 04:33:17 PM
And I don't remember if this helps Rusty, and his stuck in 07 vortex...did or does Map in your version support the WMS FDO connection type?
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: dfarris75 on October 15, 2009, 04:47:22 PM
There is a WMS option in 2008. I have never connected to data in that way so if you get it working draw up a quick tutorial. Haha.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 05:35:55 PM
There is a WMS option in 2008. I have never connected to data in that way so if you get it working draw up a quick tutorial. Haha.

ha ha some of the WMS data links listed in the help file don't work either....

and the syntax/format of the GetMap display is pretty much arcane and porrly documented if at all; from the searches I've done.

that page full of SRS codes...I posted they are exactly WRONG and none of them work...they must be for that particular esri location I was searching through...

and the link I posted earlier that DOES appear to work...loads the entire united states... and there seems to be no way to limit the you get a huge data set...and an unresponsive (crashed) drawing file as a result..
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 05:38:30 PM
and for what it's worth it appears that the Bulk Copy tool required to actually then use the information doesn't work with the WMS data...
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 05:43:02 PM
perhaps one of those two fellows that claim to know way more about this than I will show up and contribute to the solution...

what would be best to know is how does one key in the exact syntax of a GetMap request to load the exact FIRM map one wants or far this looks like a terrible 'shot gun' approach of loading data into Map....

Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: SomeCallMeDave on October 15, 2009, 05:53:16 PM
The SRS data that I was using comes from the NFHL data that it sent me when I did a GetCapabilities request

Code: [Select]
<Title>Flood Hazard Zones (General)</Title>

Seems like this would be a cool tool, well, if it worked.   The only other thing I can think of, from my end, at least, is a scale problem (not sure how your Map requests handle the scale issue).  

Most of the WMS servers that I have queried will raise an exception if the scale of the requested map is too large or too small to correctly represent the requested data.  I have yet to receive that sort of exception from the FEMA site even though I have requested all sorts of data over all sorts of BBOX sizes.  

When I get some time I will play with some more requests of varying scales and see what sort of results I get.  But I have sent requests that I know should work based on Firmettes  from know sites, but with the same results.

When neither your work nor mine can produce results,  it makes me think that the FEMA WMS might not be working as advertised.  There is NO way that you and I could both be doing something wrong at the same time  :)
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 06:07:31 PM
it isn't exaclty that we are doing the SAME thing(s) wrong at the same time...
this Input returns a Map of the entire US that is too big to be of any real use

it then loads all of the data an allows me to add that data via Layers....for the Entire US/and Alaska appearently....

I tried this and they return the same selection set

I thought is would either A)fail or B) only return the DFIRM layers (still for entire area)

I need something like:   Or the 11 digit FIRM Map number for a known site....I don't have any here to look at....someone have a couple FIRM Map numbers to toss my way?

I even made up a BBOX value...and it looks like it STILL gave me the entire country...nuts I say! :ugly:

And lastly I even used Davids syntax of:,Flood_Hazard_Zones_General&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=-105.0,30.0,-80.5,60.0&WIDTH=1000&HEIGHT=1000&FORMAT=image/png

and it produces this error:

Failed to connect.
Failed to open FDO connection.
XML Document parse error at line 1 column 1: An exception occurred! Type:UTFDataFormatException, Message:invalid byte 1 (‰) of a 1-byte sequence.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 15, 2009, 07:56:43 PM
This works however once again it ignores the BBOX string and I get the entire country and Alaska.,Flood_Hazard_Zones_General&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=-105.0,30.0,-80.5,60.0&WIDTH=1000&HEIGHT=1000&FORMAT=image/png

Going to try a smaller BBOX thaan shown, if the results are different I will update.

Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 16, 2009, 09:25:38 AM
the weird part about this is...

nowhere in the Help file do the discuss syntax of any of the three(3) GET functions....

scanning through several documents at the Open Geospacial site, also seems to show nothing other than complete abstracts; meaning the explain the 'words' however there  are no working samples of what they do or how to construct these Get statements, nor does FEMA in any of their publications.

I did find some command strings that work on or with other servers and data sets; well they appear to work at bringing in only certain layers within the defined BBOX, however trying to modify them to work with the WMS in the FEMA document returns various errors, and not much success.

I almost feel like the first few weeks of learning DOS, as in  Copy[Drive Letter]:/Directory name/ filename to Drive Letter/Directory Name/File Name  (say what??)

Only that little Pink IBM DOS 2.1 book did at least have samples in that new and abstract language that one could expound upon.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 16, 2009, 09:32:57 AM
David, when you say you are trying this with Autocad, does that indicate that you are attempting to use the FDO source to import data into regular autocad, or are you using Map at all?

Just trying to figure out how much alike the command syntax between the two methods will be. (Map vs ACAD)
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 16, 2009, 10:55:57 AM
OK, I did find a PDF of the 1.1.1 WMS "Standard" the thing is completely in the abstract with NO literal examples of how all this WMS language actually works...however for some truly mind numbing reading: (
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 16, 2009, 08:38:51 PM
OK before I go completely crazy on is my belief that most or none of the FDO/WFS providers are actually following the standard...because the BBOX=, NOR Layer= value has NO effect whatsoever with any of the sites I can connect to.

for instance:

returns the ENTIRE world data set ROADL_1M&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=-100,-50,100,50&width=600&height=600&FORMAT=image/jpg

Returns the same data set as above. all data all levels everything....

the limits of the image that shows up... -180,-90,180,90 so the clipping of the BBOx should be visible...

then I try,-10,10,10&width=600&height=600&FORMAT=image/jpg

same results all data all layers for the entire's as if that feature is turned OFF for the data.
Although it doesn't seem to work on server I've found yet....

Well except for some data on the coast of England....however I think that dataset wasn't any larger than what was displayed....hmm,GBR_BGS_625k_BLS,GBR_BGS_625k_BLT&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/gif&BGCOLOR=0xFFFFFF&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&QUERY_LAYERS=GBR_BGS_625k_BA,GBR_BGS_625k_BLS,GBR_BGS_625k_BLT&bbox=0,52.4827802251,1.40625,53.330872986&x=58&y=123

Nope not even the server above returns any different amount of data even IF the BBOX informations is made incredibly small, and reduce the layer list to only one layer.... :ugly:
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: SomeCallMeDave on October 16, 2009, 08:40:50 PM
David, when you say you are trying this with Autocad, does that indicate that you are attempting to use the FDO source to import data into regular autocad, or are you using Map at all?

Just trying to figure out how much alike the command syntax between the two methods will be. (Map vs ACAD)

I wasn't using Map.  My new hobby is using Ruby code to drive AutoCAD so I was planning on using a little Ruby program to allow the user to pick an "area of interest", get that state plane coord bounding box from vanilla AutoCAD, convert to lat/lon, then send a request to the NFHL server, retrieve the image, and insert that image back into AutoCAD.  The Ruby code would build an HTTP Get request similar to those that I posted previously.

But he no workie much good.
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: SomeCallMeDave on October 16, 2009, 08:44:36 PM
OK before I go completely crazy on is my belief that most or none of the FDO/WFS providers are actually following the standard...because the BBOX=, NOR Layer= value has NO effect whatsoever with any of the sites I can conect to.

I had pretty good luck with that Navy server that I posted earlier.  It used the boxes that I sent it and even gave me nice error messages when my scale was wrong.  But I wasn't using anything except pure HTTP Get requests.  I have not tried to hit the servers with anything other than those HTTP Get
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 16, 2009, 09:11:18 PM

But he no workie much good.

Same when I use your code to hit the Navy server from Map or any of your code I get the UTFData error that I showed in the other post...

I did find a very good explanation of the syntax however (
and there is a similar page for each of the Get functions. It has helped clear up some of the confusion, however the seeming lack of control over what one gets from this process leaves a lot to be desired.  I can at least construct request strings that return something other than errors and mal formed syntax responses.

Let me try that Navy server again...
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 16, 2009, 09:51:22 PM
No Joy with any of the Navy server sites other than once again getting ALL of the data irrespective of any additional parameters that I specify in my Get request....Im starting to suspect that this function really doesn't in MAP.  I can get data, ALL the data, I just can't seem to get it to honor the BBOX values and or Layer_Query List, or any combination of the two to whittle down the dataset to ONLY what I want, in the area I want.

As so far the only response from thr AD newsgroup is to read the help files, because appearently they do not know how it works either or they would at least post a working sample.

Some new errors reqarding the image size not visable at this scale...zoom in and try again...and no amount of zoom factor actually resolves the error message.

so what part(s)  of this are working for you in Ruby, and which arent?
Title: Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
Post by: mjfarrell on October 16, 2009, 11:30:56 PM
Well this is starting to look a lot less Michael is CR8ZY; and a lot like I'm starting to understand the WFS command language.

From this document: (

<!-- A data layer may be queryable, as specified by this optional binary
attribute. 1 = queryable, 0 = not queryable. A server that declares a Layer
to by queryable MUST implement the GetFeatureInfo interface. -->
<!ATTLIST Layer queryable (0 | 1) "0" >

when I run a Get capabilities against the Navy site data many, if not all of layers are set to
 <Layer queryable="0" opaque="0" noSubsets="0">
  <Title>Community Councils</Title>
  <LatLonBoundingBox minx="-112.1040267944336" miny="40.64057159423828" maxx="-111.73894500732422" maxy="40.91438674926758" />
- <Layer queryable="0" opaque="0" noSubsets="0">

so if I'm reading all that correctly I CAN NOT query only that layer, or only a subset of same, i.e. BBOX wont work.
And the layers do come in by default as that takes care of the opaque="0" value, and what it does.

So it would seem that one must run a GetCapabilities function against each WFS Server to discover what that FDO provider has exposed to the client.