Author Topic: Flood Zone GIS Data  (Read 13153 times)

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Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
« Reply #45 on: October 16, 2009, 08:40:50 PM »
David, when you say you are trying this with Autocad, does that indicate that you are attempting to use the FDO source to import data into regular autocad, or are you using Map at all?

Just trying to figure out how much alike the command syntax between the two methods will be. (Map vs ACAD)

I wasn't using Map.  My new hobby is using Ruby code to drive AutoCAD so I was planning on using a little Ruby program to allow the user to pick an "area of interest", get that state plane coord bounding box from vanilla AutoCAD, convert to lat/lon, then send a request to the NFHL server, retrieve the image, and insert that image back into AutoCAD.  The Ruby code would build an HTTP Get request similar to those that I posted previously.

But he no workie much good.


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Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2009, 08:44:36 PM »
OK before I go completely crazy on is my belief that most or none of the FDO/WFS providers are actually following the standard...because the BBOX=, NOR Layer= value has NO effect whatsoever with any of the sites I can conect to.

I had pretty good luck with that Navy server that I posted earlier.  It used the boxes that I sent it and even gave me nice error messages when my scale was wrong.  But I wasn't using anything except pure HTTP Get requests.  I have not tried to hit the servers with anything other than those HTTP Get


  • Seagull
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Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2009, 09:11:18 PM »

But he no workie much good.

Same when I use your code to hit the Navy server from Map or any of your code I get the UTFData error that I showed in the other post...

I did find a very good explanation of the syntax however
and there is a similar page for each of the Get functions. It has helped clear up some of the confusion, however the seeming lack of control over what one gets from this process leaves a lot to be desired.  I can at least construct request strings that return something other than errors and mal formed syntax responses.

Let me try that Navy server again...
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2009, 09:51:22 PM »
No Joy with any of the Navy server sites other than once again getting ALL of the data irrespective of any additional parameters that I specify in my Get request....Im starting to suspect that this function really doesn't in MAP.  I can get data, ALL the data, I just can't seem to get it to honor the BBOX values and or Layer_Query List, or any combination of the two to whittle down the dataset to ONLY what I want, in the area I want.

As so far the only response from thr AD newsgroup is to read the help files, because appearently they do not know how it works either or they would at least post a working sample.

Some new errors reqarding the image size not visable at this scale...zoom in and try again...and no amount of zoom factor actually resolves the error message.

so what part(s)  of this are working for you in Ruby, and which arent?
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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Re: Flood Zone GIS Data
« Reply #49 on: October 16, 2009, 11:30:56 PM »
Well this is starting to look a lot less Michael is CR8ZY; and a lot like I'm starting to understand the WFS command language.

From this document:

<!-- A data layer may be queryable, as specified by this optional binary
attribute. 1 = queryable, 0 = not queryable. A server that declares a Layer
to by queryable MUST implement the GetFeatureInfo interface. -->
<!ATTLIST Layer queryable (0 | 1) "0" >

when I run a Get capabilities against the Navy site data many, if not all of layers are set to
 <Layer queryable="0" opaque="0" noSubsets="0">
  <Title>Community Councils</Title>
  <LatLonBoundingBox minx="-112.1040267944336" miny="40.64057159423828" maxx="-111.73894500732422" maxy="40.91438674926758" />
- <Layer queryable="0" opaque="0" noSubsets="0">

so if I'm reading all that correctly I CAN NOT query only that layer, or only a subset of same, i.e. BBOX wont work.
And the layers do come in by default as that takes care of the opaque="0" value, and what it does.

So it would seem that one must run a GetCapabilities function against each WFS Server to discover what that FDO provider has exposed to the client.

Be your Best

Michael Farrell