Author Topic: Command Line Text Generated from LM:SetVisibilityState  (Read 657 times)

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  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 13
Command Line Text Generated from LM:SetVisibilityState
« on: May 30, 2023, 06:45:36 PM »
I can't seem to figure out why the following text is being pushed to the command line after running my AutoLISP function:

Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. Current settings: Object conversion=Delete
  2. Enter name of output file:
  3. Enter name of existing block or
  4. [= (block=output file)/* (whole drawing)] <define new drawing>:

I will attach my function as well, all I am doing is setting the visibility state dependent on the DBH of the Tree Block.

If I remove the LM:SetVisibilityState() function calls the command line messages go away. Any idea why this function is generating this command line text?


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 1444
  • 40 + years of using Autocad
Re: Command Line Text Generated from LM:SetVisibilityState
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2023, 08:29:43 PM »
Not an answer to your code but the way I did it was for CIV3D with a dynamic block, it had 2 objects a circle for trunk and a pattern for spread, so simply changed the size of the relevant trunk or spread no complicated visibilty. It added a block based on a field code, see below.

Code: [Select]
; RawDescription = "TR 5 1.5" replace tr as required add extra tree types also

(LM:setdynpropvalue obj2 "Trunk" trunk)
(LM:setdynpropvalue obj2 "Spread" spread)
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