Author Topic: CUI & mnr file problems  (Read 2651 times)

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CUI & mnr file problems
« on: June 24, 2005, 02:26:36 AM »
I am currently upgrading our system to 2006.  I have tried to do it on a dummy machine just in case I have a heap of problems and can sort them prior to loading everyone elses machines.  One thing I have noticed: we have an office menu which is loaded from a server.  I have created a new cui file from this mns file, but when ever Autocad is started, it recompiles the mnr file.  This in turn plays havoc with everyones elses machines (that are on 2005) because the mnr file is not matching the mns & mnc file.  How do I a) stop it from recompiling the mnr file, or b) have it so that when it does recompile it, it does it on the users machine?
If anyone else has any suggestions regarding office menu files, please let me know.
Can anyone help?


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CUI & mnr file problems
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2005, 07:22:27 AM »
I always seperate cad standards per version. so our file server has a structure similiar to this;

It saves me a lot of heartache.


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CUI & mnr file problems
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2005, 07:33:15 AM »
Yip, ive seperated cutom menus, pc3's etc all into seperate folders!

acad 2000
acad 2002
acad 2004
acad 2005
acad 2006


we are hopefully all getting upgraded to 2006 next month, can't wait!

Wyatt Earp

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CUI & mnr file problems
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2005, 10:47:22 AM »
This is the correct approach. you need to have a seperate folder set on a network to solve this problem...



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CUI & mnr file problems
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2005, 05:30:57 PM »
Thanks for your input everyone, but wont this still be a problem.  If you have all your 2006 mns, mnc, & mnr files in 1 folder will acad 2006 recompile the mnc file each time it opens??  Or does loading only the cui file stop this?


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1503
CUI & mnr file problems
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2005, 07:11:59 PM »
The .mnu/.mns are only needed to import your old menu in 2006.
You only need the .mnl/.mnr/.cui files; the .mnc file is obsolete.

Here is a lot of information how you should make a network installation.

Also there exists a patch for the CUI-command.
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