Code Red > .NET

WPF Resource Dictionary


Hello All,

I have an issue that popped up when I was separating code into respective libraries. I have a vs project called BasicWPF. Inside is a StyleDictionary for WPF XAML. I reference that resource dictionary elsewhere in other projects. I have applications that run outside of AutoCAD that run just fine.

The issue is when I run a project inside AutoCAD an Error pops up. It's pretty clear, a FileNotFoundException on BasicWPF, which is triggered from the ResourceDictionary reference in XAML. Now this BasicWPF is indeed in the project directory. I have another application in the same directory that references that dll and it runs just fine outside of AutoCAD.

Has anyone experienced this issue?

Should have looked more closely. Solution here:

Something similar happened to me.
You have to load the dll at the beginning of your command.
The dll has to be in the root folder.

--- Code - C#: ---Assembly.LoadFrom(System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf.dll"));


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