Code Red > AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual)

Automation Error. Invalid argument index in Item (after moving text in block)


Hey all, taken me couple of hours to isolate this error "Automation Error. Invalid argument index in Item".  Turns out I moved some text only in a block that has visibility state. Bloody fickle if you ask me, the block is wrong and needs cleaning up. Anyone know the fix?

Code crashing here.....       (setq  scalebar (vla-item
          (_getblock '(2 410) (list "SCALEBAR" layname))

Scalebar being the block I edited.

Can you share your progrme. Lisp? Else No, please you send to myP.M. the downloading of your-programe.ascii.lsp

--- Quote from: damn on June 30, 2020, 01:09:03 AM ---
--- End quote ---


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