Author Topic: _opensheetset pallettes not shown  (Read 1841 times)

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  • Newt
  • Posts: 87
_opensheetset pallettes not shown
« on: November 19, 2018, 04:21:10 AM »

Let's see if anybody can help me with this (I'll try to explain it my best as I'm not english speaking native...):

No pallette of any sheetset is shown when I open DWGs included, nor direct opening the sheet set. But I can see they are effectively loaded as I have some fields in DWGs linked to data within them which are shown correctly (further more, copied and renamed .dst file and opened in Autocad: when I tried to delete the. copied file I couldn't). All sheet sets were tested in other computers in order to check if .dst files were corrupted, but pallettes appeared and everything worked properly, so I conclude it is something I have change in my config, but I can't identify what it was (I also tried with SSAUTOOPEN and SSAUTOLOCATE setting: both are set to 1).

Any solution?

Thanks in advance.