CAD Forums > CAD General

Properties Box (Performance)


Is it just my machine ... lol. Does anyone have issues with the properties palette being open all the time when working with drawings? It seems as the day goes on I accidently select something and have a lag or wait for it to populate the data that I really didn't mean to click on to begin with.

So the only fix that I have found is when it gets really bad is to restate a session of ACAD and try to open the properties palette when needed.

Just kinda curious how others tackle this situation (If they have it).


Restarting AutoCAD clears the cache which probably is getting full when the lagging starts.

Might be worth investing in some additional memory.

Can I ask how much memory do you have in yours? I am running 16 GB RAM.

Currently 16, however, the newer NUC's now allow 32! I mentioned it as we had a similar probably when we ran AutoCAD 2016 on 2GB of ram.

Also try docking the palette.


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