Author Topic: We're Not Gonna Take It  (Read 30035 times)

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  • Seagull
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Re: We're Not Gonna Take It
« Reply #90 on: January 19, 2016, 11:55:49 AM »
Wow, I'd hate to live in your world. Mine is quite different with a bunch of satisfied users that do not have a need to find workarounds or do any debugging and trust me, there are plenty of people that have no fear of expressing their opinions, no matter how unfounded they are.

Not the world I live in, it's a world others may live in (with).

And I will reserve further comment(s)
Be your Best

Michael Farrell

Jeff H

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Re: We're Not Gonna Take It for a couple of weeks then change our minds
« Reply #91 on: January 25, 2016, 06:32:25 PM »
Not to start this one back up but now they decide to renew all licenses.


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
  • Every Student their own Lesson
We're Gonna Take It
« Reply #92 on: January 26, 2016, 09:31:27 AM »
Not to start this one back up but now they decide to renew all licenses.
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


  • Bull Frog
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Re: We're Not Gonna Take It
« Reply #93 on: March 07, 2017, 03:50:38 PM »
Let the subscription games begin, Autodesk is forcing their hand:


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 978
Re: We're Not Gonna Take It
« Reply #94 on: March 07, 2017, 03:55:22 PM »
Here is a Bloomberg interview from last week. Mr. Anagnost is very clear that the goal is to move users from perpetual to rental, rapidly.


  • Mosquito
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Re: We're Not Gonna Take It
« Reply #95 on: March 10, 2017, 08:23:00 PM »
Did anybody else catch when Andrew Anagnost almost let the cat out of the bag when he said "People pay us a bunch of..." and then he caught himself.  It was like he was going to finish with " for a subscription that isn't worth a steaming pile of s**t."

It's not like Autodesk has ever been exactly responsive to end user concerns or needs (I remember when they wouldn't provide ANY support except through third-party resellers), but this is getting a bit money grubbing, don't ya think?  This is the problem with wall street and the investment model in general - everything is great so long as your company can keep growing.  Once you have saturated your marked and your stock prices stop increasing, then the only way to make money for your investors is to screw your existing customers with ever increasing prices for "value-based" crap most of them will never need or use.

Maybe it's time for those of us in the Civil Engineering field to give Microstation and the other Bentley products another chance.  I'm not really crazy about that idea, but last I checked, at least they still offer perpetual licenses.


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 978
Re: We're Not Gonna Take It
« Reply #96 on: March 10, 2017, 09:24:14 PM »
Did anybody else catch when Andrew Anagnost almost let the cat out of the bag when he said "People pay us a bunch of..." and then he caught himself.

Yeah, I had to chuckle at that.


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 2437
Re: We're Not Gonna Take It
« Reply #97 on: March 13, 2017, 11:33:12 AM »
Maybe it's time for those of us in the Civil Engineering field to give Microstation and the other Bentley products another chance.  I'm not really crazy about that idea, but last I checked, at least they still offer perpetual licenses.

You do realize Bentley has been doing online licensing for some time, well in advance of Autodesk, right?  They don't cut you off at the number of licenses you have rights to either.  If you have a couple of people "just trying to learn something" over the lunch hour without your knowledge, the bill at the end of the month for the extra licenses can be a bit of a shock.
If you are going to fly by the seat of your pants, expect friction burns.

try {GreatPower;}
   catch (notResponsible)


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 978
Re: We're Not Gonna Take It
« Reply #98 on: March 13, 2017, 11:38:33 AM »
Quote from: dgorsman
  If you have a couple of people "just trying to learn something" over the lunch hour without your knowledge, the bill at the end of the month for the extra licenses can be a bit of a shock.

Another feature missing with SelectServer is the auto-license release. If you open Microstation on Monday, and leave it open til Friday - you've used 100+ hours of that app.

The overage fees are calculated by peak usage too. So if you have 10 licenses and 20 users, and let's say you are compliant for 99% of the billing period, but then one day for whatever reason, you have 20 people open the application for 10 minutes. BOOM - you get to pay for 20 licenses for the entire billing period.


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 1152
Re: We're Not Gonna Take It
« Reply #99 on: March 13, 2017, 12:49:01 PM »
Did anybody else catch when Andrew Anagnost almost let the cat out of the bag when he said "People pay us a bunch of..." and then he caught himself.  It was like he was going to finish with " for a subscription that isn't worth a steaming pile of s**t."

It's not like Autodesk has ever been exactly responsive to end user concerns or needs (I remember when they wouldn't provide ANY support except through third-party resellers), but this is getting a bit money grubbing, don't ya think?  ...
That money grabbing attitude goes all the way back to the 'flying founders' era and the company's founding -- when their vision was the development of what would now be a clone of MS Office.  (hence the name -- Walker thought he could use a computer to do everything business people normally did at a desk. Their first app was IIRC an electronic rolodex-style application - the character-driuven equivalent of Wi ndows 2.0 Card application.

Remember when dimensioning was not included in the eleven hundred dollar price tag, and Walker wanted to charge an extra $300 for adding it?
The only thing more dangerous to the liberty of a free people than big government is big business