Author Topic: (MicroStation) GEOPAK profiles question  (Read 1671 times)

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(MicroStation) GEOPAK profiles question
« on: September 24, 2013, 11:24:12 AM »
Hi all,
I'm working on a project and need a little help.  Basically, I'm doing cross sections of an area and need to generate profiles of these areas.  I'm not working with a DTM at all.  My procedure so far has been to generate a 3D linestring in a 3D seeded file, then create the alignment using Roads (store graphics) on the linestring.  Next, I create the 3D survey chain using Chain -> New -> assign points to MS graphic element (then selecting my linestring).

I then generate the profile through Roads using the HAL (chain generated from Roads) and then profile my cross section by projecting my survey chain onto the profile.  The problem is that I can't save the profile to COGO because I'm not working with a DTM.  And unless I want to manually add labels to the profile, I need the profile to be stored in COGO.

Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to accomplish?  I guess I could generate a DTM for each cross section but it seems like a waste of time.

Thanks for listening and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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Re: GEOPAK profiles question
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2013, 07:16:36 PM »
NM...  I sorted it out myself.  Apparently, you can create profiles directly from survey chains, which is what I was wanting to do.

Survey -> Geometry -> Chains -> Convert Survey Chains

I'm still trying to get used to GEOPAK and the lack of good documentation.  On a side note, does anyone know what "Extrude Survey Chains" does?