Author Topic: Custom hatching a little slower than normal  (Read 2020 times)

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Custom hatching a little slower than normal
« on: December 01, 2004, 03:44:24 PM »
I made a custom plywd hatch that looks fine when hatched but it seems a little slower than normal when selecting the area to be hatched. I just have a 12x12 box (lines, no blocks or xrefs) that I am trying to hatch.

Here is the hatch pattern file:
Code: [Select]
0, 0,0, 0,.3333333
45, 0,.1464, 0,4.2426, 1.4142,0
45, 0,.5, 0,4.2426, 1.4142,0
45, 0,.8536, 0,4.2426, 1.4142,0

If anyone can help me correct it that would really help.
