Author Topic: [Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?  (Read 3302 times)

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[Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?
« on: February 24, 2010, 05:52:02 PM »

Anyone ever take, or interview someone who achieved, or employ anyone who has, achieved any level of Autodesk certification?

Are these worth a crap?  Would this be of any benefit as a consulting engineering firm to advertise software expertise?  Is it a line on the company resume or website that would, at all, impress anyone?  Is it of any personal benefit if I have that line on my personal resume?  I don't figure I'm going to be job searching any time soon, so I don't terribly care about personal gain, but it can't hurt.  I'm more looking into this out of curiosity, after getting a spam mail that mentioned it.  Would my employers benefit any from me achieving these levels of "certification" ?


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  • Seagull
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Re: [Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2010, 06:02:53 PM »
never heard of it. 
If i were interviewing i wouldn't take much stock in it but...

I would love to recommend a question/test for the interview process. i would give one of those 10 min cad tests BUT i'm going to unplug the Hard Drive of the computer B4 the test. If they can draw a circle in 10 minutes, they are hired. (serving the CAD community since 2003)
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  • Swamp Rat
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Re: [Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2010, 07:37:13 PM »

Anyone ever take, or interview someone who achieved, or employ anyone who has, achieved any level of Autodesk certification?

Are these worth a crap?  Would this be of any benefit as a consulting engineering firm to advertise software expertise?  Is it a line on the company resume or website that would, at all, impress anyone?  Is it of any personal benefit if I have that line on my personal resume?  I don't figure I'm going to be job searching any time soon, so I don't terribly care about personal gain, but it can't hurt.  I'm more looking into this out of curiosity, after getting a spam mail that mentioned it.  Would my employers benefit any from me achieving these levels of "certification" ?

If you were running your own consulting firm, you'd notice the difference.  Especially with companies that are just migrating to AutoCAD or the likes.  I know companies do look at that, especially when they are seeking a consultant.  As for your employers, if you have been there for a little while, it won't matter at all.  So it depends on the circumstance.  Half the time it's just a waste of money, the other half, it's still a waste of money, but it can get you some confidence from a novice.
Hangman  8)

Drafting Board, Mechanical Arm, KOH-I-NOOR 0.7mm


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 978
Re: [Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2010, 09:45:32 PM »
I've taken the AutoCAD one, and all I can say is that you would have to be very green (or not know anything about AutoCAD) to not pass.


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Re: [Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2010, 09:50:16 AM »
When I interview people for Drafting/Design positions... it means absolutely nothing to me.

Let's put it this way; back in the day, I used to be an ASE certified auto mechanic. I had my certifications in brakes and electrical systems. What that means is that I was able to take, and pass, the exams for both of those certifications. I would not, however, ask me to work on your car if you were having an electrical problem. When my own car has an electrical problem I take it somewhere to be worked on (unless it's something like rebuilding an electronic switch for an electric window, I love that shtuff).

Having a certification in something, anything, usually only means that you were able to pass a written exam.

I'm not hiring people to take tests.


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Re: [Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2010, 10:41:16 AM »
At this point, I don't think I've ever heard anyone even mention "Autodesk Certification", outside of this forum and when I was at AU...

It might go like Microsoft certification, though...  I saw them pushing that for several years before I finally started seeing employers asking for it, and now it's rather widespread.  I think of it much like a degree...  It doesn't really say anything about the quality of work the person will be able to do, but it at least indicates they had enough focus to get the degree.


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Re: [Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2010, 11:05:56 AM »
I get a better sense of how a person is going to work out, as far as their drafting skills are concerned, by asking them how they would solve a couple of situations where the client has insisted that you change something such as the scale of your drawings or the size of all of your text, etc.

While those seem like pretty straight forward problems you'd be surprised at the variety of answers I've gotten.

And the real trick of it is that I'm not even looking for a "right" answer (there are multiple ways to handle every problem) as much as I'm seeing how they function under pressure, if they know what the hell they're talking about, and if they're honest about their lack of knowledge of certain aspects of CAD. When they start throwing out terminology that doesn't even exist in AutoCAD, or when they start saying things like "you click on the button with the big A on the thing up top" I can pretty safely figure that they either don't know what they're doing or they fail under pressure... and I won't be able to use them.

The absolute best answers I've ever gotten to the questions are always the people who ask me questions back. And those people who work out the issue out loud i.e. "well I would say just to change the scale of the viewport but that doesn't account for the stuff in Paper Space that you mentioned so I imagine I would have to figure out a way to get all of that text and stuff to scale with the viewport and I'd probably be able..." you get the picture.

Those people... I'll usually want to hire them on the spot.


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Re: [Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2010, 03:47:14 PM »
Yea, I've always thought pretty much along the same lines as y'all.

It's something I really don't give a crap about, and it means squat to me.  However I thought I'd see what others' impressions were in case it's something worthwhile to have... sounds like not. 

Thanks for the input :)


  • Seagull
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Re: [Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2010, 03:53:13 PM »
I don't if you were James, but I was AWS certified welder for Stick, unlimited thickenss, all positions, yadda yadda.  That peice of paper only matters to the lawyers, Architects, AHJs or whome thinks it matters.  But in factory or production work it meant nothing.  They gave their own test.  

We hired one guy and he quit a week later.  He had certifications from Autodesk and from the University of  Pompous Arse.    :roll:

Ohh BTW my cetification there was no paper exam.  However I was asked if I was doing "peice work" from how fast I crank out the coupons.   ^-^  That will be a story for another time.

my rambled two cents worth
I + XI = X is true ...  ... if you change your perspective.

I no longer CAD or Model, I just hang out here picking up the empties beer cans


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Re: [Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2010, 04:57:33 PM »
I agree with the other sentiments above, that it is not worth much.

You work for an Engineering consultancy firm, I am in a similar situation, albeit a smaller size.. (1/1) :-D

I would look for not only drafting ability but specialist structural knowledge..People who KNOW what they are drawing are worth their weight in gold.

I completed a apprenticeship in Structural Draughting (4 years), acquiring a trade certificate in that field. I class myself as a tradesman.. I know I'm not the best at Autocad, but what I draw, I can explain what every line represents, why it is located in that position, and how and what order it is to be constructed.

I put knowledge of the field, above knowledge of how to operate Autocad.


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Re: [Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2010, 05:39:55 PM »
I completed a apprenticeship in Structural Draughting

For some reason, when it's spelled that way, it makes me want a beer...   :-)


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Re: [Autodesk] Various Expert Certification - Worth anything?
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2010, 11:41:38 PM »
I completed a apprenticeship in Structural Draughting

For some reason, when it's spelled that way, it makes me want a beer...   :-)

Ahhh..I'm a Draughtsman that's why I drink.

The cool part is when someone calls themself a Draftsman then I know they are not trade qualified. :wink: