Author Topic: Autocad 2010  (Read 2012 times)

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  • Swamp Rat
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Autocad 2010
« on: July 16, 2009, 02:51:39 AM »
I have been using it for about a month now, and I'm really impressed with it.  I was a bit sceptical of the ribbon when it was introduced with 2009. Civil 2010 has in forced me to start using the ribbon.  Now I'm using it in Autocad as well.  It works pretty good. The ribbon that changes with different object type in very nice.

A lot of people always complain about a new release of Autocad,  I think the guys at Autodesk did a pretty good job with 2010.  Don't get me wrong, it is not perfect, but the good, outweigh the bad.
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  • Seagull
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Re: Autocad 2010
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2009, 08:52:45 AM »
Yes, however did you enjoy being forced to adopt the new interface; or would you rather have a choice?

The ribbon switching based on object selection is no different than had you chosen to take advantage of the Right-Click context menus that were already providing the user with the correct menu options.  I am still quite not liking the ribbon, it still seems to be very counter productive in how it is laid out, and how and where the commands where chopped up and moved around.  I do not know that the initial loss in productivity is or will ever be recovered through any efficiencies claimed by the ribbon.
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Re: Autocad 2010
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2009, 08:54:54 AM »
I actually recently turned the Ribbon off after using it for months, customizing it, and actually making a partial CUI that was just to have custom Ribbon features.

You like the Ribbon panels that come with different objects... I hate them... too often they don't GO AWAY when I DEselect the object, and too often they remove Ribbon panels I -want- to use to display panels I don't -ever- use- specific to that object.

I had it set up nice in 2009, and they changed many things around in 2010 and botched it up.  I don't have time to spend updating custom interface crap like this every release.  I especially don't feel I can introduce other users to something like this interface, if it performs this way.

I'm going back to tool palletes.


  • Seagull
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Re: Autocad 2010
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2009, 08:57:40 AM »
I actually recently turned the Ribbon off after using it for months, customizing it, and actually making a partial CUI that was just to have custom Ribbon features.

You like the Ribbon panels that come with different objects... I hate them... too often they don't GO AWAY when I DEselect the object, and too often they remove Ribbon panels I -want- to use to display panels I don't -ever- use- specific to that object.

I had it set up nice in 2009, and they changed many things around in 2010 and botched it up.  I don't have time to spend updating custom interface crap like this every release.  I especially don't feel I can introduce other users to something like this interface, if it performs this way.

I'm going back to tool palletes.

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James Cannon

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Re: Autocad 2010
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2009, 09:04:55 AM »
marking calendar on our agreement on this topic!


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Re: Autocad 2010
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2009, 09:52:19 AM »
All things considered, I've found it to be the best initial release since 2004.  In that, I mean they introduced relatively few new bugs, and it works pretty well pre-SP, unlike other recent releases (remember 2007? - that was probably the low point).

There's still tons of problems with Civil 3D, and many serious problems aren't being addressed at all.  But in other respects, the program has improved significantly, and the 2010 release is the best release of C3D so far.

James Cannon

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Re: Autocad 2010
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2009, 10:04:10 AM »
I cannot speak for any of the verticals, but I do agree with Sinc, that I've found 2010 to be a great release in regards to stability, features introduced as well as their freedom of bugs... though I have seen no need to investigate the use of parametric drawings, so that's a large lapse in my judgment of new features... I mainly speak on the handfuls of more minor introductions.

I've found that the material browser, when working in 3D, even seems more stable.  I'd had it cause crashes and fatal errors before, and sometimes when closing and re-opening a drawing, it would forget some materials and reset them to a copy of "Global", whatever Global was set to.  I have not seen ANY of this in 2010.  I can only hope that the lengthy times I spent talking to Autodesk technical support engineers giving them information was put to use :P  Of course I'm sure I'm just a speck of raspberry jam on their radar, but it's a nice thought to think that maybe I helped, lol.


  • Seagull
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Re: Autocad 2010
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2009, 10:57:00 AM »
I am happy with the PDF overall.  Smaller and faster with higher resolution.  I think that is in part of better text to text capturing.  I still which they gave the options in the file naming of PDFs.  if it can go out and get the drawing name and the layout name, it should allow the user to the choice of which to chose in a global setting and not have to edit the file name before creating it.  The other option is that greater creating single PDFs or multiple sheets within a PDF file during publishing.

I am not happy with the Ribbon.  I was very happy with the dashboard.  The dashboard is nothing but the fancy arrangement of tool bars.  Which I turn toolbars off.   :ugly:  The dashboard had what I wanted at all times.  The other thing I am not happy about is the ribbon does not lend it self to a second monitor application.  Autodesk missed the ball on this one big time with price of monitors and video cards coming down ever day. 

The other thing I do not like is the new layer manager being treated as a pallet.  it is slower than the old.

Overall I give 2010 a B-, which is the lowest grade I have given any version since I started with R13 (which I did not grade)
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