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polyline's are acting wierd.

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polyline problem.

When I draw a rectangle using the "rectang" button I am at the moment unable to offset the polyline "inwards".

allow me to elaborate slightly.

draw a rectangle 1000x2500.  offset. type in 200.  select inside the rectangle and nothing happens.  if I select outside the rectangle it behaves normally, I have another rectangle that his 200mm outside the original one.

BUT. if I zoom extents.  the rectangle that I wanted to appear inside the first rectangle that I drew, but didn't appear NOW appears at UCS world.  the centre of area of the rectangle being at 0,0.

any takers?

I appreciate all advice including the one that involve the destruction of my machine.

thanks in advance

My machine is acting really weird today.


p.s. I saw faranhieht 911 last night (recently released on DVD).  for god sake don't re-elect him.  ABB (anyone but bush)

isn't there an issue where if your trying to do this at a large distance from the UCS origin that it creates the offset back at the origin ?


Ok, I won't touch the politics with a ten foot pole, but have a look at your units.  Maybe it's trying to offset in feet or something?

I will....
Michael Moore, the originator of this film, has made the assertion, and continues to do so that "There is NO terrorist threat" Given that stance I cannot believe any of his propaganda.

thanks for the tips guys.


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