Author Topic: Load-Run-Unload a VBA Project with VLISP  (Read 8532 times)

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Bob Wahr

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Re: Load-Run-Unload a VBA Project with VLISP
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2008, 04:43:26 PM »
I think this should work maybe.  Possibly.  Kinda.  Didn't test it in any way, shape, or form.  Never took it near autocad.  Have no lisp skills whatsoever.

Code: [Select]
(defun C:deloadivision ( macropolo )
(command "._'DELAY" 1000)
(command "vbaunload" macropolo)


  • Guest
Re: Load-Run-Unload a VBA Project with VLISP
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2008, 12:49:23 PM »
The problem you're having unloading from Lisp is that it's running the command and immediately running the next, without waiting to see if it's complete. Like shelling to a DOS command, or something.

Looping through with a timer, hoping to catch the end, is just going to tie up your system; because now the loop you're running is slowing down the *other* command you're trying to run. It's not needed.

Just have a "loader" .dvb routine. Have this .dvb file loaded by lisp at startup, if you want; the loader .dvb will be a small footprint, having nothing but a few lines of VBA code to  1) load a DVB file   2) execute a specific Subroutine in a specific module, and 3) unload the DVB file when the process is complete. There will be no simultaneosly running code. There will be no Do:Loop putting a brake on your system. Remember, just like calling code in a .BAS module from a form, the calling routine will be ON HOLD until the new routine is finished.

In addition, keeping the VBA IDE free from code allows for faster execution, easier editing, etc , etc.

Heres a sample of what I use:
; Utils.lsp
; loader routine for "Loader.dvb"

; load "launcher" DVB file
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (vl-vbaload "Y:/MRW_Palette/Mrw_Utils.dvb")
 (setvar "cmdecho" 1)

; ------------------------------

; define launcher for Excel Reports
(defun c:xlr ()
 ; call excel reports vba module
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (VL-VBARUN "XL_Reports")
 (setvar "cmdecho" 1)

; ------------------------------

; define launcher for generating Views
(defun c:mvw ()
 ; call Make Views vba module
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
; ------------------------------


' and in my "Loader.dvb" file (Y:/MRW_Palette/Mrw_Utils.dvb)
' i have something like the following 2 subs:

Sub XL_Reports()

  ' Load a sample VBA project DVB file
    LoadDVB "c:\test\excel_reports.dvb"
    ' Run the referenced macro
    RunMacro "modMrwReport.Report_Init"
    ' Unload the VBA project DVB file now.
    UnloadDVB "c:\test\excel_reports.dvb"

End Sub

Sub MVW()

  ' Load a sample VBA project DVB file
    LoadDVB "c:\xyz\Make2d\Make_views.dvb"
    ' Run the referenced macro
    RunMacro "modMain.Read_Solids"
    ' Unload the VBA project DVB file now.
    UnloadDVB "c:\xyz\Make2d\Make_views.dvb"

End Sub
