Author Topic: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )  (Read 18689 times)

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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #60 on: April 11, 2008, 02:42:01 PM »
Let me make sure I'm clear:

1) Select table cell so that only one cell is active.  It will have the 4 grips at midpoint of each side, and the highlighted perimeter.
2)  Double click inside the cell.

3?)  It returns the following for me:
Code: [Select]
Command: Specify opposite corner:
Invalid window specification.

Command: Specify opposite corner:
It puts me into the cell. I'm running 2009, OOTB, and don't have any other versions I can test at the moment. Have you customized any double-click actions?

Ok, I'm not ready to totally put this one to rest now.  Though the few other computers I tried it on within our company didn't do it.. (theirs did as you report) I was just helping a user with the firm down the hall with table formatting, and I noticed he was having the same problem as me.  I asked him to let me see his mouse for a second, to verify I was seeing what I thought I saw... and lo and behold, in his 2008 install of Electrical running as plain ACAD, his double click cell-entry would not work, unless the table was totally deselected.

I know he has no customizations other than a couple toolbars for inserting blocks.  He's a very basic user, and the company has little in the way of standard customizations, and what they DO have, is just toolbars and two extra menus.  They don't even use the CUI, so there's no double-click funkiness going on (I checked to verify, he'd never even seen the CUI before)

I just tried it on my '08 Electrical running as plain Acad, and it worked.  No custom stuff, as I have never ran it like this before.

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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #61 on: April 11, 2008, 02:45:34 PM »
Yea, I can't even get it to act the same on identical setups!  It's seemingly random.  The boss's comp with 08 behaves like mine, and he expressed similar frustration about the issue, and another owner has the exact same setup (no one but me customizes their setup aside from toggling/placing toolbars) and behaves as it should (as Kate, and you, T.Willey, described.

Simply... confusing.


  • Water Moccasin
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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #62 on: April 16, 2008, 09:45:58 PM »
This appears to be a new bug so I'm not sure if this is the right place to post it (Kerry?)
Find and replace could be used as afind only in 2008, ie type a search, hit zoom to and close. Now you are zoomed to the text. If you try this in 2008 you will be back to where you started the search.
The command has added some good stuff but seems to have taken away the ability to find stacked fractions.


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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #63 on: April 16, 2008, 10:23:35 PM »
I think new bugs/deficiencies would be fine ... just indicate which version it applies to ( as you have)  ;-)

I started the thread with the idea of documenting the bugs that have carried over from previous versions [ in a format that could be submitted to AutoDesk]
After 5 pages the actual list seems pretty small so we may as well flesh it out.
kdub, kdub_nz in other timelines.
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Josh Nieman

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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #64 on: April 17, 2008, 09:08:52 AM »

What were you hoping for?!


  • Mesozoic relic
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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #65 on: April 17, 2008, 09:40:24 AM »

I thought there would be a lot considering the whinging I was hearing.
kdub, kdub_nz in other timelines.
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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #66 on: April 17, 2008, 10:00:20 AM »

I thought there would be a lot considering the whinging I was hearing.

Let the record show that my only problem with 2008 and 2009 is with the attribute issue I posted. I have not found any other bugs during my day to day work.
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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #67 on: April 17, 2008, 11:36:20 AM »
As a Civil-3D user, I have a hard time seeing the bugs in the core product.  Compared to C3D, the problems in the core product just seem so insignificant...   :-(

(...except for that plotting one...  I would REALLY like to be able to just plot a sheet set, without the dread...)

Josh Nieman

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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #68 on: April 17, 2008, 03:12:05 PM »
Quote - msg269583

---Rotation of attributed blocks programmatically causes the attributes' rotation to behave erratically.
Rotation of attributed blocks in property window causes the attributes' rotation to behave erratically. - msg269870

   Slicing bug does not allow proper function of slice command. - msg269877

   Minor error in slice command (very minor) - msg269994

   Helix command does not actually draw a helix. - msg270617

   Improper display of edge lines includes tangential lines. - msg270618

   When the newer visual styles (since 07) are used, linework does not obey plot styles.

I guess not being able to produce functional construction drawings from a model is insignificant, then?

It seems to me that your whole point of the thread was not to document the errors but rather to shove a finger in the face of the people voicing complaints as if they have nothing to complain about.  If you have something productive to add, great, but simply looking at all these people's posts and scoffing at them saying that there hasn't been anything of substance posted is just plain rude.

Also, it's not like this thread is very old.  Give some people time to remember the bugs.  I know I, for one, tend not to think of them because I've become so accustomed to working around them, these workarounds seem as first nature, rather than a bump in the road.  I'm used to having to slow to a crawl for the speed bumps, that I forget they're there, I guess.

I have been on the same 2D project for the duration of this thread, and for the most part doing redlines, and haven't touched a decent bit of the more intense 2D drawing, and no 3D modeling at all so far.  I'm sure I'll stumble upon more gems to share.

You're asking for skewed results by demanding they be reproducible and demonstrable.
< .. >
Simple.  "This happens <insert your value for frequency > "
"When I do < this> and <this> and <this> ; sometimes < this> happens "

If you would have paid attention to the entire post, and not taken one statement out of context only to belittle my intelligence, you would have gotten the point.  The point is, that not all bugs are consistent.

Sure, some people here don't experience the hatch boundary selection, but I made a point to ask a few other CAD managers at other companies.  Not one person I've talked to in person has NOT experienced Autocad hanging up when using 'pick a point' method of obtaining a hatch boundary.  Everyone in my company has had the problem.  Everyone in the other company in the building.  Everyone in three associated mechanical, electrical, and civil firms experience it.  Confirmed that it happens with an architectural firm we are dealing with.  Of the surveyed answers, I and only one other company use 3D tools.  Software varies from plain CAD, to ADT, to Autocad Electrical, to simple OOTB no customization vanilla, to heavily customized vanilla...

Here, Kerry, if it makes you feel better:

Autocad hangs up sporadically.  When I do "pick point" method of selecting hatch boundary sometimes Autocad locks up into a non-responsive mode.  This can not be consistently linked to any other behavior, geometry, commands, etc.
  Was that the proper format?

Josh Nieman

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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #69 on: April 17, 2008, 03:47:28 PM »
Additional bug that's carried over into 2009 from years past:

When opening block editor and issuing certain commands (haven't pinned down exactly what command it is, but it's at least narrowed down to, and confirmed by others on various boards to the block editor) the model/paper button on the lower right of the status bar disappears when you exit the block editor, requiring the user to manually add it back to being displayed.

I had hoped that one would get fixed by now, but I guess not.  That one gets particularly annoying.


  • King Gator
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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #70 on: April 17, 2008, 03:53:56 PM »
Whoa there Josh. Don't forget your lunch again, OK? You seem to get testy without food. :-)

Nowhere did KB "scoff" at others, he merely pointed out that out of 5 pages of responses there were very few that met the criteria of the thread's title. I know, you've said you don't like the criteria, but as has been already said, the programmers cannot correct a bug if they cannot reproduce it. You quoted 6 items, to me that IS very few.

I know Kerry, and I know that he started this thread with full intentions of submitting the items we post to someone who MAY be able to get them resolved. The more detailed information that can be given about any one of these items can only help to solve the problem. Getting snooty with someone genuinely wanting to help does nothing. In reference to Kerry's mention of "whinging", I'm sure that was NOT in reference to those posts in this thread. It was in reference to the numerous other posts, here at the Swamp and many other ACAD related sites, that proclaim "I found a bug!" or "This isn't working right", etc.

Josh Nieman

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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #71 on: April 17, 2008, 04:02:50 PM »
Then maybe I did take some of his posts the wrong way, but I'm not totally convinced he wasn't referring to theswamp.  That could well be a misunderstanding.  I just don't take too kindly to being called a whiner when I just want my software to work right.

Yes, so far there are 6 posts.  I don't find those to be miniscule at all.  The other bug posted here, that wasn't directly linkable, was in regards to not being able to plot properly using publish.

So now we have items being drawn that aren't true to form, models that don't create proper linework, textual annotation that doesn't behave properly when modified, and inability to use what was supposed to be a godsend for plotting.

That pretty much covers all the bases of creating a drawing, so forgive me if I don't see it as very minor.


  • King Gator
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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #72 on: April 17, 2008, 04:55:27 PM »
But see, he didn't say the issues posted were minor. All he said was that there weren't MANY at all.

Going back to the Hatch by pick-point. I was really curious about this so I went in search of others asking/posting about it. I searched all of the Autocad newsgroups at Autodesk, the Autodesk Knowledge base, and did a Google search. There was only one hit that related to the issue you described. Have you submitted a bug report to Autodesk about it? Have any of the others that you know having this problem done so? It just seems to me that if this is such a big deal that there would be at least a handful of others reporting it. Please know that I am not discounting what you've reported, I'm just befuddled why it's just a few of you that have seen this problem. Have you all worked on the same drawings at one time or another? Maybe all of you are using the same lisp(s) and something in them is causing it? Possibly that humid LA air has shorted out some RAM that is only used occassionally... sorry, there are just too many "what about"'s that can be listed without some form of duplicatable behaviour.

Josh Nieman

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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #73 on: April 17, 2008, 05:41:21 PM »
lol, maybe it is the air! 

I've seen probably in the manner of 2-3 dozen conversations about it in my time on the adesk forums, as well as a couple agreeing people here.  I'm actually surprised at the number of disagreeing sentiments, to be honest!  I've never seen this many "not me...'s" yet, on the topic.  Usually a bunch of "OH I HATE THAT!" type posts.

Usually not the beginning topic, so it may be hard to find, I don't know.

I have discussed it with a couple autodesk employees, sent them drawings, but obviously all I ever get is "Sorry, can't replicate the problem" which is probably what led me to be edgy on the topic... I've BEEN dealing with replies of "Sorry, can't replicate it, so I'm going to ignore you now" so to hear it again is just a blood boiler. 

I mean, look at it from my side.  A bug that constantly rears it's head, even on fresh, clean, undefiled installs with any customization (some of my users prefer the simpler life and fear change, and is ok since they're engineers first) and I basically the idea that Autodesk has designed the perfect bug (even if inadvertently).  One that hides and only bites now and then... just often enough to irritate you, but hides enough that they can not bother fixing it, under the guise of "Unable to replicate".


  • Mesozoic relic
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Re: Demonstrable Bugs and Deficiencies List ( AutoCAD )
« Reply #74 on: April 17, 2008, 06:27:59 PM »

Do you have an incident/Report number for this, or a record of the person you spoke to, and the date of the report ?
kdub, kdub_nz in other timelines.
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