Author Topic: Funky appint behavior?  (Read 2880 times)

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Funky appint behavior?
« on: August 11, 2004, 01:11:48 PM »
I'm having a funky appint situation and I'm not sure why.  I have an xref with a grid in it (just lines layed out in a grid).  Not all grid lines are drawn all the way through; some grid lines are much shorter than others.  I tried to use appint to set a point on the intersection of one grid line and the point where extending a short grid line would intersect, but appint doesn't let me select any of the grid lines.  Appint lets me select any other line just fine; just not the grid lines.  If I draw a new line in my current drawing on top of grid lines, and Appint can't see the new line I just drew, either.  It's like the area around the grid is a "no appint allowed" zone.

I have verified that appint will not select the grid lines in the base drawing, either.  The really strange part is how I can draw a new line right on top of the grid line, and appint won't work on the new line, either.  The grid lines are just lines as far as I can tell, no funky blocks or proxy objects, no locked layers, elevation of both endpoints at 0...

Anyone ever see anything like this?  The original drawing (the one I'm xref'ing) came from an architect, so who knows how they have all the various Autocad settings configured...  :D


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Funky appint behavior?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2004, 01:25:53 PM »
You sure the xref isn't a block?  Thrre's a setting  under options.selection.grips...enable grips within blocks.  Another this grid a hatch?  Nothing else comes to mind at the moment.


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Funky appint behavior?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2004, 02:01:08 PM »
Are the lines that make up the grid all on the same Z axis?  I don't know if that would have anything to do with it or not...
Do any of the other osnaps work on the grid lines?


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Funky appint behavior?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2004, 02:31:08 PM »
Yeah, they're all on the xy plane (z=0), but that shouldn't make a difference.  Appint generally works fine to get the apparent intersection of lines at radically different elevations...

All other osnaps seem to work, including intersect.  It's just appint, and just with the grid lines.

It's not really important - I've long since gone on with what I was doing - but it's some really funky behavior I've never seen before and can't explain, so it has me curious...  There MUST be SOMETHING causing it, right? (Maybe I have Autogremlins™ installed...  :D )


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Funky appint behavior?
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2004, 02:33:56 PM »
Autogremlins come free with AutoCAD


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Funky appint behavior?
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2004, 03:02:57 PM »
They get installed whether you want them or not and you can't get rid of them and throwing water on them makes them duplicate and makes them meaner. You can tell, because your monitor will start smoking after you throw on the water.

Seriously, I had a problem with an architects seal once, recently. We couldn't copy and paste the titleblock in any way. After all ways to copy the titleblock into a different drawing were exhausted, I proceeded to explode the block of the seal until it was just lines. After that, I was able to copy the titleblock into the other drawing, no problem. I'm guessing they had some type of self-loading mechanism that said if "seal" exists, copyclip is disabled. Don't know if that could be the problem, but it was for mine.

McRojo the Irishman

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Funky appint behavior?
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2004, 03:45:49 PM »
Some commands won't let you select lines drawn in a different UCS...