Author Topic: Dual Monitors  (Read 32723 times)

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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2007, 11:16:40 AM »
This is quoted from the survey summary that you erroniously asserted it said "NOTHING" when it obviously does.

Productivity estimations average to 42% improvement
The conclusion seems obvious, users will benefit from multiple displays ...

Your reponse is based on your own conjecure. Please supply at least one survey showing a contrasting point of view or concede the point.
Okay Keith, really read what is written there.  No data is offered to support the claims.  They even make sure to state that it is "estimations" and that "conclusions SEEM obvious".  So my comment is quite accurate, there is NOTHING in that link that states dual monitors improve productivity.  It is no different from any other report or study I've read.  Each one boils down to "There's two monitors, therefore you must be more productive."

We've gone to dual monitors because our corporate office has standardized on PDS.  Those of you familiar with PDS, know that this is not to improve productivity, but that it is nearly impossible to function at all with a single monitor due to the poor programing development of PDS.  But that aside, it means that we have a lot of folks using two monitors, by the end of the second quarter this year, all designers should be running dual monitors.  So far we have seen "zero" improvement in productivity for those using duals in an AutoCAD environment. 

I was wandering through one of our large open areas looking at all the dual monitor setups just last week; of the three dozen setups I could see from one place, only one had spread AutoCAD onto both monitors, three used the second monitor for the AutoCAD text screen, the rest either had their email on the second screen, or the logo desktop that come with login. So I asked how they liked the dual screens.  The all said they were great, improved performance, increased productivity, it was "obvious", so "obvious", even the guys that didn't use the second monitor reported being more productive.


  • Villiage Idiot
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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2007, 11:37:30 AM »
Randy, as always, I appreciate your candor. Once again, you asked for a survey which supported the statement regarding multiple monitors and productivity increases. We can split hais about the accuracy of the surveys if you wish, but I DID supply you with at least one supporting survey. To that end, I have supported my comment in a manner consistent with your request. Essentially "this survey states that multiple monitors improve productivity" as indicated by the excerpt from the executive summary of the survey. If you do not accept the survey, then we can discuss whether the survey is accurate or conjecture, but you cannot argue that I did not support my statement by an outside source. I could however state that you have not provided any evidence to the contrary.

Once again, show me a survey that states there is NO productivity improvement by using multiple monitors and I will consider it a draw, since we both have opposing corroberating evidence. Or ... give it up already ... I could care less about whether they improve productivity .. in fact I believe the improvement is probably only in specialized applications and environments, I was merely stating a widely held belief, and then I supplied the evidence you requested.
Proud provider of opinion and arrogance since November 22, 2003 at 09:35:31 am
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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2007, 11:45:47 AM »

From my own productivity has gotten better with dual monitors. More real estate to multitask more efficiently. I would never span both screens with AutoCAD, you get that annoying break between the screens. I've found having all the properties\SSM\xref palette on the other screen helps me out.


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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2007, 12:18:25 PM »
Randy, as always, I appreciate your candor. Once again, you asked for a survey which supported the statement regarding multiple monitors and productivity increases. We can split hais about the accuracy of the surveys if you wish, but I DID supply you with at least one supporting survey. To that end, I have supported my comment in a manner consistent with your request. Essentially "this survey states that multiple monitors improve productivity" as indicated by the excerpt from the executive summary of the survey. If you do not accept the survey, then we can discuss whether the survey is accurate or conjecture, but you cannot argue that I did not support my statement by an outside source. I could however state that you have not provided any evidence to the contrary.
I'm sorry I missed the line in the link that stated ""this survey states that multiple monitors improve productivity".  I read the summary and saw comments like "Estimate" and "seem", but NOTHING that "states that multiple monitors improve productivity".  Would please point out the phrase I missed in the link?

Once again, show me a survey that states there is NO productivity improvement by using multiple monitors and I will consider it a draw, since we both have opposing corroberating evidence.
I have no such survey, nor have I claimed one existed, and so far you have not supplied such evidence supporting your claim other than saying "isn't it obvious?"

Or ... give it up already ... I could care less about whether they improve productivity ..
Your keyboard is in your control is it not?

in fact I believe the improvement is probably only in specialized applications and environments, I was merely stating a widely held belief,
And I have the audacity to question that "widely held belief".

and then I supplied the evidence you requested.
Not as yet.


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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2007, 12:45:12 PM »
From my own productivity has gotten better with dual monitors.
Oh? Could you show me some numbers?

More real estate to multitask more efficiently.
Okay there's a word I hear a lot, multitask, just how does that work? I only have one mouse and one keyboard, and I'm limited in that I can only do one thing at a time with my computer.  How does this multitasking idea work?

I would never span both screens with AutoCAD, you get that annoying break between the screens.
Not so much spread the drawing screen, but move toolbars, pallettes, etc. to the other screen

I've found having all the properties\SSM\xref palette on the other screen helps me out.
Oh? How much?  Any more than say a single wide-format monitor?


  • Villiage Idiot
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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2007, 01:02:18 PM »
Randy, as always, I appreciate your candor. Once again, you asked for a survey which supported the statement regarding multiple monitors and productivity increases. We can split hais about the accuracy of the surveys if you wish, but I DID supply you with at least one supporting survey. To that end, I have supported my comment in a manner consistent with your request. Essentially "this survey states that multiple monitors improve productivity" as indicated by the excerpt from the executive summary of the survey. If you do not accept the survey, then we can discuss whether the survey is accurate or conjecture, but you cannot argue that I did not support my statement by an outside source. I could however state that you have not provided any evidence to the contrary.
I'm sorry I missed the line in the link that stated ""this survey states that multiple monitors improve productivity".  I read the summary and saw comments like "Estimate" and "seem", but NOTHING that "states that multiple monitors improve productivity".  Would please point out the phrase I missed in the link?

Please .. I know you better than that .. If any survey unequivocably stated "this will improve productivity by 40%" or whatever, it would be immediately dismissed as it does not take into account any myriad of differences in applications, environment, people, and the task they are charged with doing. When making a blanket statement, the comments MUST be broad enough else they fail. An estimate of fuel economy is just that .. as estimate .. several factors can make the difference. We could drive the exact vehicle on the exact stretch of road and come away with vastly different fuel economys. You of all people should know that.

Once again, show me a survey that states there is NO productivity improvement by using multiple monitors and I will consider it a draw, since we both have opposing corroberating evidence.
I have no such survey, nor have I claimed one existed, and so far you have not supplied such evidence supporting your claim other than saying "isn't it obvious?"
You are dodging and we both know it ..

Or ... give it up already ... I could care less about whether they improve productivity ..
Your keyboard is in your control is it not?
I suppose your stubborness is fueling my desire .. I cannot help myself ... I must post.

in fact I believe the improvement is probably only in specialized applications and environments, I was merely stating a widely held belief,
And I have the audacity to question that "widely held belief".
Then you have convoluted the discussion. My point was not that muliple monitors improve productivity (a point you continually fail to see), but rather there is a wide held belief they do, supported by surveys. Surveys that you choose to ignore. Fine .. but you cannot ignore the facts that it is a widely held belief .. which is EXACTLY what my comments were about, nothing more, nothing less.

and then I supplied the evidence you requested.
Not as yet.
You simply fail to recognize it when perhaps hundreds or thousands of others have. I am not saying your assertion concerning productivity is wrong, only that your assertion that the survey states they improve productivity. Your beef concerning the accuracy of the survey is with the survey company, not me.
Proud provider of opinion and arrogance since November 22, 2003 at 09:35:31 am
CadJockey Militia Field Marshal

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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2007, 01:56:04 PM »
Please .. I know you better than that .. If any survey unequivocably stated "this will improve productivity by 40%" or whatever, it would be immediately dismissed as it does not take into account any myriad of differences in applications, environment, people, and the task they are charged with doing. When making a blanket statement, the comments MUST be broad enough else they fail. An estimate of fuel economy is just that .. as estimate .. several factors can make the difference. We could drive the exact vehicle on the exact stretch of road and come away with vastly different fuel economys. You of all people should know that.
wait a minute, either the surveys support the increased productivity or they don't.  An estimate is based on some data, any data.  So far, every survey I've seen, including the summary you posted, has failed to provide such data because is "SEEMS" "OBVIOUS".

Once again, show me a survey that states there is NO productivity improvement by using multiple monitors and I will consider it a draw, since we both have opposing corroberating evidence.
I have no such survey, nor have I claimed one existed, and so far you have not supplied such evidence supporting your claim other than saying "isn't it obvious?"
You are dodging and we both know it ..
No dodge, I've never claimed any kind of survey existed either way.  I'm just looking for one that shows any kind of improvement in productivity by methods other than "isn't it obvious"

in fact I believe the improvement is probably only in specialized applications and environments, I was merely stating a widely held belief,
And I have the audacity to question that "widely held belief".
Then you have convoluted the discussion. My point was not that muliple monitors improve productivity (a point you continually fail to see), but rather there is a wide held belief they do, supported by surveys. Surveys that you choose to ignore. Fine .. but you cannot ignore the facts that it is a widely held belief .. which is EXACTLY what my comments were about, nothing more, nothing less.
I've always understood your point, that there are surveys that support the widely held belief.  So far you have provided none.

and then I supplied the evidence you requested.
Not as yet.
You simply fail to recognize it when perhaps hundreds or thousands of others have. ... Your beef concerning the accuracy of the survey is with the survey company, not me.
I have no problem at all with the accuracy of a survey, especially those that couch their results in non-commital language like "seems obvious"..  Support does not mean perpetuate. It's not that they are inaccurate, they just haven't displayed any foundation in real productivity research, they have provided no support.  If there is a real productivity improvement, there will be numbers to back it up, otherwise we're left with feelings that it's obvious, which is not support.

I am not saying your assertion concerning productivity is wrong, only that your assertion that the survey states they improve productivity.
I've asked a couple of times for you to quote the line in the link you posted that states improved productivity. I've looked and can't find it.  If it's there please post it.


  • Villiage Idiot
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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2007, 02:00:19 PM »
For the love of all that is good ...

Productivity estimations average to 42% improvement

Now .. I didn't say it .. they did ...
Proud provider of opinion and arrogance since November 22, 2003 at 09:35:31 am
CadJockey Militia Field Marshal

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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2007, 02:52:47 PM »
For the love of all that is good ...

Productivity estimations average to 42% improvement

Now .. I didn't say it .. they did ...
yup, and I can ESTIMATE increases of minus thirty percent because it "SEEMS OBVIUOUS"


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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2007, 02:57:49 PM »
Not dual monitors but larger display which to me is the same thing...


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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2007, 03:10:33 PM »
    * Productivity in lines of code per day increased 10%.
    * Defect levels decreased by 26%.


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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2007, 04:01:45 PM »
Not dual monitors but larger display which to me is the same thing...

Not bad! Some of their tests have some merit.

Hey Luis ... don't you have a big wide LCD sitting on your desk? How do you feel about it?  (serving the CAD community since 2003)

Greg B

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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2007, 04:07:53 PM »
yup, and I can ESTIMATE increases of minus thirty percent because it "SEEMS OBVIUOUS"

You know, Randy, even though it says estimate, it's still in the positive.  So whether the estimate is off by 41% either way, it's still an improvement.

Now, had they stated that it was an estimated 42% less productivity then you have have something there.


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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #28 on: January 15, 2007, 04:46:35 PM »
Where is the popcorn?  :-)
I + XI = X is true ...  ... if you change your perspective.

I no longer CAD or Model, I just hang out here picking up the empties beer cans


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Re: Dual Monitors
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2007, 05:30:34 PM »
Not dual monitors but larger display which to me is the same thing...
Oh no, not at all, there is a MAJOR cost difference. All our machines had cards that would support much larger monitors, but none that would have supported two monitors.