Author Topic: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)  (Read 4056 times)

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Hi Friends,

Believe it or not, but my company was using AutoCAD 14 upto recently although we had all new CAD versions available, now I tool initiative and upgrading the whole platform to 2006. Unfortunately, few basic features changed from 14 to 2006. I have very limited knowledge of AutoCAD.

Right now my question is regarding paper space,
In version 14 we had all title blocks on same paperspace, now in 2006 there are layout tabs, when I open dwg in 2006 from version 14 it brings all the title blocks in one layout tab only, What I would like to do is  assign a unique name layout tab for each different title block (we have 5-6 different title blocks in use ) and set up printer and plot style tables so any one in my company can print drawing without going in much details.

I tried setting up Page set-ups and imported different page set-ups in individual dwg , but when I imported any page setup it does not import title blocks with it as a Second option I tried creating templates for layouts (with .CTB plot style) and imported them in individual dwgs but in some of the dwgs shows that .CTB file is missing and there are only .STB files I can use even if I make new plot style table file.

Hopefully I have explained properly of abt my confusion, Can anyone help me understand how can I import and/or setup layouts and title blocks in 2006 from version 14 also is it possible to do it via script or programmatically so I can set up approx. 350 dwgs without opening each of them.

Thanks in advance..



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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2006, 03:25:48 PM »
I tried setting up Page set-ups and imported different page set-ups in individual dwg , but when I imported any page setup it does not import title blocks with it as a Second option I tried creating templates for layouts (with .CTB plot style) and imported them in individual dwgs but in some of the dwgs shows that .CTB file is missing and there are only .STB files I can use even if I make new plot style table file.

That's a big change from R14 to 2k7 so it is understandable that you are having problems.  To import a pagesetup, you can right-click on a layout tab or, use the PAGESETUP command.  Select "From Template...".  AutoCAD will display a "browse for file" dialogue.  Change the file type to DWG, DXF, or DWT by using the drop down list at the bottom of the browse dialogue.  Select a file containing the layout you want to import.  AutoCAD display a list box containing all the layout names found in the drawing you selected.  Choose one and hit OK. Done. AutoCAD should create a new tab containing all paper space objects that exist in the imported tab, including the imported tab pagesetup.  Please confirm that this method works for you.

If AutoCAD can't find your CTB files, check the "Plot Styles Table Search Path".  Goto: OPTIONS > Files tab > Printer Support Path > Plot Styles Table Search Path.  Make a note of this folder.  Now goto Windows Explorer, find the folder.  Are your CTB files located in that folder?

Automation of the above can be done, but you need to find the method that works manually before it can be done Automagically, i.e. define the problem better.

{added clarifications}

« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 05:42:29 PM by 'steved »


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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2006, 07:21:03 AM »
when I imported any page setup it does not import title blocks with it

Try importing the layout with the titleblock (drag and drop) into the new drawing via the Design Center. This will bring the titleblock (actually all the entities in the layout) along with the page setup.


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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2006, 12:24:37 PM »

Try importing the layout with the titleblock (drag and drop) into the new drawing via the Design Center. This will bring the titleblock (actually all the entities in the layout) along with the page setup.

The Design Center is very useful tool.  Definitely check into it.  (Closely-related to it are Tool Palettes, which can function as a sort of "quick-set" for the Design Center (among other things).  Tool Palettes are also very useful for certain things.)

But in addition to using Design Center, you can change your default template.  Add all your desired layouts to the template, complete with your title blocks.  Then setup the Sheet Set Manager so that it uses your template.  Now, your users should create new pages from the Sheet Set Manager, not using NEW or QNEW.  You can tell the SSM to prompt the user to select a layout from the template to use when creating a new drawing, and your new drawing will contain only that one layout (not all of them).  You can also turn all customizable fields in your Title Block into Autocad Fields, and control them from the SSM.  This lets you do things like change the issue date in one place in the SSM, and it will change in the title block of all pages in your entire sheet set.  You can also print the entire sheet set with one command, rather than printing each page individually, even when the sheet set spans a lot of different drawings.  Very handy.

You actually have a very large number of new features - don't be fooled by first impressions.  And a number of these features will save you tons of time, once you figure out how to use them.


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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2006, 03:26:07 PM »
Thanks for all your help, so far I have followed steve's direction successfully..Importing layouts with right Click on layout Tab and selecting from New template...What I have done so far is as follows :

1. Created a template file (one for Imperial and one for Metric) with 2 layout tabs
    (one for letter size   other for tabloid size)
2. Inserted title blocks
3. Set up view
4. Selected one file called CUST.CTB as plot style
5. Selected Printer-- units--view--centre plot--
6. Preview and everything looked fine for both layouts..

Now for test, I opened some of our dwgs (Imperial and Metric both- we are in facilities mgmt so we have both type of floor plans on record)..Mostly works perfectly fine --brings layout with title block and prints also with just one click.

only problem is in some dwg there are only .STB files present (it says file missing) and in that case I only can import .STB files  can't use my CUST.CTB file so can anyone help me understanding how .CTB and .STB works ? or why some dwgs have .CTB files and others have .STB files in my 14 format dwgs ? What triggers to have .STB or .CTB file in dwgs ? if these 2 files are different then I will need to create 2 template files one with  .CTB and other with .STB ? for each Imperial and Metric dwgs ? Please let me know so I can work accordingly.

I also like Sinc's SSM suggestion but I have no idea how sheet sets works but I will surely look into deep.

Thanks friends for all your help..



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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2006, 05:41:01 PM »

Sorry I don't have time for a long reply, but for now take a look at the CONVERTPSTYLES Command.


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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2006, 10:47:42 AM »
Thanks Steve for your help, I have used that command CONVERTPSTYLES to convert plot styles, but what confuse is what triggers a drawing to have CTB or STB files ? tks


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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2006, 02:31:00 PM »
i didn't read through everyones posts completely but as far as the script goes. you can use hurricane or easyscript. here's the one i use some can give you a link to the other.


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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2006, 03:12:40 PM »
Thanks Steve for your help, I have used that command CONVERTPSTYLES to convert plot styles, but what confuse is what triggers a drawing to have CTB or STB files ? tks

Good question.  I *think* that a drawing must have either a CTB or a STB plot style.  The status of which type of style is assigned can be determined by examining the value of the PSTYLEMODE system variable.

I suggest choosing which ever plot table style works best for you ( ctb or stb), then make a plot table file (*.ctb or *stb), and finally assign that plot table to layouts in your template drawings.

 In old drawings, you'll have to manually assign the plot table file via the plot or pagesetup dialogue.  This step can be automated via AutoLISP or VBA.

To make a plot table file, go to the plot dialogue (or pagesetup) and click on the little button to the right of the plot table list.  Follow the prompts which are similar to R14 (if I remember correctly).

Plotting, as you have discovered, has changed tremendously since R14.  There is an steep learning curve, but after a while you'll get the hang of it, if you haven't already. : )


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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2006, 04:14:23 PM »
I am facing a new problem now...I created .CTB file and test pinted...everything worked fine, but now today I opened other drawing and trying to use same .CTB file it only prints like very light colours (dot matrix style) prints, If I edit line weights it prints think line but still very lighr coloured or grey..some can please help ?



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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2006, 04:35:49 PM »
Also, adding to last note, Yello color from layers in model space changed to Gray colour in paper spce in monitor display...I cant understand why ? Tks in advance


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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2006, 11:50:45 AM »

I have created template file with layout tabs which are ready for print set ups. Now I want to import via lisp these layouts from template file in to approx. 400 drawings, can please some one tell me how can I get list of layout names via lisp function ...basically I want to fill out same attribute information (building name, adress ..etc) in all layouts in dwg..I tried -pagesetupin but it only impoets pagesetups...I want layouts with title block in dwgs..

OR..Is there any other suggesstions so i can do these more faster ?


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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2006, 07:21:40 PM »
Sorry I've been busy and haven't had time to participate.  Anyhow, to get a list of paperspace layout names in the active drawing, you can use the (layoutlist) function.

For importing  pagesetups, I always use something like: (command "-psetupin" "MY-PAGESETUPS.DWT" "PAGESETUPNAME").  Don't know why "-psetupin" doesn't work for you however.  Which leads me to believe that I don't understand your programming problem.  I know it's not easy, but If you could rewrite your question so that it is clear what you want to do, and post it in theSwamp's AutoLISP forum, you'll find lots of help I'm sure.


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Re: Help on Paper Space and Title Blocks (Migrating from 14 to 2006)
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2006, 11:17:08 AM »
Thank Steve,

Command: -psetupin is working for me and I have wrote a simple LISP program to import various pagesetups from my template files in to active dwgs by running a script file. Tks a lot, you guys are great help !!!! Thank you again...
