Author Topic: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?  (Read 7139 times)

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My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« on: January 23, 2006, 03:03:45 PM »
Here is a loaded question . . . any of you following the latest thread in Land Lubber have an idea regarding my thoughts on the subject, but I would like some additional input from others facing similar problems.
- The Scenario -

You come into work one morning and load up the project you left just last night.  You are immediately bombarded with error mesages with an end result being you won't be starting work very soon if you have to use this machine.  Your previously operating installation of AutoCAD either barely functions with none of the features you need or it won't open at all.  As normal, you are on a tight schedule and there is no time to be wasted on a balking computer.

- The Question -

What is your best course of action?
1) Reinstall AutoCAD and possibly Windows as well in hopes the problem will just go away?
2) Take a set amount of time to to diagnose the problem and if that fails see Selection 1?
3) Shut down that computer just the way it is and find ANY other computer available to work on until break, lunch or quitting time and then see Selection 2?
4) Any other ideas the rest of The Swamp can come up with?



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Re: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2006, 03:17:33 PM »
Good topic!

I would have to suggest starting with #2, then to decide whether option #1 would be quick enough to go ahead with.  Otherwise, I'd go to option #3 and revert back to #1 when time isn't such an issue.  I believe that Option #1 is ultimately necessary, but you would figure that out in step #1 (which is option #2)



Does that make sense?


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Re: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2006, 03:18:10 PM »
Normally, I start by restarting the computer and making sure the darn server is on too, in case all your custom tools and standards are loaded on the server.  Sorry, it's just that sometimes people forget to restart, first. 

If I still have problems, I check to see if other machines have similar problems.  Then if they do, it could be a problem on my server.  If not, then I know it's that specific machine. 

Restart the darn thing again and pray.  Sometimes this works.  if not, then see if on XP, you can go back to the last clean install (back up everything else). 
If no XP, then you probably have to reinstall again.  But if you have profiles, then once you have autocad up and running the rest of your configuration can be done with your profile. 

If everyone has the same problem, then either your network or server is on the fritz.  That's another problem. 
Not sure if I was helpful.  I'll apologise ahead of time if not. 

Chuck Gabriel

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Re: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2006, 03:20:09 PM »
The following seems like a fairly reasonable course of action.

1) Check to make sure that the network connection is working.

2) Make sure all required support files are present, and the AutoCAD support paths haven't been changed.

3) Reboot

4) Google the problem

5) Try reversing any recent configuration changes.

6) Reinstall AutoCAD

7) Completely remove AutoCAD including any leftover folders and registry entries and reinstall.

8 ) Try to find an temporary workstation and plan to reinstall the OS and applications.  In the mean time, spend all my free time researching the error from every possible angle.

9) Find a new line of work. :D


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Re: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2006, 03:32:20 PM »
I will clarify this a bit . . . This is a hypothetical question.  I am not facing this problem, only trying to help out a fellow swamper who is in the shop so to speak.  It has been found that a few weeks back, a problem identical to his current one occurred on a different computer and the company's response to the problem has prompted this question.

M-dub - yes it does make sense - quite frightening by the way.

glee - It sounds like you would for selection two as well.

chuck - you have just hit one of our problems . . . There has been a reformat and re installation.  How does one do research on an installation that no longer exists?


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Re: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2006, 03:43:50 PM »
Ok.  Yup selection 2 first. 
Some firms don't have spare computers lying around, so if one goes down, that person is out of luck. 
Besides with 2, if a similar problems pops up again on another machine, you theoretically have found the problem and know how to deal with it.  Especially in the case of a machine that just got infected.  Find the cause, track it back and hopefully maybe stop it from happening again??  Whatever the problem. 

Once you reformat and reinstall, I don't think there are any tracks left.  I know there are some people who can dig up data from a reformatted disk but for something like this, would all that effort be needed?

We once had a problem like that where we did all the above.  Had the machine humming along and all.  Then it died.  Turned out, one of the hard drives was going wonky or was it the power supply? I forget.  Been awhile. 

Chuck Gabriel

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Re: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2006, 03:46:35 PM »
chuck - you have just hit one of our problems . . . There has been a reformat and re installation.  How does one do research on an installation that no longer exists?

You can't.  Once you have made the decision that you will reformat, you start doing the research on your own time, in the desperate hope that you will be able to avoid the inevitable.  If you still come up empty after what you consider to be a reasonable amount of time, you proceed with the doomsday option.

The problem is, in most offices you probably don't have unlimited time to solve the problem, so you are forced to go with a sub-optimal solution.


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Re: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2006, 11:05:23 PM »
I can agree with you Chuck - kind of - for the most part - it is a gamble on your part that all can and will be solved with the start over from scratch and the odds ARE pretty fair that the problem will be solved at least with "vanilla" AutoCAD.  Should the unthinkable happen though, and the problem persists or reoccurs even after you have nuked your hard drive, you are back where you started with a net loss of all that time restoring your installation.  Even worse, you know absolutely nothing yet about what is going on except there is a darned good chance it will keep happening until you find the answer.

The "vertical applications" such as LDD, C3D, and ADT are becoming dependent on other programs such as MS Office to do all of its functions.  Unfortunately, not all versions of The AutoCAD apps play nicely with the various versions of the supporting software.  You can not even depend on the newest MS Office to be completely compatible with any version of LDD and what LDD really wants is to have Access '97 available for all of its database functions.  2004 through 2006 will tolerate Office XP when it is using it, but woe be unto the poor tech who opens up an mdb file to take a peek and alters something or saves it using anything other than Access '97.

We are also finding more complex search paths with each release and increasingly, paths to certain data is being hard coded.  If a location is changed the program can be instantly be rendered inoperable.

Even with a complete un-install, there are remnants left in various folders and in the registry that can be hiding the cause of any given problem.  There are explicit instructions for removing all of these, but there is a chance some could be missed, especially in the registry where the even few who dare attempt an edit want to get out as quickly as possible.  It is a mass of cryptic file and folder names for most that all seem to look much too similar to be confidently deleting things without taking an uncomfortably long time double checking every move.

In short there are a lot of ways things can go wrong with an installation that are easy to correct but quite difficult to find.  If some time is taken - even if it must be all on your own nickle - to check out everything you can before answering "yes" to the "are your sure" prompt, there is a fair chance you will at least discover the remedy to some future problem if not the current one and you have started building you own knowledge base of troubleshooting your program.

The decision to start from scratch is nothing more than unconditional surrender that destroys any additional chance to discover a real solution.  Sometimes this is a necessary decision, but not one to be taken lightly or in haste.  In my particular shop, surrender is always the preferred solution.  If a problem is reported, one had best have everything saved in a secure location as your station might be in mid format by the time you return to your seat.  Hence, I am doing most of my own troubleshooting these days and avoiding reporting problems whenever possible.


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Re: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2006, 11:19:47 PM »
Ok .. I have had a very similar thing happen ... everything works fine .. then BAM .. nothing works ...well .. ok it starts up, but there are lots of errors and lots of the addon software fails to operate ...

In the end it was the issue I asked about previously ... too many search paths ... AutoCAD failed miserably since it was unable to find anything ... afte removing a few search paths and restarting AutoCAD .. everything is just fine ...
Proud provider of opinion and arrogance since November 22, 2003 at 09:35:31 am
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Re: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2006, 11:35:51 PM »
Thank you, this is an excellent example.  As I recall it took some time for you to solve this problem and in many places there would be some manager checking his watch wondering when you were going to give up and just take the time to reinstall and "get to work".  This turned out to be a very easy fix and if you ever see the same symptoms, this will likely be one of the first things you will check.  The extra time taken to solve this problem will easily be covered with a one minute fix the next time you find too many paths.

Chuck Gabriel

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Re: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2006, 07:58:41 AM »
I can agree with you Chuck - kind of - for the most part ...

I think we are pretty much on the same page.  I may be just a hair more willing to pull the trigger, but it is definitely a last resort and rarely actually required.


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Re: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2006, 09:00:21 AM »
We are probably in even closer agreement than you think.  There are times when it is apparent quite quickly that there will be no chance of a full diagnostic due to time constraints, no alternate computer or a problem that is just too massive to tackle.  Those are the times to hold your nose, push the button and get on with it.

Even then, there are things that can be done to make sure you will not be looking at the same problem with a fresh install.  You should still be in full diagnostic mode all the way through the process of restoring the work station.  I will test each program in its out of the box state before loading anything else.  Likewise, each customization should be evaluated as it is added after all of the programs are stable.  This will again take extra time as opposed to just dumping everything back on.  You must remember that you never really solved that problem; at best you blew it away, hopefully for good.


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Re: My AutoCAD Has Suddenly Stopped Working - What do I do Now?
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2006, 10:01:35 AM »
throw your arms in the air and scream "aghhh! now i have to spend the day on the swamp figuring out what went wrong"