Author Topic: Anyone here use IronPython?  (Read 1324 times)

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  • Newt
  • Posts: 199
Anyone here use IronPython?
« on: December 30, 2020, 04:56:31 PM »
Anyone could share their pros and cons? If possible share samples or their experience using it in ACA AMEP or Revit?


  • King Gator
  • Posts: 3666
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Re: Anyone here use IronPython?
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2020, 06:09:25 PM »
I haven't used it with any verticals but I have embedded it into AutoCAD/BricsCAD as a scripting engine and it works fine.
The small downside is that once you do this there is little help from Visual Studio etc regarding debugging etc. It does however give you a stack trace which helps a great deal with syntax and other errors. I'm sure this can be improved with more effort digging into the DLR internals to tease out more features but I don't have time.

You may be able to build plugin dll's in straight IronPython (I think...), and now that Visual Studio has more features for Python it may be a better experience but I haven't looked at this for a long time now.

If you haven't already there's quite a few posts on IronPython form the past that may be of some help, cheers:;params=eJwtzs0KwjAMB_B38eLlf1jTr-0RvPkGY2sDU2YrtSqDPryZDAJJfiQkU_xMKXBs59a1U5vLXhGBoHs4DWegDMhDW1AHpWAxgCQ5OII30AYeqoM1kNkBWoFECUbYwSu4HnaA7-AkFEwPL5sa3sI7Ofpa8ncM-fFcubKc3-k93znUMad1OySXKlXhlf8fHzTGWxGO_Aq78FTCIv2l5HTd6pLTD0JwQ4A.
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