Author Topic: Autolisp access to the SHELL on Mac  (Read 1234 times)

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Autolisp access to the SHELL on Mac
« on: May 29, 2013, 01:06:33 PM »
Hello to All!

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to execute a shell command from within the Autolisp env on a MAC please?

I have written my first Autolisp program and now need to invoke an external program.
It seems there is no SHELL command available. 
I have tried writing to an external file and including the shebang line, then using the OPEN command but it does nothing.

Perhaps it is not possible to access the shell on a Mac?



  • King Gator
  • Posts: 3770
Re: Autolisp access to the SHELL on Mac
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2013, 02:30:54 PM »
I haven't had time to dig through the entire LISP for Mac Developer Documentation, but obviously there are no ActiveX functions provided (i.e., GetOrCreateObject, GetInterfaceObject, etc.), in order to access Shell.

Further, there is no Shell Command for Mac... Perhaps I've overlooked something, someone more knowledgeable than I at AutoCAD for Mac will know of.

Otherwise, it looks like you're relegated to using Terminal manually, whilst waiting for Autodesk to offer a Cocoa, XCode, etc. adaptation to their APIs.
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